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Bulletins and News Discussion from July 15th to July 21st, 2024 - It's Joever
  • Do we have actual information about these ships? Does Ansar Allah publish the information about why they are targeted? I believe they used to do that.

    The libs are salivating because one ship was allegedly carrying vegetable oil from Russia to China and the other one was apparently carrying Russian oil somewhere...

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 3rd to June 9th, 2024 - Morena Reigns More - COTW: Mexico
  • I am very happy that Yanis Varoufakis, who would probably get called a lib here, straight out said “I do NOT condemn Hamas” and got promptly banned in Germany.

    So I wonder, what kind of communists are these CPUSA people?

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 29th to May 5th, 2024 - Césaire's Boomerang - COTW: United States
  • I was watching Mearsheimer at Piers Morgan (I know) the other day and he was criticizing and blaming the US for massive war crimes of intentionally targeting and killing Japanese civilians in WW2.

    Piers asks for an example of an army that didn’t target civilians when faced with existential threat and Mearsheimer responds with, and I kid you not, Red Army and the Soviet Union.

    I guess it’s “comrade Mearsheimer” now?

    From about 28:00…

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 1st to April 7th, 2024 - The Heydey of Juche - COTW: Democratic People's Republic of Korea
  • Ah, so the US says "free market" competition is bad now. It's like the "free market" thing, thrown around by the Collective West for all these decades, and even enforced by brutal methods, was a total scam all along. I am totally shocked...

    Also it's totally fine for a white American to fly way over there, to lecture the Chyneese how they are doing "the economy" wrong, while China is outperforming the entire G7...totally acceptable. I swear to god, how the Chinese can go through this, without just returning her head in a box to White House, Shogun style, is amazing in itself.

  • Does anyone else never dream?
  • I believe that's perfectly normal.

    I've read a scientific piece which claimed that actually everyone has dreams regularly. It's just that you normally don't remember them. Sometimes, if you are waken up at a particular moment, you might remember them, but otherwise you would not. So it's nothing to worry about at least...

    On the other hand, I had a date once, who claimed she actually lives an actual 2nd life in her dream world, every single night, and remembers absolutely everything about it. Now that is something unusual...but she was also...let's just say "unusual" in her 1st life, so who knows what was going on there...

  • Chinese Economy Collapsing
  • Yeah look at the numbers why don’t you. IMF you are using predicts G7 will do far worse than China. In fact the forecast for the US in 2024 is just 1%.

    So you might have made a point about global slowdown where China is still outperforming everyone, but you chose something else…

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