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Doesn't it though
  • I feel like our identity both enables us and obliges us to be more thoughtful than the average person, but I only agree with you to the extent that, there are plenty of "allies" who will revoke the identity of our siblings for wrongthink - this is flatly unacceptable. But trans folk aren't beyond reproach, and as a matter of internal policing, I'm pretty down with criticizing my brothers, sisters, siblings in gender-queerness for being overly self serving or disengaged politically.

    with that said, this isn't anything i would trust or feel good empowering cis allies, politically aligned or not, to do. Not their business.

    But the liberals and conservatives in our cohort need their Come To Ishtar moment, and facilitating that is good.

  • Doesn't it though
  • they do? good Lord lmfao.

    so everyone needs to know there are entire classes of trans folk who:

    -simp the military -are liberal or even conservative -very much just want to disappear into a passing gender role of choice and integrate into society completely so they can go back to being thoughtlessly bourgeoise.

    it is, as always, a race and class thing. I'm a working class trans femme and i live and breathe communism, but the idea that we're any more politically reliable than any other group is surely shorn of ignorance. There are large contingents of middle class, middle aged, white transfemmes who look at you funny and disinvite you to their functions if you talk about redistributing wealth or abolishing the police

  • I'm getting into Death Stranding years late
  • i bit the bullet and tried this, and the resultant discovery that BB is a badass and that hyper jumps are amazing has sold me completely. I also got the upgraded stabilizer, so grenade pockets are back on the menu

  • The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden: The president’s mental decline was like a dark family secret for many elite supporters
  • You've actually inspired me now i wanna write joe biden lovecraft fiction

    i'm also an okay artist i bet i could whip up a plastique joe biden with like eyes bubbling out of waxy sheen funerary skin

    hmm i might do both

  • I'm getting into Death Stranding years late
  • I have to agree with some caveats. I wish screens pertaining to performance eval and stuff were a bit denser, and I feel like i really would've liked some interface options for manually managing cargo that wasn't just "drop and pick up in the order I want, auto-sort, or fuck myself"

  • I'm getting into Death Stranding years late
  • I feel like I have to emphasize that while this game is awesome, i feel like any given screenshot and even certain sequences in the game will misrepresent just exactly what kind of game this is.

    It's a logistics game with an action coat of paint and some cosmic horror themes. It is not an action game strictly speaking. There is a lot of walking around, picking up resources, building stuff, delivering stuff, and there is only some amount of shooting things and being a punchman gunboi

  • I'm getting into Death Stranding years late
  • I'm sorry but i will die before i sacrifice my grenade pockets

    i wanna try it though, maybe later

  • I'm getting into Death Stranding years late

    First of all, I wasn't really a big kojima gal? I had played the first and a bit of the fifth MGS until earlier this year, where i finally finished MGS V

    i realized it is an extremely precient and political game, and I think i like kojima's brand of crazy.

    So then I read about death stranding. I saw the promo footage years ago, and it followed that cutscene where Deadman finds himself on that combat beach, and I assumed it was more action heavy bs that I was growing out of (hormones change your tastes what can i say), so i completely ignored it until i grabbed it on a whim recently

    and anyway, WOW! so I fucking love this game. Everything is so weird. Astrology and esoterica are canon, everything is a fucking insane metaphor for something else, the world has been utterly bent the fuck over by cataclysm, and you're just a dude out there with your artificial womb, making deliveries and linking up the remnants of humanity.

    I love the vibe of these little communities and holdout preppers coming together, sharing what they have to move forward into a post-cataclysmic future. I love all the stupid shit with Lockne & Malingen, I love the bridge babies, i love that one of the most potent weapons in the game is made by running around until you're so tired you piss blood, and that bloody piss gets turned into a grenade. I love having weaponized body fluids. This shit owns.

    I'm not even sure death stranding 2 can live up to this.

    also the multiplayer features can be a bit much (I have it set up to log in offline and to not automatically share structures because people will just spam structures in the most annoying fucking places, but they're also awesome.

