PlausibleDupont @ PlausibleDupont 帖子 0评论 5加入于 4 wk. ago
Here in Europe we always used to think Americans were stupid.
And it’s not like it’s prejudice from people never leaving their hometown. Nope, actually TV shows and movies make Americans look way smarter than they are.
Nope, the conclusion comes from people that met real Americans, either in Europe or in the US.
Last time I saw an American in Paris he was asking for ketchup on top of his duck breast. The most barbaric thing I’ve seen in a while 😂
The only way to get your money back is to set your car on fire these days
I mean let’s face it… Insurances will probably give you more money for your car then potential buyers these days
Non mais quelle raclure, en plus de bastonner sa femme il saignait ses franchisés. Y’a rien à sauver chez ce type
Je me suis tapé la filmo de Brian de Palma comme ça… Et non j’aime toujours pas (lma)