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Another Trump assassination September 15th, 1:30 p.m. Florida time, at Mar-a-Lago - YouTube

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Apparently, he didn't get that close before he was caught in the bushes at Trump's Mar-a-Lago golf course. Shots were fired, but it might have just been shots between Secret Service and him. The shooter was caught after a camera picked up his license plate after somebody took a picture of his car as he was fleeing.

Capitalist confirms that money and stealing are the only thing you need to be successful Ex-Google CEO says successful AI startups can steal IP and hire lawyers to ‘clean up the mess’

“But if nobody uses your product, it doesn’t matter that you stole all the content.”

Ex-Google CEO says successful AI startups can steal IP and hire lawyers to ‘clean up the mess’

Article title: Ex-Google CEO says successful AI startups can steal IP and hire lawyers to ‘clean up the mess’

Okay, I editorialized the title a bit. Basically, Eric Schmidt said that if you were to build a competitor to TikTok after it gets banned using AI, then you could just steal all of the IP, and if your company was not successful, then nobody really cares. But if your company was successful, then you would have the money to pay off the lawyers to get you out of a jam.

It is a rather obvious acknowledgment that money and success tend to generate more money and success. One can engage in dishonest acts, cheating, stealing IP, etc. as long as they possess the money to hire lawyers to get themselves out of the situation.

They even took down the talk from YouTube because of how bad it looked.

And I thought Musk and Trump were the only one stupid enough to admit the obviously evil shit.

"Wiz", an Israeli military controlled cybersecurity company to be acquired by Google for $23 Billion

A cybersecurity company started by 4 Israeli military officials is going to be potentially acquired by Google for $23 billion.

Anyone that tells you that Israel and America don't collude is either bullshitting you, or incredibly uninformed.

America keeps Israel going, without the USA it would fall instantly due too it's apartheid. Their genocidal military sets them up to be capitalist billionaires.

Remember kids, they don't fight fair. You don't have too either.

A liberal coming to understand that capitalism cannot solve medicine.

It's a personal story and he goes through a bit slow but he does get to the point. Basically capitalism has ruined medicine and the actual ways to solve most medical issues cannot be recommended because they don't make a lot of money.

anyone know what're the "china's internet is disappearing" thing is coming from?

Obvious bullshit is obvious, but i don't have time to track down the source of this. They say every conspiracy theory starts with a grain of truth, but of course it doesn't have too!

Anyone know what three libs are talking about here? A misunderstanding or just a lie?

Biden announces new tariffs on Chinese EVs, semiconductors, solar cells and more
  • Remember boys and girls amd non-binaries, both sides of the American political spectrum will say or do anything to get into power. Once there, they will abandon all previous statements and do whatever the fuck they want.

  • Even liberals are warning USA that China is ahead in EV production now

    (Reposted since this is a better community for this)

    Even the liberals are starting to catch on that China is outpacing the United States in terms of EV production and quality. This is a shot from one liberal to another that they are failing to meet the market demands, and China is doing much better than us.

    This person actually calls out the USA’s protectionist policies and claims that they aren’t here to protect users, but to prevent their car companies from being completely out-competed by China.

    I am so tired of Youtube man, David Zhang's (Falun gong shill) contents keep showing on Youtube
  • I use freetube on desktop and grayjay on mobile.

    Greyjay will also read from multiple sources, like patreon and nebula, and now including Bilibili, which is interesting to see content from. I think they have like a dozen sources that they are compatible with now.

    Both have had constant access to YouTube for over a year now. YouTube likes kicking off those third parties..

    Freetube will fall back to invidious instance(s) if YouTube fails to load. So even if YouTube is messing with them, you get something. You can turn that off if it gives you trouble.

    It's a pain to manage my subscriptions across two different systems. But they both read and write to newpipe subscription streams, So I can export and import between them that way. Oh, and newpipe is another option for mobile. I've had problems with them, they tend to get blocked a lot. But I haven't used them recently, they might be better now.