    I love how much cooperation and community effort is the front and foremost thing, to the point it's literally one of the stats the game tracks.

    Sorry, I needed to gush about how rad this game is, years after its heyday

    edit: Also if anybody is currently playing and wants to form strand contracts, i'm on the Steam PC version. I'd rather see like, specific people's stuff in my game world than like, random people's.

    Right now i use strand contracts with inactive friends to sort of make it less likely i get six bridges in a forest when i go online, but i'd actually enjoy building the world map out with some people. Not gonna put my steam id out in public though, pm me for all that

    it's all fake right like votes and candidates dont actually map onto policy or law changes federally right

    a caveat that maybe state and municipal government is still somewhat democratically functional, like at that low level enough of the day to day of administering people's lives is delegated to actual democratic authority maybe

    but then i look at stuff like the debate (i didn't actually watch the debate i respect myself too much) and i look at how stuff happens and how it like doesn't seem to matter at all who is in power for the average person. Like it's pretty obvious that there is corporate and wealth buy-in for domestic policy, and think tanks and stuff that set a social agenda to some degree, and I guess the democratic apparatus serves to enable that buy-in, but on the federal level it really feels like voting happens at all merely to provide a democratic legitimacy to stuff that's actually decided entirely by unelected bureaucrats and moneyed interests that are either employed by the state or privately, right?

    everything connected to voting is there to give social consent right? if you vote you assent to the legitimacy of the government - and this is like, its sole function? because if not enough people did that, and people actually didn't believe in the legitimacy of the government, there might actually be a problem I guess?

    Like how can we think it actually matters which of these guys [the goo brain prez candidates] ends up elected from the pov of an average person? womens and queer rights are dissolving before our eyes regardless in most places, labor rights movements get stomped the fuck out the second they start to do anything interesting, and the few state bastions of safety come from the fact that local governments still sometimes represent citizen priority in some limited sense.

    like foreign policy is gonna be the exact same in most cases, like there's no voting mechanism that will end the genocide in gaza - there's no mechanism to get the MIC to stop bombing random places and sending demonic spec ops raids wherever, nor will the steady stream of funds that go into toppling any government that so much as hesitates in its fealty to the us - so ideas that democracy is the answer is meaningfuly deluded, right?

    federal politics feels like a really boring kind of WWE thing where the stage are national elections and their personalities and horse races, the kayfabe is the idea that a vote translates into anything meaningful other than the governed consenting to the process, whereas WWE's actual function as entertainment and a RNC pipeline is somewhat obvious, liberals are an entire class of people who actually stake their identity on its sincere legitimacy.

    I know this post is long and probably sucks, but this all reeks to me and I'm so tired of seeing people care when the actual options for positive change are narrow, unpleasant, and sometimes illegal to voice.

    I want people to disengage, start building parallel structures and outright refusing to live as if this farce is legitimate and even if i'm wrong about the particulars, that feels unreproachably noble and needed.

    I will never fall into the trap of hating younger generations.
  • they really need to discover electric guitars. [non country] guitar music was the glue of our society and now that guitars are largely irrelevant in popular music, everything has gone to shit. it's no coincidence. ZOOMERS: PICK UP A STRAT AND START CHUGGA-ING

  • 62 Democrats Join 207 Republicans in Vote to Conceal Gaza Death Toll
  • Anybody propping up israel in word or deed should be destroyed

  • There's some new icons in the world of adult animated comedy
  • I think I realized how much these cartoons sucked when they left my life and absolutely nothing got worse, and I didn't feel as though I was diminished for their absence.

    My partner really doesn't like most pop culture, and especially early in our relationship, we were sharing spaces intended for a single person - single rooms in an apartment and stuff - so we had to agree on a lot of what we consumed - it meant my "adult" cartoons and shit fell to the wayside. South Park, American Dad, that kind of pablum.

