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Five Blessings, Longevity by Corvus Curator (Cotton and silk on linen)
  • Both beautiful and beautifully stitched, if that is the correct word?

  • Iceland’s first full-day women’s strike in 48 years aims to close pay gap
  • The first one 48 years ago :'s_strike

    On 24 October 1975, Icelandic women went on strike for the day to "demonstrate the indispensable work of women for Iceland’s economy and society" and to "protest wage discrepancy and unfair employment practices". It was then publicized domestically as Women's Day Off (Kvennafrídagurinn). Participants, led by women's organizations, did not go to their paid jobs and did not do any housework or child-rearing for the whole day. Ninety percent of Iceland's female population participated in the strike. Iceland's parliament passed a law guaranteeing equal pay the following year.

    It has apparently become necessary to do it a second time…

  • Windows 12 May Require a Subscription
  • Right!

    If I had gotten 10 cent each time I heard (or said) this I would be close to 10 € by now :D
    I switched to Linux back in 2006 but not everyone has the knowledge, the capacity or the motivation to do so.

  • The Crucifixion Of Holy Saint Adolf by Adolf Wölfli (1864 - 1930)
  • But then how would you know? ;)

  • Mixer makes loud pop when powered on
  • Hi there,

    Based on the experience I gathered in repair cafes:

    • Some old power switches generate an arc (spark?) when flipping them. Cleaning their insides with an "electrical contact cleaner" spray can sometimes help.
    • Defective electrochemical capacitors do NOT always swell or leak. If it is worth it swap them all for new ones (We sometimes desolder what we think are good ones from dead appliances to be re-used).
    • All domestic appliances around here (France) have an "anti surge" (?) capacitor soldered just after the power cable and power switch. If I understand it correctly, its job is to prevent a "parasitic" current spike to travel back on the domestic electric network when the equipment is switched on. That's the one I would replace in priority to see if it fixes your problem.

    Disclaimer : I have no degree in electronics / electrical installations. Take what is above with a grain a salt as I might be dead wrong.
    Always unplug the appliance from the mains before tinkering and discharge ALL the capacitors which are on the 110 V /220 V side of the electronics before touching the PCB on which they are soldered.

    Good luck with your repair. It would be nice and helpful if you have a chance to post some pictures :)

  • The Crucifixion Of Holy Saint Adolf by Adolf Wölfli (1864 - 1930)
  • Around here it is called "the mystery of faith" and if I am right most of the people I know do NOT hear voices.
    I can understand how comforting it must be to have a benevolent and almighty supernatural entity watching over you but… It still puzzles me.
    The alternative being a purposeless universe and life being a fortuitous, localized and temporary event. I can cope with the lack of extraterrestrial intelligence 'here' and 'now' in our part of said universe, the ineluctable end of mankind and of Earth. It is not very uplifting but I'll be fine with that, for a few more decades at least, until I disappear without leaving any trace nor residue.

    Our brains evolved to be very good at analyzing our environment, to find causes and consequences and to understand "why", even if it means making everything up. Accepting that some things might have no "why" and suspending one's judgment is very hard.

  • The Crucifixion Of Holy Saint Adolf by Adolf Wölfli (1864 - 1930)
  • I wouldn't be that extreme, but I agree that it does not encourage rational thinking.
    This being said, I know believers in various religions who are very good technicians, scientists or engineers. I have always wondered how it is possible to be so fact-based in your daily job and at the same time accept fantastic tales as the divine truth.

  • AOL Pretends to be the Internet - The History of the Web
  • Would that be what is referred to as Eternal September?

    I discovered it only a few weeks ago and I am sad to say that 1994-1995 was when I went online for the first time. With an AOL "Free 20 hours access". I undoubtedly contributed to degrade the quality of discussions, not mentioning choking several dial-accesses with the freakinig 50x50 pixels pictures I uploaded on my very first homepage.

    Sorry, I'm so sorry…

  • Mozilla flunks 25 major car brands for data privacy fails
  • Valid point, no offense taken. I did not think about the airbags! As for damages to the vehicle, this is something I understand an am willing to accept. If I do stupid things I have to face consequences.
    Anyway, getting the help of a mechanic would be point number 1 on my list. If can find one willing to take the challenge :)

  • Mozilla flunks 25 major car brands for data privacy fails
  • Thanks! Knowing that what I might be searching for would be somewhere under the dashboard is a good first step.

    Then I am not an engineer nor have any experience in electronics BUT I know from my dad that taking the dashboard apart is not an easy task. If I would succeed I do not know what I would be looking for… Would tan antenna look like a piece of wire? Or could it be embedded in the 'copper' circuitry of a PCB? Do cars use regular SIM cards like the ones found in phones or would they look different?

    The maintenance manual would probably be a good place to start before trying to put anything apart.

  • Mozilla flunks 25 major car brands for data privacy fails
  • For recent cars I am afraid you are right. My current and "old" car has a built in navigation system with the map on an SD-card. No need for a connection to a smartphone - which I do not own. Therefore I suppose it is not communicating with the manufacturer.

    Then, someone in my family with a more recent car got several "firmware updates" out of the blue, hinting to a 'permanent' connection to the manufacturer.

    I have the feeling we need to start organizing and claim a "right to disconnection". Having the car dial for help after a crash is one thing but what Mozilla's report describes is at another, much higher level.

  • Mozilla flunks 25 major car brands for data privacy fails
  • Thanks a lot for your post ! The future of cars looks grim.

    Serious and naive question: how could I get rid of the tracking at the hardware level when I will have no choice other than to buy a connected car?
    Is there an antenna or a SIM card somewhere that I could disconnect/remove? Would the car continue to work if the connection to the manufacturer's server is lost?

  • Study after Velázquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X, by Francis Bacon (1953)
  • The original painting:
    The page about Bacon's study - or studies :'s_Portrait_of_Pope_Innocent_X

    Am I the only one finding a ressemblance between this portrait and Alejandro Jodorowsky's Incal or Technopriests?

  • Delightful 🙂
  • Well… Being me I would like to disagree but can't find a counter-argument. Damn!

  • Delightful 🙂
  • Steve is so cute when not working <3

  • istanrule
  • Great! Enjoy :)

  • istanrule
  • Did you ever watch Kedi, the documentary from 2016 about Istanbul's cats?

  • Easy way to remote share the desktop?
  • Yup: write down the password when you set up the software and feed it to your "own" RustDesk on your computer.
    Although I recently had a case where the password on the remote machine seemed to have changed by its own, but it could be me or the machine owner who did something funny without noticing.

  • Easy way to remote share the desktop?
  • +1. I use it to help non-tech relatives. Apparently works on different OSes, including Android.
    Install, setup password, create icon on desktop and name it "Help me" - Done.

  • PeutMieuxFaire PeutMieuxFaire

    Vieille biologiste avec un tropisme pour le DIY, la récup' dans les poubelles, le minimalisme et les chats. Fan de Fantasy et de SF, cinéphile et musicophile éclectique , ex-gameuse depuis Steam, libriste.

    Ancient biologist with soft spots for DIY, dumpster diving / upcycling, minimalism and cats. Fan of Fantasy and SF, eclectic cinema and music lover, ex-gamer since Steam. FOSS advocate.

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