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Facebook and Instagram Restrict the Use of the Red Triangle Emoji Over Hamas Association
  • Now I might just be too stupid to understand what I'm displaying, but last I checked, the red triangle has been a symbol of pro-Palestinian support since the Palestinian Revolt in uhhhh... 1938. It's possible Hamas might have co-opted it, but then you might as well ban the Palestinian flag as well since that's the source of the triangle, and it has also existed since 1917, I'm failing to follow how this is a symbol of Hamas

  • Things you should never ask
  • To be clear, that wasnt me you just responded to, but I was the one who asked you the questions. You seem to be making a lot of bad faith assumptions about my intent with those questions.

    You're asking a rhetorical question in the hopes of getting a gotcha.

    Well, it is rhetorically framed, but I was trying to see if you and I are both working with frameworks built on reality.

    Your primary goal here is not to deepen any kind of understanding.

    Again, ouch. The tone of the questions may have come across that way, but my intent is never to "gotcha"... You'll just have to take my word for it obviously.

    If you did, you would be a lot more honest in your questions. You'd open up with a clear argument, based on specifics, with dates, people, events etc.

    This is a forum on internet, not debate club. Like I said above, I'm sorry if my questions came across as being bad faith, but I'm not obligated to serve you a rhetorically perfect and fallacy-free set of questions, just as you are not obligated to engage with my questions if you feel they're trying to uh... "Gotcha"

    If you did, you would be a lot more honest in your questions. You'd open up with a clear argument, based on specifics, with dates, people, events etc.

    I'm not totally sure how I'm responding with catch phrases. Honestly, if nothing else I'd love for you to clarify this

    You want a nuanced discussion that delves into the specifics of the geopolitics of the region? Start a thread that's not just diluted meaningless sentences, such as this nugget:

    Why should the US president be in regular contact with the perpetrator of an ongoing genocide?

    I'm sorry, I'm not being intentionally obtuse, but I can't tell if you're using the above as an example of a "diluted meaningless sentence" or whether it's meant to be a good question.

    Ultimately, I don't feel I was acting in bad faith considering I was trying to evaluate your framework. If you feel it was done poorly, that's okay, you dont need to respond.


    Who are "you guys"?

  • The US finally takes aim at truck bloat
  • Well... Back when a truck wasnt $60+k... Yes thats exactly what people did. They had a truck that guzzled gas and provided the bed space or towing capacity they needed for work, and a daily driver for other things.

    From the last time I saw this 'debate'... ~30% of truck owners use the bed once a year or less, ~75% of owners tow once a year or less, and ~70% go offroad once a year or less.

    Now, obviously there are applications where a truck is needed. That can't be denied... But there are so many applications here that use massive fucking trucks where another country would use a sprinter van or similar vehicle for the exact same application.

  • It's coming for yea
  • I absolute agree with you that that is how employers are viewing it and I agree with your disagreement with people in the industry that suggest the solution is ten hour days for blue collar workers.

    (One of) The problem(s) behind this is that the capital class seemingly does not care what the evidence shows, and are only interested in what feels more productive. To them, it feels more productive to have fewer workers, for longer hours, with less safety measures, and because they feel it's more efficient, that means it must be (because it costs more "less"). Until we change that, or sufficiently collectivize to force them to change, it's gonna be hard to move the needle.

  • It's coming for yea
  • I mean, a four day work week still benefits blue collar jobs, though it's understandably more difficult to implement this in a some blue collar workspaces, and I dont claim to have the answer for how to do it by any means.

    Factories would benefit from seven day work weeks, more time producing not less.

    Factories benefit from higher efficiency, and less downtime, which can be achieved with more employees, working less, being less tired, more satisfied with their pay and benefits, and having fewer accidents which interrupt production.

    It can be done, but other systems also need changing to help it along.

  • The worst place in the galaxy
  • Well... "They're all" is kinda rhetorical shorthand, but the vast, vast majority of Israeli citizens are colonizers definitionally, just like how "all" north Americans are colonizers (obviously except indigenous people). The difference is that the USA/Canadian settler colonial projects have already """succeeded""".

  • The stuff I see on social media makes me angry, and Kamala is not a perfect candidate
  • I understand why you and many other people are extremely reluctant to vote/against voting in this election. But I feel your analogy is incorrect.

    By not voting for the douche bloodthirsty democrat you are supporting the turd sandwich fascist and (more) bloodthirsty republican, in the same way that not pulling the lever is supporting the death of more people on the train tracks.

    Not buying diesel/gas car =/= inherent passive support for electric in any way, but in a two party system, in an election like this one, not voting, or not voting democrat directly increases pedestrian train deaths the odds of america falling to a fascist party with a plan. You can vote * and still protest, petition, and riot against the policies you dont like.

