If you plan on using the device for school, it might be worth your effort to check with the school to see if your program of study will be accommodating, allows for, or otherwise specifies directly what os to use. Some institutions offer free or reduced cost licenses for what os is required. I know that there may be some coursework that can require a specific os for the applications you’ll be required to use. Test monitoring software is the first, and probably most extreme, example that comes to mind.
^here’s a good place to look for compatibility and hardware support.
You said your parents believe it to be a poor choice because of the machine age. Do you mind me asking what you purchasing it primarily for?
So for any one else wondering, I went looking for receipts and it seems to check out. Source material claims to be affiliated with the University of Oxford. The database is difficult to navigate, but i was able to find this link to the 4.08.16 english text.
Even as someone who is way out of depth, the database is interesting to explore.
The database is difficult to navigate, but i was able to find this link to the 4.08.16 english text.
Source material claims to be affiliated with the University of Oxford.
If hiking and cycling interest you, have you considered mountain biking? Do you live in an area where trying out mtb might be a possibility?
It’s difficult to see from the picture provide what you might mean by “kinda open”. Can you provide a picture or may be an example of what is fastened to the valve body opposite the pipe? If you can’t, is what’s depicted in this link what you see? https://www.mcmaster.com/mvC/Library/20210709/7CBF13E4/4627K333_Medium-Pressure Iron Pipe Fitting.PDF
Is that a plug i see there on the end? Have you considered removing it and opening the valve a little to see what comes out?
The future is now, depending on where you live. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-51321661
How did you go about installing the other two packages from git? Do you know what directory they were first cloned to? Did you build from source or run an executable like an appimage? Did any of these actions occur prior to the install of masterpdfeditor?
You can perform the bios update via bootable media. Here are the readme and iso links.
I can’t help you with the recovery media, but a couple of the problems you describe were resolved with driver and firmware updates that are still available from the oem.