  • As for people who are politically backward, Communists should not slight or despise them, but should befriend them,unite with them, convince them and encourage them to go forward. -Mao Zedong
  • Okay, just for funsies, I used chatGPT to see if it could come up with a name for that kind of aesthetic. I figured it would come up with something like retrofuturistic communism or something.

    Nope, it just spits back an error. It won't even touch it. It's like nope I saw a Hammer and Sickle and I ain't doing shit about it.

    Other chats still work, and in fact, the chat still works so long as that image isn't in the history.

    It's so fucking obvious that America is repressive. Built straight into our tools. I feel like it took me a while to get to this point, but I totally fucking understand why China has banned Google and anything else that doesn't comply.

    I need a Chinese-made bot that can speak English and actually talk about communism. STAT! Actually, if anybody knows one seriously, I'm happy to try it out. I need to step back into the AI news game. I've been away from it for a while.

  • Chris Hedges show on The Real News has been cancelled because of the critiques of the Democratic Party and Joe Biden
  • Ah yes, just proof positive that if you are any mainstream news media, you have to be influenced by the government.

    No media attention for independents. Can't criticize Gaza. Can't criticize Biden.

    At this point, I don't know if I can trust a media company that actually makes money. Very sad.

  • China builds world's first 20-story robotic vertical farm
  • I'm always suspicious of these tech farms because it costs a lot of electricity to run those LEDs to produce the amount of energy needed for food.

    In America, these would just be used to make more corn that would be used to create biofuels that would be used to run the generators that would be used to run the LEDs. The whole goddamn thing would run at a loss, but a lot of people would make a lot of money in the meantime.

    Oops got mad at capitalism again haha.


    It does seem like they're doing it the right way. Producing foods that they can't normally produce year-round or producing foods that They can't produce much of normally.

    They also talked about using it for starter plants which is a good idea. And I'm sure experiments are much better in a consistent environment like that.

    Woop woop!

  • TankieTube - PeerTube for Marxist-Leninists
  • I might peddle for donations once I work up the courage. Until then it's on my mom's credit card lol.

    Absolutely no disrespect intended because anyone doing work like this is my comrade, but is this a joke?

    I'd be cautious of trusting that things last a long time on here if the above quote is real.

    Otherwise, if needed, I'm sure someone on here (unfortunettely not me atm, I don't have the time, but in the future for sure, yes) could help with costs and maintenance.

  • Americans be like
  • Ehhhhh, kinda.

    Some credit card companies make their information more public.

    Almost all across the board take on-time payment history as their largest contributing factor of the credit score, 35% according to my report. This means that any missed payments on anything will dramatically reduce your credit score. These hits on your score last, I believe, five years.

    Next, at 30%, is only utilizing a small amount of your total credit. Now in such a case, you can get a very low amount of credit and use very little of it. This is fine. But if you're going to use your credit card for actual things, which takes advantage of getting points and bonuses and yada yada, then you need a lot of credit. As someone with a $15,000 limit on one credit card, I am able to keep my credit usage by percentage very low.

    Next, add only 15% of your credit score, which is still big, but not as big as the others, is credit age. 0-2 years is only the starting place. Your credit age is average between three and seven years and it only becomes good when it's over seven years. You can only achieve an excellent in this category with 25 or more years of continuous credit usage. This is by far the absolute hardest part of your credit score to increase. The best way to have a good credit score at a young age like in your 20s is if your parents opened one with you and put you on their good credit score when you were in your teens. This can be very dangerous for people who don't have enough money to pay off their card every month and can spiral you into debt really fast.

    Having $50,000 or more in credit limit is optimal for the highest credit scores. Considering they do income checks when you apply for a credit card, you absolutely will not have a high credit limit on any one card unless you make a lot of money.

    Next and the smallest amount of effect on your credit score is new accounts and recent inquieries. This means you can't go get a bunch of new credit cards all at once, or else your credit score will tank. And if you buy two cars and a house in one year, you should wait a good three years before applying for anything else, less you hit your credit score.

