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This is your brain on cishet
  • lmao I didn't got to that part

  • This is your brain on cishet
    • Swimmer
    • Wrestler
    • Bodybuilder
    • Boy scout
    • Roman Catholic Parochial system

    This is the gayest biography if there ever was one.

  • Okay
  • It's bri'ish electoralism theatrics, none.

  • Okay
  • British morning talk show with most tattoed lady and most slimy dipshit

  • You larpers keep telling people that genociders are bad. You achieve nothing. Vote blue save democracy. 🥺
  • Absolutely true, yet consider it's not a good idea to organize violent things over the internet.

  • Word
  • Wait until you hear about Old England

  • A bit late meme
  • Never got to any of those

  • NSFW
    N V R C U M
  • as someone who ejaculates white

    Cum less often, problem solved

  • Okay
  • two


  • Okay
  • heavy metal poisoning?

  • liberals.jpeg
  • California delenda est

  • Y'all never gonna believe who the new victim of Havana Syndrome is!
  • Havana couple billion beta amyloid plaques in tha brain grillman

  • Last night I found out you can actually make fonts using Inkscape
  • I did a Masters Of Reality like font in it a thousands years ago and lost the file

  • He's just a little guy
  • I love it

  • We're boned
  • So when does Netanyahu calls him?

  • Is Geralt from The Witcher 3 a weenie?
  • The whole universe reeks with liberalism

  • Is Geralt from The Witcher 3 a weenie?
  • The two first books of short stories were for moments fine and for moments sucked immensely and the timeline was all fucked and weird but eh want to know the lore

    Blood of Elves seemed very nice at first cuz the dude finally dropped the short story format

    Ooh and the Dol Blatana short story, that shit was so fucking awful. And Blood of Elves seems like in yhe same vein so that's why I dropped, right after Triss got diarrhea

  • Imagine a Looking Good Susan meme with Reagan and Biden saying "I have severe dementia" but Susan calling the police on Biden. Smdh at society
  • True, that's probably why is funny to hijack it, cuz the original was so cringe. Same reason Loss meme is a thing

  • RNAi RNAi [he/him]
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