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What we imagined the climate deniers would say when the climate catastrophes came vs. what they actually are saying - Tom the Dancing Bug
  • People are likely downvoting because you used the equivalent of a climate denialism dog whistle. It comes off as bad faith because when most people use the term climate change they mean anthropogenic climate change.

  • With the way the world's going, is there even a point to anything anymore?
  • Try to find meaning in whatever works for you. A lot of people find this in things like relationships, family, hobbies, interests and activism. Essentially, don't let the bastards grind you down. Existential philosophy may not be everyone's cup of tea but it can be helpful in navigating these kinds of issues.

  • How do I learn to detect logical fallacies in a conversation?
  • There's this app called cranky uncle and it goes through things like this and then helps to you learn how to identify them. It was developed by a university researchers in Australia with the aim of improving people's ability to recognise misinformation

  • Is it normal for a person to "feel" less as they get older?
  • Firstly I just want to say that this is really interesting post and I love that you've asked this question. Secondly, as someone who experienced child abuse I don't know where to even start in answering this question because as an adult I'm now in a space where I can actually feel my feelings and express them safely.

    I think life is maybe similar to being in a long term relationship. There are times when every little thing life does annoys you or times where it's just eh and you realise you need to actively spice things up. And then there are times when you are completely overcome by joy thinking about how much you love life, how much you've been through together, and how excited you are to spend the rest of your lives together.

    If you're looking for a suggestion on spicing things up I highly recommended jumping into some existential philosophy. It's like the intellectual equivalent of a roller coaster I guess.

  • Wish we didn’t live in a capitalist dystopia
  • Or just a classic socialist democracy would do fine. Doesn't even need to be dystopian just you know like what they have in Norway and shit.

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