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Stop Overthinking Things
  • Is favreau a mod on c/COVID?

  • The state of American politics in 2024
  • i've been calling him r-slur don since day one.

  • France considering Ukraine military deployment – Odessa MP
  • Having NATO soldiers being absolutely decimated, would certainly calm the bloodlust of the Western masses.

    Uh, or it whips the Western decisionmakers into a frenzy and gives pretext for a wider conflict.

  • "Those of us in aerospace know how nonsensical and misinformed the John Barnett conspiracy is..."
  • There's no way defamation damages are worth the reputational and legal risk. And even if they were, Boeing would've moved to kill him earlier then.

  • "Those of us in aerospace know how nonsensical and misinformed the John Barnett conspiracy is..."
  • Again, if they needed him dead to avoid very incriminating facts entering the record, presumably they'd do it before two days of depos.

    Dude was sick and spited Boeing on his way out.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from March 18th to March 24th, 2024 - Ra Ra Rasputin - COTW: Russia
  • Picture of Mark and Jez dressed as SS officers, but I've edited it so they're also in Jazz Singer make up, asking themselves, of course, if they're the baddies.

  • Behind the scenes, Biden has grown angry and anxious about re-election effort
  • In a country that should really be in NATO if they’r had any balls for that matter

    Huh I wonder if Ukraine and the West considered having Ukraine join NATO before the SMO? Did anyone consider that lmao.

  • Behind the scenes, Biden has grown angry and anxious about re-election effort
  • Not to pile on you, but whether or not his domestic efforts are sufficient or at least worth holding ones nose, his treatment of Palestine is disqualifying to anyone w half a brain.

    But apart from the moral question, which you evidently couldn't be bothered by, if it's such an easy choice, why is he polling so badly? It's simple: he's a bad candidate. He's polling dreadfully in what should be another easy Dem win, he's universally seen as being illequipped for the job (humiliations in Afghanistan (frankly one of few his unambiguous Ws), Ukraine, and now Palestine, with the Court, w Texas, ceding the immigration issue to Republicans, cant string two sentences together)-- why are you wasting energy caping for him? The Dems have enough time to replace him. You'd avoid these pitiable indignities.

  • Donald Trump warns of a "bloodbath" if he loses to Joe Biden
  • Running on democracy and against Trump got Dems the best midterms results in modern history, but go off.

  • NSFW
    Pornhub pulls out of Texas.
  • Being able to subject yourself to unlimited pornography is good actually.

  • Denmark to conscript women into armed forces for first time
  • but who will stay home and maintain the household legos?

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from March 11th to March 17th, 2024 - It's Eurover - COTW: Portugal
  • I think a poll had Black men at 20% for Trump. I saw a clip where some talked about the Trump economy being better for them.

    it's gotta be the shoes.

  • HSAs are a scam btw
  • ya i, cleverly or so i thought, squirrelled away enough money this year at the new job to cover me for a years of worth of (weekly? semi-weekly? i probably split the difference) psychotherapy appointments, which it appeared, despite what i think is pretty good health insurance, to require a non-deminimis copayment per appointment. free money, fuck the tax man, fund the the fsa. but, as it turns out, any telehealth behavioral apppointments are actually free on my plan, and i see my therapist by telehealth, so it's all actually free, and so now ive earmarked thousands of dollars for the fsa which i now i have no plan for and only a small fraction will rollover at the end of the year.

    so! will i get in a terrible car accident or be diagnosed with a terrible disease and be able to put that money to good use? or will i just buy the most expensive pair of oliver peoples glasses at the end of year, or buy a room full of diapers in a desperate attempt to prove to my ex i'm now reliable and responsible and good at money and planning (this being an unfortunate exception). time will tell!