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Death toll in Lebanon walkie-talkie explosions rises to 20, with more than 450 injured
  • When white people (even white people that white people who love obsessing about being white loathe) do state sponsored monte Carlo terrorism against the brown people they call terrorists:

    (´ ∀ ` *)

    When the brown people do terrorism to the white people who do terrorism to them:


    It must be really hard keeping yourself knotted enough to support Israeli state crimes while hating the people who do smaller scale stuff back.

  • The Productivity Commission wants all Australian kids to get 3 days a week of childcare – but it won’t be until 2036.
  • You seem familiar with this looking at the instance you run.

    I'm keen to hear your thoughts on why these subsidies are harmful. What do you think is a better approach for pre-school aged childcare? Or do you not want it?

    The state steralised me so I've no personal stake, by sister who's quite wealthy and very uh unradical feminist (more women as bank ceos type) seems very keen on this stuff for gender equality reasons given childcare often falls to mothers. Keen to hear the other side if you don't mind writing up your thoughts?

  • Aussie Government announces Loot Box and Gambling content classification changes - Vooks
  • Why?

    Put aside your nostalgia for the game for a minute. Wouldn't it be better if the game didn't feature the slot machines? They're

    a) not important mechanically, narratively, or artistically.

    b) presenting something socially harmful and addictive with absolutely zero context as to those harms.

    c) Potentially some of a generation's earliest exposure to gambling, and presented as an annodyne game with some mechanical benefits to playing.

    The goal isn't to keep Pokémon out of the hands of kids, it's to encourage people to not include this stuff in children's games. Imagine if you could just light a ciggy at some point in the game to give your Pokémon 5 experience points or whatever, it's a completely gratuitous and possibly harmful.

  • Violence has no place in politics
  • I think sometimes when I try to point out that political violence underpins much of society people hear "violence is good actually".

    It's frustrating because what I'm trying to point out is actually the opposite. Prostrating yourself lets other people use violence with no checks.

  • Gig economy
  • you can criticise the world without resorting to past = bad which often hides things we have lost.

    Also oats are nutritious, delicious, and efficient.

    How about pointing out how hard you work to afford food that is often thrown out lest it undermine keeping you slaved to "the economy" etc.

    No actually I'm not done. Wanting fewer material things is good actually. Opulence need not manifest in terms of the aquisition of territory and things. What if you have a tiny home and breakfast gruel but you get idle time, community, gorgeous views, freedom etc.

    the problems with society aren't that you can't eat figs every meal and stroll around your estate, it's that mere subsitence demands your soul.

  • Protest photographer loses part of ear after being shot by rubber bullet
  • I dunno you tell me what the subtext of opening with defending the cops and denying that cops target media. Then goes into both-sidesism.

    And then wow look at what happens later:

    But to say we shouldn't place any blame on individuals over-simplifies the problem. There are multiple issues at play here, I don't think you can just wave away the personal responsibility of the individuals involved.

    Oh look it's both sides are at fault again. If you're filming at a protest, or even attending you have some personal responsibility for getting collaterally shot in the face or teargassed.

    This is nonsense, the violence is extremely asymmetrical and involves the use of indiscriminate weapons. I mean imagine if a protestor fired rubber bullets or teargas into a crowd to hit a shell or LM exec, what would anyone be saying about that person? He's not presenting some nuanced critique, he's gone straight into defending violence which would constitute literal war crimes if it wasn't the police doing it.

  • Does anybody know any resources for effective studying methods and strategies?
  • 2 or 3 sessions a week. Not longer than 2 hours. Habits are easier to form earlier in the day.

    Take the time you have, take 2 weeks off the end, in the remainder of time divide each session according to how far along it is and spend the elapsed time % on revision. Obviously don't be pathological, one minute of revision is useless. Like at 3 months in 50% new stuff 50% revision.

    Don't revise by just rereading stuff, pick problems to do in samples of topics already selected, or practice exams etc. Old uni profs might send you some practice exams and stuff if asked.

  • If you were a caveman and saw an eclipse, what would you think was happening?
  • It's highly likely ancient people would be very well spoken, given they had to talk and convince each other of things all the time. Also most of their recreation would have involved talking to some degree or another.

    So I would probably do a poetry sesh about how this fucking bonkers terrifying and um could the sun come back please?

  • Does anybody know any resources for effective studying methods and strategies?
  • It's hard to be more specific without more specificity.

    But if you can get your hands on a practice exam, or at least practice exams for the topics covered, then by trying those you could identity the areas you most need improvement on.

  • What is a low technology you really love ?
  • you usually work up grits. In general for edges that should end shaving sharp (e.g. kitchen, whirling) below 1k is rough work, profiling work, 1k or so is basic small chip repair etc, 3k is standard sharpen, and higher is polishing wank. You get what you pay for in general: cheap stones need soaking, the wear out fast (needing truing). Shapton makes some great splash and go stones.

    However, there is one cheap 2 sided diamond stone that is actually quality. The sharpal one. Be aware diamond cuts extremely fast (good and bad), it doesn't need truing or soaking. I recommend if you're getting one stone get that. Learn proper bur minimisation technique and that'll cover chip repair and get your knives sharp enough to cut seethrough sheets of tomato.

    If you feel fancy add 1 micron stropping compound and a sheet of balsa wood to strop on.

  • Protest photographer loses part of ear after being shot by rubber bullet
  • Got it, saying protestors deserve to be targetted with indiscriminate chemical weapons = not being a dick. Pointing out that a particular user is calling for the sort of violence banned in the Geneva convention = being a dick.

  • Doctor's misdiagnosis led to 'preventable' death of Indigenous man Doctor's misdiagnosis led to 'preventable' death of Indigenous man

    Dougie Hampson died less than 24 hours after he was misdiagnosed with a cannabis-related syndrome and discharged from Dubbo hospital in August 2021.

    Doctor's misdiagnosis led to 'preventable' death of Indigenous man

    Pretty scuffed. Cliff notes:

    • patient presents to hospital reporting agony in tummy
    • doctor finds out he uses cannabis
    • diagnoses with cannabis hyperemesis syndrome (some people after heavy use suddenly develop persistent nausea, recently identified, rare and is a diagnosis of exclusion)
    • patient is sent home
    • patient dies due to severe stomach ulcers

    Seems pretty concerning to me.

    Someone has a chance to do the funniest thing of all time (corridor of oaks vandalism) Tree honouring Tony Abbott sawn off again in ‘extremely rare’ act of vandalism

    Blue Mountains council to install CCTV after English oak sawn off at the weekend – itself a replacement for another stolen tree honouring former PM

    Tree honouring Tony Abbott sawn off again in ‘extremely rare’ act of vandalism

    In the words of bill hicks "just planting seeds"

    Arguments against speciesism 1 of 2

    The channel is quite interesting, but these 2 vids (second here: are concise summaries of how when we embrace speciesism we end up rejecting things most humans would consider core values.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Despite all my rage I’m still a rat refreshing this page.

    I use arch btw.

    Credibly accused of being a fascist, liberal, commie, anarchist, child, boomer, pointlessly pedantic, a Russian psychological warfare operative, and db0’s sockpuppet.

    Pronouns are she/her.

    Vegan for the iron deficiency.

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