    Sorry for the brain dump. I had experience with this as a liberal and learned a lot about it. Just the high credit limit, old credit age, and low utilization requirements, means that basically anybody who is poor is going to have a hard time getting high credit.

    Mistakes at least do go off your credit history. I actually had defaulted on a loan when I was younger and really fucked things up and my credit score was garbage. But now it is routinely over 800 when I check it, and it's been over 850 when companies have checked it. I got my morgage at 2.4%... Good credit is cheap to maintain once you have some money... But not impossible if you have less. Just really hard.

  • Americans be like
  • Yogthos answer is great, To add more context, and be a bit more negative... the credit score effectively incentivises spending a lot of money and taking out a lot of loans, and by taking out a lot of money and by paying them off, you get better credit, which means only the people who can take on big loans and pay them off get better credit. Basically only rich people have good credit, which means basically only rich people can buy houses and cars and things like that. It perpetuates a cycle for the rich getting richer and the poor staying poor.

    Remember, in America, houses are an investment. You can use them to collect rent and, in general, line should go up, so your investment will gain in value over time on average.

  • Americans be like
  • I am a totally real person who actually has bought land in China and knows that the government is extremely authoritarian.

    And it's against the rules to lie in the internet and you can trust everyone for what they say... Certainly there isn't any evidence of people lying on the internet...

    Thick skulls indeed...

    Go spread your fake conspiracy theory somewhere else, you fucking fascist. People here aren't gonna buy your bullshit lies.

    You don't own the land underneath your feet in America, But in China, at least the land is owned collectively.

    Oh, that's right. In actuality, the government doesn't own the land in China. The people do. The government just manages it for the people. So, in essence, every single person in China actually owns a part of the land they stand on. How interesting. Socialism is a very interesting system, isn't it? And considering 94% of people own a home in China, I think their reputation for land ownership is significantly outpacing the United States reputation for land ownership.

    But as a totally real person who actually bought land in China, you already know these facts, don't you?

  • where can I buy high quality Palistinian flags? And to donate.

    It's time to put my money where my mouth is and buy some flags.

    I don't want to have to support Amazon if i don't have too. But if thats the best way, so be it, recommendations on high quality flags from amywhere welcome.

    I was going to search history, but im mobile atm and I can't find search for posts.

    Also looking for who I can donate to that will actually get supplies on the ground. I knew of one but cannot for the life of me remember the name. Life has pulled me away from politics for awhile, trying to get involved again.

    Thanks for resources comrades.

    Liberals always talk about escaping media bubbles.....

    But when someone finally does, they think they've gone crazy for not agreeing with their politics.

    TLDR less than a year ago I decided to get real serious about researching what communism actually is. Now that I'm a communist (Because doing the real research opened my eyes to a better system than capitalism, and ML seemed to be the best way to go about that), my family is questioning whether I'm like, in a cult or not? I dunno, they aren't saying anything specific, just pushing back hard any time I prove their liberal media bubble lies to them.

    I've opened up a politics channel on our family chat, and every time I post something about media bias, anything questioning the status quo about China, Cuba, or North Korea, it get's scrutinized to the level of a pseudo-journalist combing every "media bias" website looking for any reason whatsoever to prove that my source is wrong (Besides, you know, just actually finding the evidence or anything). Last week a family member shared the NK story about censoring jeans... I did push back, and immediately they caved about the story and pivoted to moving the goal posts with "Well North Korea is just a dictatorship so whatever they say can't be trusted", then when I asked if they knew anything about NK they said "How can we? It's so suppressive they won't tell us anything", which there are resources out there, they are genuinely hard to find, but I ended with "Welp they are opening up soon so you can see for yourself". Not a single one of them knows what a politburo or peoples congress is... I have told them too, they seem to have selective memory sometimes.

    If anyone posts anything from the BBC, CNN, the guardian, whatever, they give a nod and a "true true". But second thought? Nah, that's tankie bullshit, he's biased, can't be trusted... Like guys, WE'VE TALKED ABOUT MEDIA BUBBLES, YOU ARE IN ONE RIGHT NOW, I'M SHOWING YOU, I WAS WITH YOU A YEAR AGO, I GOT OUT, YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO ME.

