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Export/Import Communities

Since is having trouble for the second time in three days, I decided to switch back over to my account. Unfortunately I don't have all of my communities back over here in my .ml account, and it took me over an hour to manually subscribe to the ones I had over on my .world account.

It would be great if there was a way that we could export our community list from one instance and import it to another. It would make it much easier to change communities if the need arises.

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Happy 4th of July!
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  • No country for old men. I get that it's supposed to be bleak and not resolve at the end. I still hate that it's bleak and doesn't resolve at the end.

    Yes! I was expecting more, and was left feeling cheated at the end with no resolution. It felt like wasted time.

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  • “That’s just, like… your opinion, man.

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  • I’d be on that in a second!

  • Nusm Nusm
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