    Once we got enough space back that i found myself able to more comfortably revisit this stuff, it never really landed again. It felt irrelevant. It felt shitty. It felt, at times unkind, but really mostly just irrelevant. Most of them have the voice of the older men who make them - a viewpoint I no longer share nor aspire to - and It's just like... each episode is 20 minutes of my life I could have spent reading, or doing literally anything more interesting.

    The X shit is gonna be one, maybe two seasons of garbage nobody asked for - just another sign of the rising irrelevance of gen x probably.

    For me, I was watching this shit out of some kind of inertia - it was how I had always filled my time, from the earliest days when sneaking south park was a subversive act against my parents - till those early days realizing my partner's happiness was more important to me than continuing to watch them - I bet anyone still attached to these garbage shows would have a similar experience if they had a similar extended break. It's just so non-essential.

  • The tech bros truly inhabit different world
  • Unless these morons are hiding an honest to god AGI in their back pocket, they're fully insane, and it's boring at this point.

    Even if they do, it's probably a mechanical turk somehow. I don't believe these dunces capable of making an actual gestalt organism

  • Story's of dudes who were creeps to women you guys know?
  • I was in love with this girl for a bit in highschool. I'm kinda glad i was too fucked up to really land a relationship, there was a fleeting moment when I might've had something with her, but my Gender shit was out of control dysfunctional back then, and any romantic partner I might've landed would've been dealing with that directly, and I was just too immature besides. I wasn't the creep though.

    Instead I became a fairly close friend to her, and got to watch her boyfriend at the time gaslight and mentally abuse her. It escalated to it inducing an attempted suicide that landed her in the hospital for several months and almost delayed her graduation. She tried to leave him, and he wouldn't let her. It got around he had a sadist streak in his intimacy as well, which was actively making things worse for my friend.

    It escalated to a point where several nobodies in particular who considered her a friend, and boyfriends of said - felt they had no real choice but to have him go nowhere in particular under the guise of hanging out, where he was given a very, very clear message about what he was to do, and how he was to comport himself - away from her, forever - lest really interesting things happen to him.

    He wasn't dumb, he listened, and fucked off. As far as I know he grew the fuck up and has a functional family now - quite the turn around i guess, i'm glad he was smart enough to go down a road where that was possible.

  • DuckDuckGo is serving AI garbage now
  • What kind of violence is theoretically possible against ai infrastructure right now, asking for myself

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • This weirdo seems like the wrong kind of person to have any power, no matter how insignificant, invested into them.

    call me crazy

  • [AI grift cringe] Nvidia releases Project G-Assist, an AI assistant that takes that pesky exploration and problem solving out of your games!
  • This AI shit sucks and the fact that every clown ultimately answerable to a gnostic Archon is running full tilt towards it is depressing and I want it to fail more than I want the sun to rise in the morning.

  • Anyone else feel that their direction in life is more related to being what "they're supposed to do" rather than any conviction or desire to pursue it?
  • I think often about it. To me there's the life that happens to you, and it's not necessarily a life that you want or choose. I think most people accept what life brings them, and are largely passive observers of their life. Its not some innate thing like "NPC" language implies - but I think our society is built on people not being too active in choosing their own destiny. for those of us who have "destinies" and circumstances that are contra to our own desires, there is a dysphoria present.

    Overcoming the inertia of life and the expectations present at every level of lived life isn't easy - at times it demands lurching into uncertainty, danger, and facing the unknown in a way that humans get conditioned to avoid at most costs. But I think I would personally rather die than submit to the mediocrities on offer for my compliance with late capitalism. It's too much of a spiritual death, a soul death, to bear. There is true living and love for life where finding a destiny we can all abide.

    I don't have specific answers, but i know the feeling and i know that comporting myself to the influences of the world as it is fucking sucks and is loser behavior

  • who couldve seen this coming
  • proof to me that democracy is fake and that foreign policy has nothing to do with electoral politics because no elected official actually has meaningful say in what we do abroad

  • RiotDoll RiotDoll [she/her, she/her]

    Woo Fool

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