    It's as if "media bubble" to them meant Fox news, or ONLY conservative news. But they watch the "real news" like NPR, CNN, MSNBC, BBC. So they are fine, it's not their media bubble that was the problem. One of them admits they ONLY READ HEADLINES (Well, 95% headlines anyway), and claim that "reading news is their hobby". Like... dude, you don't read the news, you said it yourself, YOU READ HEADLINES. I sent them Second thoughts video about biased headlines and they're like "But all sources do that". And I'm like "YES THEY DO, PLEASE BE CONSCIOUS OF THIS FACT AS YOU ONLY READ HEADLINES THEN CLAIM YOU KNOW THE STORY FROM IT. AHHHHHHHH I feel like I'm going crazy :( I even tried offering my ground news subscription. I know it's baby steps but I figured they would be interested, no bites yet.

    I can't push too hard or I just won't ever see them again, but at this point, is it worth it? I'm nearing 40 btw, not young. We are all grown adults. I spent so long going through this transition of learning/growing, so I know it's not fast. The older you are, the harder it is to change, especially your biases. But still, I did it, I hoped they would too. Right now they are truly practicing the backlash effect.

    Thanks for listening to my rant comrades. May your propaganda efforts not be in vein!

    Green energy in china: This pretty much wraps up my thoughts on a western liberal perspective of "China is the cause of global warming"

    After finding this yt channel based on a Yogthos post, I went through a couple of their recent videos and I thought this was a good review. I timestamped the part where he goes into green energy/CO2 production.

    Awhile ago I did some semi-deep diving into the energy use of China, as I am trying to gather as much factual based information as possible about all the liberal conspiracy theories about China. This segment pretty much sums up what I found as well.

    1. China has waaaaay more people than the US, so it makes sense their emissions are higher ->as a whole<-- (For example, if china was, like 10 countries, none of them would have high emissions and the US would have no one to pint a finger at)

    2. After taking into account that the average Chinese citizen produces almost half of the emissions of an american, you can ->further<- take into account that most of China's emissions are in manufacturing (In america, it's as much transportation as anything else, in China transpiration is very small by comparison, the video covers that too), and most of those emissions are actually going to foreign lands, mostly Americans and Europeans. After taking this into account I think it reduces China's emissions by at least 20%, and I think that puts the average Chinese person below half the emissions of an american.

    3. The world cannot be sustained if everyone lived like an american. It is a privileged position, and thus, Americas emissions (and history of total emissions) is the reason that other countries are not "allowed" to advance like America has.

    I just thought this was a fantastic review. Send this to any dumb lib online who thinks that China is the cause of global warming. The probably won't watch, but hopefully someone will.

    <rant> Feel like I'm going crazy reading wikipedia for CNN, BBC, Mintpress

    Warning, rant incoming. Not much of substance here, I just gotta vent to like-minded individuals.


    Okay, some background, I'm a new-ish commie who doesn't have as much time as I want to do deep research dives.

    But I've done some.. and I'm getting pissed.

    CNN, BBC, and mintpres, let's talk about them.

    1. I've dove into a couple of articles around conspiracy theories regarding China. Harvesting organs (Literally no evidence, the sources stated don't come close to evidence), and Uyghur forced labor (Dumb libs think that a jobs program after their counter-terrorism education program counts as "forced labor"... Maybe there's more? I can't find real evidence but let me know in the comments if there is anything with evidence I should look into), both of them heavily cited by the BBC.

    2. CNN's Israel propaganda (

    3. Mintpress, never read them, apparently libs hate them (What do you think? Genuinely curious as people here are way more reasonable than anywhere else I spend my time).

    So, what I have is some real evidence that the BBC spreads false conspiracy theory propaganda about China that's pretty easily verifiable. I guess that's why China banned them (Oh, and apparently also because the British government banned CGTN).

