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How to separate good from bad friends. G@mer edition.
  • Is it because homophobia or because it's a migraine-inducing aesthetic eyesore?

  • It's dialectical you see
  • Communist Party of Ferngill cadres being confused when I enthusiastically accept the nationalization of Granddad's farm

  • It's dialectical you see
  • Wondering if there's a good, concise book like this which tears apart the myth of private railroad market efficiency in the 19th and 20th centuries (which is a common one Lolberts try to tout).

  • It's dialectical you see
  • Me and my buddy Krobus becoming Co-Chairmen for the Pelican Town Workers' and Farmers' Commune

  • It's dialectical you see
  • That's also something annoying since it (along with the Prairie King) implies the existence of guns when I'm risking my neck against eldritch horrors in Skull Cavern and Ridge Forest with a dinky little sword.

  • It's dialectical you see
  • I used to rationalize this as the two countries preferring not to shit where they eat and duking it out over small tracks of land elsewhere of strategic and economic importance (like an unmentioned archipelago). Then SVE ruined it by adding a Gotoran character (Olivia) who’s worried about her relatives back home.

    Would be nice, if there were a class traitor kulak path, to have an option where you amass large amounts of political-economic power and capital-strike the government into peace but I’m probably putting more thought into something the creator intended to be a cheap Iraq/Afghanistan vet analogue with Kent.

  • It's dialectical you see
  • Counterpoint: Those little bastards made me go to great lengths to get five different varieties of manure for their stupid bundles so fuck em

  • It's dialectical you see

    Original Meme

    TIL, after years of playing Stardew Valley on-off, that Pierre apparently has quite the (well-deserved) hatedom.


    life of a persona 4 fan ✊😔
  • P4R adding the ability to slap and/or romance Yosuke inshallah

  • Anything look good on the Steam Summer Sale?
  • All I'll say is that RE6 is definitely a game for one who's already neck deep in the series as opposed to a relative newcomer who would get a better first impression with RE5 if they're looking for raw action. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Part of RE's charm is that it actually feels like a universe where straight survival horror a la RE1/RE7 and the pure campy John Woo-aping goodness of the CGI movies can coexist. Only that RE6 is weighed down by other things which might get tiring.

    and finally landed back in the crowd-pleasing sweet spot for RE8 (which I absolutely adore and beat like half a dozen times).

    Funny thing is that I actually prefer RE8 to 4 (though I played it first). I would consider close to perfect if it were a good bit longer and didn't kill off the entire villager cast in the first 30 minutes.

    I also enjoyed RE3R, although it's not quite as good as RE2R and a bit on the short side.

    It's a fantastic game on its own merits. Maybe it can get a rerelease pumped full of content someday and people can appreciate it...

  • Anything look good on the Steam Summer Sale?
  • Wolf 2 isn't as good as 1/TNO and TOB but is still fun and worth a playthrough.

  • Anything look good on the Steam Summer Sale?
  • Let's see. Of the ones which haven't been mentioned yet...

    Since Resident Evil hype is up again because the original trilogy just dropped on GOG, I'd recommend the line-up on sale right now on Steam except the one that came after RE5 and before RE7. For games one should start with (in order from "traditional" survival horror to the more action-y titles), RE1 is 5, RE2 is 10, RE7 is 7, and OG RE4 is 5. RE4R is right now discounted to 30.

    Doom 2016 is 5 while Eternal is 10. You've probably heard about them.

    The Wolfenstein reboot games are around 5 a piece and, aside from Youngblood, are all great.

    Command and Conquer Remastered Collection is 6 and is amazing if you don't mind some early 90s RTS jank. You can also get the entire series aside from the RC for just 10.

    Persona 4 Golden is 11 while SMT3 Nocturne is 15. Both are good games to start with for Megaten games.

    Stardew Valley is 8 and I've been revisiting it lately (owned it since it first dropped).

    System Shock 1 EE is 2.50 while 2 is 5. The remake for 1 is 17.

  • They wasted no time lmao

    OOTL: Protests happen outside of synagogues holding sale of stolen Palestinian land. MSM outlets, right and “left”, react predictably. This was under a post pointing it out.

    On the ad itself, I can’t help but wonder what goes through the hollow skull of a thin-blue-like MAGA hog who thinks the Jews George Soros is funding “antisemitism” while also controlling the Democrats bending over backwards for Israel because… reasons.

  • Another indie slam lea-bounce However...

    I've seen people say "It's in EA but it's good enough to be considered a full game" but idk about that. It's obvious once you reach the end of EP1 that it's only just the beginning.