  • B.C. firefighters raise concerns over new stairway building code
  • Unfortunately, as far as im aware, we generally are skimping. In the videos I linked above, it's explained (with sources!) that most of the "issues" which the Fire Chiefs Association raises are issues in dual stairwell buildings as well. This is because of a number of factors, but includes items such as:

    • In the case that a fire breaches the containment of an apartment unit and spreads to the rest of the building, one stairwell is often allowed to burn relatively uncontrolled so that firefighters can focus on evacuating residents instead

    • The long hallways of dual stairwell buildings mean that it's more likely for residents to get cut off from a safe stairwell, or need to travel a longer distance to a safe stairwell, vs single stairwell buildings where the stairs are right there

    • As dual stairwell buildings often end up with only 1 usable stairwell in the case of a fire, it's a little silly to say that dual stairwell buildings allow residents coming down to not obstruct firefighters going up (especially when you consider that even with 2 stairwells, you can't control which one people will use, even if both are functional)

    • Finally, for what it's worth, my understanding is that positive pressure halls/staircases do aide greatly, even in the case that a fire is directly in the hall as they keep smoke from settling.

    Edit: forgot two:

    • they're in quite a few buildings now, but implementing widespread sprinkler systems in apartments is shown to contain fires to a room 96.2% of the time. (There's a few different figures for this, but it generally seems to be between 88-97% effective)

    • IMPLEMENTING WIDESPREAD AND MANDAROTY TESTING OF SAFETY MEASURES. The majority of major & lethal fires are caused by faulty, untested, or otherwise nonexistent fire safety equipment. Requiring proper testing of sprinkler systems, fire alarms, ventilation, validation of building integrity, and other measures could greatly reduce fire danger in north american apartments, regardless of how many staircases they have.

  • B.C. firefighters raise concerns over new stairway building code
  • It's understandable and extremely good to be distrustful of the motives of politicians. Genuinely, I applaud you for not trusting them blindly.

    But in this case especially, Revi Kahlon and the other NDP members who worked on this have provided overwhelming evidence (facts) for the safety of single stairwell designs. Their evidence is coming from Europe and asia who have used these for a long time and still have better fire safety than we do in north america, they also have evidence from Seattle, which implemented similar changes and has found no measurable increase in fatalities or injuries from fires.

    Unfortunately, in my opinion, the Fire Chiefs Association has provided limited supportive data to counter the mountain of evidence that exists for switching to single stairwell, and that's before even considering additional safety measures like pressurized/ventilated hallways, external fire exits, fire barriers, and high flow per-apartment sprinkler systems.

  • B.C. firefighters raise concerns over new stairway building code
  • I understand it's concerning to hear when a fire chief is saying that this change could be dangerous, but the gentleman in the linked video provides far more stats regarding the fire safety of single stairwell dwellings than Mr Cairney has.

    In fact, so many people have had this concern, that he made a followup with even more evidence for how safe a properly built single stairwell apartment building is, contrary to what the Fire Chiefs Association would suggest

  • homelab MetaCubed
    Alternatives to Tenable Nessus?

    In the past, I've used nessus for vulnerability scanning my lab, but as my service count has grown, the 16 IP limit is becoming a little unwieldy.

    Is anyone able to recommend an alternative that fits at least most of the requirements I have?

    • Free (preferably in both senses of the word)

    • Doesn't use Docker, even if containerized, I'd prefer to avoid having my scanner share a host with another service... and I'm not incredibly well versed with Docker

    • Scans multiple systems (I tried Trivy, but as far as I can tell it only scans the system you install it on)

    • Has a webui for management of scans

    Alternatively, if anyone is willing to lend some advice for the configuration of Wazuh... I deployed the service months ago with the expectation that it could be used for vulnerability scanning (the Dev was in a few reddit threads suggesting that it had the capability), but i haven't been able to configure it properly.

    I appreciate any advice people are willing to offer!

    Edit: fixed formatting

    ThinkPad MetaCubed
    Linux on Thinkpad P14s Gen2 issues

    I'm pretty new to using linux as a desktop solution (I use it for servers but have been working on switching over for desktop). I recently installed NixOS on my P14S Gen 2 and have found that while my backlight works inside the OS, I have no backlight in UEFI and GRUB.

    I did complete a microsolder repair on the eDP connector on the motherboard due to liquid damage, however all SMDs and downstream chips have been thoroughly verified, and as detailed below, issues doesn't persist in windows.

    Boot sequence goes as follows:

    1. System powers on (No backlight)

    2. Smartbeep diagnostics screams it's head off (No backlight)

    3. BIOS/UEFI beep (still no backlight)

    4. Diagnostic Grub beep (You guessed it, no backlight)

    5. OS splash - Backlight is now on

    I am unsure if there is a way to resolve this, but any advice would be greatly appreciated as I can't seem to find anyone else with this specific presentation of a "no backlight" issue.

    Troubleshooting already tried:

    • Update firmware using fwupdtool, fwupdmgr, and vantage in windows - no change

    • Reinstall windows - behavior stops

    • Dual boot windows - behavior stops if windows was the last OS booted

    • New display cable - no change (tried before realizing this is OS related)

    • Install a different distro - Ubuntu, Debian both have same behavior and I'd like to stay on NixOS if I can

    • Increase GRUB compatibility delay - no change

    • Increase UEFI boot delay - no change

    • Change graphics adapter in UEFI - no change

    • Disable quick boot, secure boot, TPM, set sleep mode to Linux, etc. - no change

    • Probably more that is at this point, forgotten

    Edit: fixed formatting, added troubleshooting completed so far and more detail that was initially neglected

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