    CNN also has the journalistic integrity of... Well, someone defending a genocide... so basically like a Nazi funded newspaper? Bad as it can get.

    Now, I've never read Mintpress, I don't know if they've spread conspiracy theories, who cares. That's not the point here. Let's say they did, let's say Mintpress is all lefty lies and conspiracy propaganda, etc.

    You can check out the wikipedia's articles about them for yourself, suffice to say, they don't mention any of the lies CNN/BBC spread, but literally that's the only thing mentioned in the Mintpress article.

    If wikipedia were 'neutral', they would talk about the bad sides of CNN/BBC as much as Mintpress, as the evidence is clearly there. As well, some neutral information about Mintpress would be nice too. Sure, use it to learn about the chemistry and biology and the class of the flower you just found, cool, but politics? Fucking biased as it gets.

    Like, how can someone with a functioning brain defend this? I guess I used too, but it's just so fucking obvious now. Like, how many times has some 'reputable' news source been caught lying, cheating, or just plain editorializing (I'm guessing that's what mint press does, takes facts and editorializes, that's what everyone does), and nothing is mentioned in wikipedia. How much information is just... oppressed? Damn it, these people call China oppressive, what fucking hypocrites.

    Prolewiki to the rescue! I only wish the articles about CNN/BBC were longer. Maybe when I get more time and do a deep dive I can find time to contribute. I think I have my old references too, just can't find them right now.

    Okay, I'll end with this, a lot of people here write off anything Wikipedia has to say as nonsense, I used to think that was a bit extreme, but now... I guess I just learned for myself how bad it is.

    The worst devices of CES 2024!

    This is a lib source, but iFixit is trying to, within the capitalist system, change things. It won't work, but eh, I at least usually trust them when they say a product sucks.

    These are the worst, irreparable, ad-ridden, who-asked-for-this-garbage, at CES 2024. I bet no one here would buy any of this, or be excited that BMW will come out with ad-glasses for your driving "pleasure", but it's kinda funny (In the so-sad-its-funny-not-funny way) that they are even trying.

    Anyway they have lib answers to this, "contact the ftc", as if they have any fucking teeth, or contact your state legislatures, as if they aren't already paid off... Whatever, they aren't commies but at least it's kind entertaining in a dystopian way.

    Does this video capture nuance about China in a correct way?: Is China Surpassing the U.S. in Public Transit and Infrastructure?

    I'm trying to learn more about modern day China, the recent history of China, and the material conditions and contexts that bring certain things into the popular news media.

    I watch BreakThrough News occasionally, and this video came up today, and from my inexperience it seems to be a decent, neutral look at a small part of China's public infrastructure compared to the U$A, where I am.

    The hosts go back and forth sharing details about cost and goals and some political theory, so I'm interested in the more experience views of people on here. Is there anything that is left out that is important enough to mention? Are there any controversial topics in this video that one might miss if they aren't informed?

    Thanks for helping out a comrade learn!

    Check out the lib rage at r/bonehurtingjuice

    So apparently the mods at bonehurtingjuice decided to protest by becoming a commie sub, but actual commies are now posting and commenting, pushing out all the normal content.

    The reaction is hilarious, if you have time and want to engage with reactionaries, come check out and support our comrades on that sub. Assuming you still have reddit.

    Inside the AI Factory

    A lot of info about AI recently, and it's use of wage-slave labor abroad, and some in North America. I doubt this is news to anyone here, but it's an interesting read none the less by one reporter who did some digging.

    Here is a quote from someone who trains AI in Africa:

    “I really am wasting my life here if I made somebody a billionaire and I’m earning a couple of bucks a week.”

    In solidarity my friend from abroad :( I hope one day my country can be rid of those that bring this bullshit to the world.

    Truly the Libs in America have to be willfully ignorant of their privilege (Irony is obvious) to ignore this stuff.

    Aside: nymag looks to be "normie left" but not communist by any means. Anyone have any reason to hate/like it as a source besides the obvious? I haven't read a lot from it, but this article seemed to be not to bad from a reporting accuracy perspective.

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