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The Holy? bible
  • I guess it seems that way, if you view the Gospels as hearsay rather than eyewitness accounts. Even if you substract the miracles, Jesus is a very inspiring person, even in Mark, the shortest Gospel.

    The Roman authorities could have denied the crucifixion if it didn't happen. Then there's the resurrection, that's difficult to believe, I get it. One has to acknowledge the possibility that a god might exist. It does take a leap of faith.

    It's nonetheless amazing how fast Christianity grew, even before the Edict of Milan. Greek polytheists, like Celsus, were skeptical. He wrote a book called The True Word which contained his objections to the Christian faith. Origen wrote Contra Celsum in 248 AD and addressed every objection. Truly impressive. Greek and Roman polytheists were abandoning their religion en masse because Christianity made so much sense to them. Islam spread through the sword, Christianity by word of mouth. Well at least before the crusades and colonialism, but it started out as a pacifist movement, like Jesus taught. Muslims started their caliphate the moment Mohammed died lol. It's a problem with many "Christians" they don't actually read their Bible. "He who takes the sword shall die by the sword" and there's "turn the other cheek" etc, etc.

    Could it be all made up? Sure. But it could also be true. Jesus died in 33 AD, Mark wrote his Gospel c. 60 AD. That's not a lot of time is it? The 12 were preaching the Gospel orally and then they were getting older so they wrote it down for posterity's sake. And Saul of Tarsus was writing epistles before that. Not too bad huh?

    Idk I guess I have nothing to lose, Jesus is a really cool guy. Did you know that the first person that he appeared to was Mary Magdalene, a woman? Even though female eyewitness testimonies were considered unreliable at the time? Like seriously He is so dope. He was a feminist even before it was cool. That's like a really weird detail if it was all made up.

    But I understand if you're hesitant. So many "Christians" preach hate, even though Jesus told us to love our neighbour, even to pray for those who persecute us. I'm personally disgusted by Steven Anderson, he's such a jerk. Kenneth Copeland obviously doesn't care about Jesus, only money. He worships Mammon lol.

    I finished reading Mark not too long ago. I'm not sure which Gospel to read next. Maybe Matthew? I love Matthew 5. I wish more Christians would read this one. Or maybe I'll read John, idk.

    Anyways man (or woman?) take care. Even if you don't believe in God, I wish you well. May you find peace and happiness in your life. This is the part where I would say God bless. But maybe it's not a good idea in this case lol. Have a good one mate!

  • The Holy? bible
  • Ughhhhh the begats!!! People back then really cared about genealogies huh? I like Mark's Gospel, short, concise, straight to the point. I found it inspiring even when I was an atheist!

    Matthew and Luke certainly do require more faith of course. But Mark can be enjoyed by anyone.

    Not the biggest fan of the KJV but thanks. I'll check it out :)

  • The Holy? bible
  • Oh man, come on. It's not that bad. The Gospels are an enjoyable read. I also like 1 John, I wish more Christians read this one. But they'd rather behave like Pharisees...

  • What's an experience that is unique to your country of residence?
  • Sexist? When Jesus resurrected, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene. Eyewitness testimony from women was not even seen as reliable at the time. Jesus didn't care, badass feminist. Homophobic? Jesus never condemned the gays, not even once. Or the four Gospels he was never recorded as saying anything remotely homophobic. Racist? Jesus is not even a white European lmao. Plus, people of all nations worship Him.

    White American fundamentalists, they offer you religion. If you wanna find Jesus, he's in the Bible. If you seek Him, you will find Him. God bless 🙏🏻

  • What's an experience that is unique to your country of residence?
  • God is everywhere. Surely priests/monks and mullahs and gurus, etc, etc. twist things cuz they want your money. But you at least believe in God right? Who else could have caused the Big Bang? There's always cause and effect!

  • Teach the children.
  • Very sad that you think this way. You must have never read 1 John. Those hateful Christians are disgusting and they're leading people astray. As I mentioned already, they're wolves in sheep's clothing. They're not good people. Find me ONE verse where Jesus (not Paul) says gay sex is sin, or that women are to stay silent. If that's the case, it is a hate book. Maybe you'll find something. I'm willing to change my mind.

  • Teach the children.
  • Exactly. This is why I follow Christ and not "Christians" those people just give Jesus a bad rep. If only they read the Gospels and took them to heart. If only they obeyed Jesus' commandments. A false Christian is worse than a moral atheist. By a huge margin, or as New Yorkers would say, YUGE. I know finding a true church is gonna be hard (I returned to Christ last month) but I trust the Holy Ghost will guide me.

  • Teach the children.
  • Hehe I got 27 downvotes even though it was kinda tongue in cheek. The problem is not Jesus. The problem is Paul. Most Christians prioritize Paul's letters over what Jesus says.

    I was an atheist for 5+ years but then I read the Gospel of Mark (the first Gospel btw, so from a secular perspective it's more reliable since it's closer to the events described).

    I'd recommend y'all read it with an open mind, worst case scenario you're reading Jewish mythology. But it really could be more than that, you won't know until you read it.

    Paul says some silly things sometimes, he's a bit of a mixed bag. Sure, female literacy rates were lower 2000 years ago but "I don't allow women to teach" or "they should stay silent" really? Obviously Paul was a product of his time.

    Meanwhile in John chapter 8, Jesus forgives an adulterous woman, He doesn't condemn her!!! Very scandalous thing to do in the 1st century. "He who is without sin, cast the first stone". You don't even have to do interpret the text all that much too notice that Jesus was a feminist. But Christians would rather read what Paul wrote rather than... Christ. Hence they are Paulians. Unlike Paul, Jesus never condemns the LGBT, not once. If you're an ex Christian you'll also remember that Jesus didn't actually like the rich all that much, or the religious authorities at the time, the Pharisees. So much hate in this world man, people don't read 1 John 3. How could anyone read that and think "God hates the gays"? They read Paul who never saw Jesus in the flesh rather than John, the beloved disciple.

    Jesus even talks about false Christians in Matthew 7:

    15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

    21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

    Read the Gospels with an open mind and if you're convinced find an LGBT affirming church with female pastors. God loves women and he loves gays. He loves all of us, John 3:16-17. I'm telling you man (or woman) reading the Gospels is awesome. Unlike Paul, everything Jesus says is relevant today. In the unlikely event that you don't find His words and teachings inspiring, at the very least you know what you're rejecting. Fundamentalists Baptists are not Christians. Trumpist "Christians" also completely missed the point.

    Give it some thought "seek and ye shall find..." Jesus never fails to fulfill his promises. The key is reading the Gospels and you'll see the real Jesus. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. God bless you brother/sister. May he grant you happiness and peace of mind :)

  • Teach the children.
  • Seriously man. The religious wars on YouTube. Cause they calmly debate their point of view right? WRONG. And it's the same BS with politics. People are just so angry. And then there's trolls who make things even worse. Like seriously man these mfs need Jesus.

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