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Japanese man saves for early retirement by eating extremely simple meals for 21 years
  • Now Little Johnnie can build his own apartment in New York City out of Galvanized Steel Frames, Eco Friendly Wood Veneers and Screws he Borrowed from His Auntie.

  • Is there anyone who think about gay sex for no reason more than proudly straight conservatives?
  • The carnivore diet didnt help hes probably deficient on a lot of stuff

  • I really dislike Ana from the young turks at this point.
  • I hope her house gets buried in a mudslide with her inside and she spends an agonizing 17 days trapped inside her increasingly smaller and collapsing house.

  • I really dislike Ana from the young turks at this point.
  • Yeah shes awful and sucks more than ever.

    Especially when she talks shit about Hasan just because shes bitter and jealous his career is now bigger than her dead end job of being an online clickbait video blogger

  • [CW: doomerism, possible violence] So what happens now?
  • Trump’s brain got scrambled during the shooting and he’s now gonna be a Maoist

  • Trump shot ?
  • Revelation 13:3

    One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wo und, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast.

  • Slate: How Leftists Need to Think About Voting This November
  • Leftists have the curse of being Cassandra and helplessly and accurately predicting the future and being unable to change it

  • Extinction is a destructive force but...
  • Its not even hippie bullshit!

    This is mall ninja nihilism!

    Its the kind of shit the almost-school shooter in high school would mutter under their breath while declining an invitation to a birthday hangout.

  • Extinction is a destructive force but...
  • Anti ecological posting should be something bannable imo.

  • Extinction is a destructive force but...
  • I don't care if humans survive, the same way I don't care if certain insect species or redwood trees or giraffes survive. mass extinctions are one of the long cycles that exist in this planet. whatever happens was meant to be.

    Okay then start with yourself then.

  • Buffalo Wild Wings blocks Hexbear
  • Also the hometown of Richard Nixon and birthplace of the Texan Oil Tycoon

    Majority Mexican now

  • Buffalo Wild Wings blocks Hexbear
  • My ex-boyfriend was illegally fired from buffalo wild wings after the upper management did a racist conspiracy to fire the only Black Manager (who also did most of the work btw) to put a light skin Latino who was their friend in his place.

    They literally fabricated documents with forged signatures and when he sued get got a paltry settlement.

    So if you ever go to Whittier, California to the Buffalo Wild Wings located at 10033 Whittwood Dr, Whittier, CA 90603 make sure to take a massive dump somewhere inconvenient to deal with.

  • There is one way Biden could salvage this debate
  • Pictures from 2019 leaked last year

  • There is one way Biden could salvage this debate
  • Considering that Hunter and Biden’s brother were both packing hog, its a safe bet so is Biden