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Donald Trump chased over unpaid debts for his rallies
  • Yeah, this. I don't understand it. Why does anyone not in the MAGA cult do anything for this man if not fully paid up front? It's been decades since he was well known for not paying his debts and stalling as much as legally possible if taken to court to make him pay. There shouldn't be a single person who is in a position to provide services to him that doesn't know this!

  • Modern wonders exist
  • I can't think of a single thing built in the last century that will still be there in a thousand years. We may still build some cool stuff, but none of it is durable anymore it seems.

  • What's the mayoral scene where you live like?
  • The funny thing is he might be the one in the right, if we examine with logic.

    A mayor probably has no particular skills or abilities to help personally in that sort of situation, and if he was doing his job correctly in the past, then everything in his power to do would already have been done. The appropriate experts are ready. Emergency plans are in place. There's backup plans, and backup plans for the backups, all carefully considered and planned by the best people the mayor could get to do them in the past.

    But humans are weird and have stupid ideas, so we want to see the mayor in his office, giving interviews, or even better, at the site of the disaster, helping. Except the most the average mayor is likely to do in an emergency situation is get in the way and be a distraction.

    That's the sad thing - your city's mayor may or may not have done a good job, I have no idea, but the average mayor will definitely be attacked if this happens and he doesn't make a show of 'helping'.

  • ‘People should be making their contingency plans, like, right away’: America’s leading forecaster on the chances of a Trump win
  • Contingency plans. Yeah. Sure. I don't think there are any that most of us can make. There aren't any countries I could move to that would be any better I don't think. I'm too old, I don't have degrees, my only job qualifications aren't particularly in demand because the training for them is fast, and the only family connection to citizenship elsewhere I had is insufficient because it's too many generations removed from me.

    I suspect the cast majority of people who would be even worse off than me under another Trump/Republican administration are in just as bad if not worse a position.

  • EA execs say generative AI is "not merely a buzzword for us, it's the very core of our business," then pretend to tell a computer to generate buildings live on stage
  • When the technology gets there, this will be amazing. I'll be able to sit down at the computer and say "make me a mystery detective RPG in the style of Sherlock Holmes but set on a cyberpunk styled city on a space station like the Citadel from Mass Effect" and I'll get just that, generated exclusively for me with a brand new story that fits the themes I asked for.

    But that is gonna be a couple decades or more I expect. I dearly hope it happens quickly so I can live to see it, but it's not going to be in the next ten years, that's for damn sure.

  • We must act now
  • It's really just about what markets well. Come up with a catchy name and that name will stick.

    The Democrats didn't go far enough accepting the Obamacare name. Obama was all 'sounds good to me, yes, I care' or something along those lines when he was asked once, but the Democrats should have officially renamed the bill to Obamacare. Because there's people who support the ACA but are against Obamacare and don't realize they're the same thing. If they'd changed the name there would only be Obamacare and a few of those people, a very slim amount, might realize that the bill thats helping them is Obamacare.

  • You should treat the new AI as a coworker and friend!
  • I forget the details because it's been a long time since I saw the relevant episodes, but I had the impression that Lore was treated incredibly shittily by the colonists on that planet and he developed those personality traits because of how he was treated.

  • You can take one military base with all associated equipment and personnel back to 1941 to win WW2. Which do you choose?
  • Norfolk has four carrier strike groups and the entire Atlantic submarine fleet. Even without the ability to repair or resupply, just with what they currently have as far as ordnance goes, that wins the war immediately.

    You take a week at most to position submarines in the right spots and then eliminate Axis leadership in a single simultaneous strike.

  • Oh man the self burn is incredible
  • There is a place for actual conservatives, people who want to change things slowly and make sure we aren't breaking shit with our changes.

    But what calls themselves conservatives these days would be more accurately referred to as reactionaries, who want to reverse many changes that have been made and go back to some old time they preferred.

    I am not sure if the relabeling of reactionaries into conservatives was always a global phenomenon, I think in many countries, at least until recently, conservatives were really just conservative and not reactionary. But I can't say for sure.

  • Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • Moron is no longer enough. Republican voters at this point are malicious, not stupid, not poor gullible fools, they are malicious people who actively seek to harm others, no matter how 'nice' they may seem.

    I am not interested in hearing about how someone knows a Republican who is such a nice pleasant person, willing to help just about anyone, kind, caring, etc. It is a mask, like that of...I forget the precise medical term, either psychopath or sociopath. But the irony is they are worse because they do have the capacity for empathy, but they choose not to.

    And this is, and always has been, who they are. This is not new. This is exactly who they have always been, people who, if they lived in a different time, would happily own slaves, or watch someone tortured for the evening's entertainment at the coliseum, or any number of such things.

    That's the people we're dealing with, and they are a significant portion of the population as they always have been.

  • Tuesday 9/10 Presidential Debate Megathread!
  • Every former president tends to be called president still quite often. If you look up news articles about most former presidents you'll find a pretty solid split between just saying 'President X' and specifying 'former President X'.

    It might be related to a military rule where retired officers get to keep using their rank title unless discharged in negative ways. Or maybe it's just sort of traditional.

  • A sovcit FAFO.
  • They don't say it, they don't even acknowledge it themselves, but they view this in the same way a credulous middle ages individual would view making a deal with the fey. The right set of words, the right incantation, will grant you power over them whether they want to acknowledge it or not.

    That's the mental image they have. If you ask them how these secret laws are enforced and what actually obligates the judges, police, government, etc to follow the rules, they won't admit the magical thinking, though they will babble and make up nonsense that sounds, to them, like genuine explanations but is in truth gibberish.

    At the end, though, that's what they're doing...they're chanting mystical incantations that will bind the Queen of the Faeries to their will and prevent the fae from doing harm upon them or impeding them.

    But they don't even take the cautionary parts of the tales to heart, for even if you should succeed on pulling one over on the Faeries, they are wily and patient, and someday they will trick you into giving up the protection you thought was unbreakable. Just as even if they actually managed to stumble upon the correct legal maneuver, it is likely the system will be back to get them one way or another.

  • Starlink tells Brazil regulator it will not comply with X suspension
  • If I had to choose between global high speed internet access, and ground based astronomy, I'd pick the Internet every time. I'd completely blot out the sky forever if that's what it took.

    We don't need ground-based astronomy to learn about the universe, I'd rather encourage more space-based astronomy. Or build some observatories on the moon if you really want to build on a solid space body.

    However, Starlink is a for profit company run by Elon Musk. I don't really want them doing it, because they're not going to provide unlimited global Internet to everyone. So as the guy said, the idea is good, but Starlink is bad, although it is currently the only such option.

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