    That said, it's polished af and an absolute blast to play as it is now, and the devs will release things in chunks until its eventual release in 2025/26 so you won't regret it either way. I think there will be a content update this week or next actually.

  • Average “special forces enthusiast”
    1. You are a misanthrope whose lack of faith in humanity makes you think hierarchies must be maintained lest the plebs ruin everything. Not that this is mutually exclusive at all, ofc.

    There is some tragedy in how the crux of anticommunism (in particular for working class anticommunists) is the mindset that it will always be hammers-and-nails; hence the assumption that communists are either cynical, envious tyrants-in-waiting who don't mean a word they say or the gullible, feeble-minded fools who follow them.

  • Doing praxis in the middle of a warzone rn. What's your excuse, comrades?

    !iww !big-bill !malcolm-checks

    For those of you who have been hearing about Selaco for the past few weeks: yes, it's as good as people keep saying it is, though YMMV since it's very much tailored towards people who like 90s/00s shooters and immersive sims (and modern indie games in the same vein). That said, it's oozing inspiration from other games like through atmosphere and music (Halo ODST, Resident Evil, etc), which all fit its somber tone relative to the usual boomer shooter fare.

    I could also say it plays like a more agile Wolfenstein TNO with ImSim elements which hits all the right notes for me.

    happy birthday solider
  • Walter White destroyed

  • Thinking about anime adaptations today, the good and bad. What's your favorite anime video game and what's your most hated?
  • I remember that one Yugioh TBS game (Capsule Coliseum pretty sure) which I used to love as a kid even if I couldn't understand the mechanics and just winged it. Aside from that... can't think of anything else, except the inverted case (games that were later given anime adaptations).

  • better to be happy than conform :))
  • Futaba not even one month into moving out: society

  • Dude from Finland, an axis participant in the Eastern front, claims Russians committed “one of the worst massacres”. Replies are somehow worse.
  • Finnish liberals will tell themselves that Mannerheim mandating summary execution orders during the civil war was a "necessary evil" whereas Lenin is painted as the devil incarnate for less questionable acts.

  • Nikki Haley writes ‘Finish Them!’ on Israeli bomb bound for Gaza
  • Yeah that’s what I’m getting at. It doesn’t sit right with me that someone can be so brazenly monstrous and “only“ get a life sentence in a relatively comfortable cell (which I’m otherwise fine with since rehabilitation centers shouldn’t be hell on earth).

    That said, being in a cell til you die might be considered a fate worse than death depending on the person so…

  • Dude from Finland, an axis participant in the Eastern front, claims Russians committed “one of the worst massacres”. Replies are somehow worse.

    There are few beings as Hitler particle dense as a Finnish or Eastern European NAFOid who bemoans Ruzzian imperialism but firmly aligns with NATO and Israel. Also includes current “pro-democracy” Georgians.

    If you hate your mental health

    smoothest brain
  • All the more smooth to reflect light centrist

  • Hubris is intoxicating

    To be clear, Western liberals asking their governments to blockade or outright militarily intervene against Israel are very naive (even if their hearts are in the right place), but the Zionist posts I've seen in response to that trend are something else entirely. I don't think even South Africa and its supporters pre-Cuito Cuanavale were self-deluded enough to think they could survive being blockaded (much less hit by NATO strikes a la Yugoslavia).

    I guess we're going to be seeing a lot more Endsieg posting as Israel pushes the envelope further.

    Biden cheerleaders really out here winning hearts and minds in time for the election

    Genius move trying to deflect blame to the guy Biden is willing to pit the "free world" against the ICC for, after sending him weapons in bulk every other day.

    Fr, I'm wondering if Blue Dog liberals will ever come to understand that treating the people they are trying to "win over" like imbeciles who don't have access to a 24/7 news stream through the tiny computer in their pocket isn't "the strategy".

    When supporters of le genocidal settler colony… are reactionary?

    Sure is a wonder why Israel has so many friends from the likes of Bolsonaro and Milei supporters.

    Inb4 liberal Zionists find the tweet and talk about how Israel is a pluralistic liberal democracy which needs to let the “right fringe” (ie. The Israeli Overton window) have a voice and that extends to all its overseas supporters.

    Uhhh, wanna run that by me again, von Esling?

    It's funny to me how even in this game (Red Alert 1) where they portray the Soviets as back-stabbing, baby-gassing monsters using everything in le old Black Book and then some, they still can't get me to root for the Allies as anything other than a marginally lesser evil. Guess this line supports that.

