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1 year linux anniversary :P
  • Nep nep :3

  • 1 year linux anniversary :P
  • nothing wrong with mint, I just wanna try something like vanilla debian or arch :)

  • 1 year linux anniversary :P
  • Neptunia the animation

  • 1 year linux anniversary :P
  • 'Fate/kaleid liner prisma illya' !

  • 1 year linux anniversary :P
  • Thx !!!, nothin wrong wit mint honeslty lol i just wanna try something like vanilla debian or arch :3

  • Texas school district agrees to remove ‘Anne Frank’s Diary,’ ‘Maus’ and 670 other books after right-wing group’s complaint
  • I swear this shithole takes every chance it can get at doing some of the most stupid shit ever its insane.

  • Pity, really.
  • I was born after 2000 I have to teach my parent how to torrent its not a generational thing lol

  • Texas Republican vows to pass bill on Ten Commandments in public schools
  • Im willing to bet money that if more people simply vote wont turn the trajectory of the state around. There is waaayyyy more conservitives that you think. Texas is destined to be a conservitive shithole. Rather try and get out than try and make a change cause this state aint worth it anyway.

  • GOP Lawmaker Derails Interview With Boris Sanchez about the new 10 Commandments in schools law in Louisiana: ‘I Bet You CNN Pays You a Lot of Money!’
  • "Louisiana isnt california or new york" you damn right it isnt it is the 2nd poorest state in the country that also hosts the murder capital of the country 💀

  • Texas Lt. Governor says state should have put Ten Commandments in schools before Louisiana
  • Yea here in texas we strive at being at the forefront of pushing conservitive christian nationalistic ideals. Get me out.

  • I just switched to Pop OS, any tips on what I should do next?
  • I guess a girl wearing a skirt is sexual now, you sound like the mfs that say girls get r*ped cause of what they wear 💀 edit: op edit there comment to gibber jabbish for whatever reason

  • Texas asks people to avoid using their cars
  • Yea thats not possible at all. We are lucky to even have SIDEWALKS in certain areas you have to drive EVERYWHERE. get me out.

  • Deleted
    Why do so many people still hate GrapheneOS?
  • I dont hate it but id rather just use lineage os cause of broader device support. I live a degoogled life and would rather not have to explain to people I dont use and avoid google services yet own a google manufactured phone lol.

  • Anyone has successfully ran XDefiant?
  • I got it to work perfectly from this guide: Works really well high fps and all. Something I dont think the guide mentions is updating the battle eye runtime using the one from steam.

  • 🏳️‍⚧️ trans girl in southeast Louisiana looking to make friends
  • Hi i was staying in that area for a few months due to a situation but im not there anymore. I wish you good luck in finding friends!! I know luisiana in whole doesnt have much a lgbtq scene/community (nor is really to friendly towards such)

  • Texas Attracted California Techies. Now It’s Losing Thousands of Them.
  • The whole houston area, dallas area, and all therural parts are ugly. The only decent ok looking areas are kinda the austin san antonio area and even then.

  • Texas Attracted California Techies. Now It’s Losing Thousands of Them.
  • Itd be hard to believe people are actually attracted to this shithole state without there being some wierd political motive behind it

  • I created this yesterday
  • Now destroy it !! :D

  • Sega is killing Puyo Puyo
  • I had allways wanted to try the puyo games and finally got into them when they brought it to the nintendo online thing. I think that ppt helped bring other people to puyo but I do hate this move of a new game exclusive to apple devices of all things and on top of that behind a subscription pay wall. I wouldve rathered them do some shitty low effort chronicle or 20th anni remake for like the switch or something since those are the two most recent games that have close to a definitive puyo expierence with the most gamemodes and stuff. I tried the puzzle pop on a family members apple tv and the funniest thing is that it looks like they reused animations and models from chronicle and it seems like the online doesnt even put you against real players but idk.

  • Neps Neps
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