    “Oh no, big bad Georgian mustache man is going to oppress the poor underdog Europeans? How horrible! Say, what’s going on in the rest of the world in 1950

    Gaslighting comes as easy as breathing to Zionists

    “All of these countries are ethnostates! Why can’t we have one? Because we’re Jewish?”

    “Because genocide.”

    “Point being?”

    "Left-wing Jew" (Zionist just to the Left of Ben-Gvir), seven months into genocide, declares that protests have tipped him into being more a more honest zionist

    Sure is interesting how someone with supposedly left-wing views has the exact same suppositions and assumptions about the "conflict" as a West Bank settler.

    Palestinians rallying behind Hamas and the October 7th attack is damning evidence of them all being jew-hating religious fanatics who want to declare sharia; same thing with any protestors who may sympathize. Nothing on the status quo before, nothing on the current genocide the IDF has been carrying out with utmost glee and shamelessness, nothing about the impending humanitarian crisis to result from a Rafah invasion (even worse than the one happening now), nothing about the current leadership of Israel making their intentions clear, nothing (honest) about the current protests beyond some bad attempts at gaslighting them into being "antisemitic" ("someone said settlers should go back where they came from, the horror!"). Just crocodile tears to excuse themselves into getting on the same side of the barricade as Joe Biden, Netanyahu, and the "Back the Blue" MAGAts.

    Beware the "moderate", folks. !malcolm-checks


    Looking for game recommendations (mods count) for either running or working for a socialist society closer to the "ground level" as opposed to top-down

    By ground level, I mean games where the scope is of people on the ground (either an individual PC or party) rather than playing as an abstract nation or political party like in a grand strategy game. So nothing Paradox- or Kremlingames-related (though, Victoria 3 including little things like pop info is a nice touch).

    At first, Fallout 4 seemed to fit the bill with its settlement system but it's still very much within the bounds of capitalism and private property no matter how much I like to think the Minutemen are actually communalists or whatever.

    Zionists justifying a pogrom committed on a village by claiming the victims kidnapped a child. No, seriously.

    For a group of people shamelessly crying “blood libel” every time you criticize Israel or Israelis, it’s fucking rich of them to miss the irony in this.

    Forgot to share

    Many enigmatic wonders go through the mind of one who supports Israel and Ukraine

    Also admitting that you’d side against WWII partisans who killed German settlers (as had happened in the Zamość uprising among many other instances) as well as ANC-associated militias who attacked Apartheid government workers and Boer “farmers” is not having you beat the Hitlerite allegations any time soon.

    Especially funny when you go down his own thread and see him bend over backwards to try to defend himself, like saying Ukrainians can have their own October 7th as a treat because it’s “proportionate”.

    Tinto Talks #4 - March 20th, 2024 (Totally-Definitely-Not-EUV) Tinto Talks #4 - March 20th, 2024

    Welcome to the fourth iteration of Tinto Talks! Today we’ll give you an overview of the different mechanics of the Government part of the game. There will be development diaries going into much more detail for these later on. First of all, we...

    > Game starts in 1337 instead of 1444

    Pre-Aztec Mexico !lets-fucking-go

    Fake country, fake supporters

    This is the post these comments are on lmao. Really is just making an algorithm that spams every pro-Palestine post with the word Gaza with this dumb response.

    Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance - Announce Trailer | NSW, PS4/5, Xbox Series One, X|S, Steam, PC

    For the first time, I know what it's like to get an Atlus game (albeit on sale) only for the updated re-release to be announced not too long after !agony-turbo

    Destiny in 1943: “It’s not genocide, it’s just war (on international Jewry)”

    “It shows”

    “There is no evidence of Israel doing that”


    I can’t help but wonder if he deep down understands what he’s saying is a load of crap and if he’s aware that he’s just running damage control for Western Liberalism and this rotten world order it’s built for for its own sake. People will be fooled if they want to be fooled, and liberals who want to pretend that their ideology isn’t sustained by the blood of thousands of children in the global periphery will grasp at anything, no matter how weak. Especially true for streamer grift artists whose personal brand depends on it (something something “you can’t convince someone if their paycheck depends on their ignorance)

    There’a no link since I just grabbed this screen, but it looks like he deleted/hid it lol

    Chicago endorses Gaza ceasefire thanks to Mayor Brandon Johnson's tie-breaker. Pro-Israel Conservatives react predictably

    Damn, I wonder why there's such a large overlap between "tough on crime" right-wingers who like to talk shit about a city they think the [redacted]s ruined and people who support what the IDF is doing. Sure is a mystery. Also, taking bets before how long they try to include Johnson as one of their targets in the latest DEI outrage grift.

    !acab !isntrael

    Here's a link to the BT news post about it
