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He really wants to kill that platform lol
  • I've officially said my goodbyes. It's absolutely fucked over there. This is just one of many serious problems with Reddit. The CEO is tanking it harder than Musk tanked Twitter. He's musk'd it.

  • dig in there
  • Society is a really shitty simulation made by psychotic sadists. No "hacking" was necessarily required. We all agreed to it by doing nothing to actually stop it. Some people just agree more fervently than others. Can definitely be argued as a sort of stockholm syndrome.

  • Activism, Lowtech, Transhumanism and Sprouting: Links from the Solarpunk Camp 2024
  • I agree! Especially here in the US. Solarpunk has gigantic potential in the Americas overall. I've got big travel plans next year I'm already saving up for but I'll definitely be finding my way to a convention somewhere in the relatively near future.

  • Plastic, Plastic Everywhere — Even at the UN’s “Plastic Free” Conference
  • Plastic manufacturing and pollution hurts the entire world, including what is basically lobbyists that they let in to derail the conversation. 99% of plastic production should have ceased 10 years ago. This article made me cry (but thank you for sharing).

  • There Can Be No Energy Transition Without China, Says Siemens Energy CEO
  • That anybody can disagree with this is truly flabbergasting. China should not be the sole decider of whether our planet lives or dies. I don't... I don't get how anyone, even the Chinese, can disagree with that.

    Update: I think it's the petrochemical industry. They've corrupted all the green energy focused subs here super badly from what I've seen so far. I think we've caught their attention already - which may actually be a good sign. We must be doing something effective enough to warrant it.

  • Missing time...
  • I am constantly dumbfounded how many of the highly capitalist nations pretend to have such a focus on family when it's so clear that they care so little about them. More time working = less time with your family. They also push for bigger families too, so that individual children receive even less attention. It's so weird.

  • The surge in hydroelectric dams is driving massive biodiversity loss
  • I get where you're coming from. It's a tandem tech and should stay in that consideration. It's a diversity of tactics in the fight against petrochems. That industry is too big for just one avenue, at least of the ones we currently have.

  • The surge in hydroelectric dams is driving massive biodiversity loss
  • I agree it provides a more regular "stream" of energy. I think perhaps this focus on having regular unlimited energy at all times of night and day is a little unnecessary. People do sleep, and they should sleep during the night for maximum health, based on research. I find energy storage an important aspect of sustainability. We should have storage regardless of the system. I'm not against using it, all I said was it's not my favorite.

  • I surveyed over 500 solarpunks, this is what they answered!
  • I missed this survey. I find the gender demographics intriguing. I'm unsure why this survey was so very male-dominated. That's really something to ponder about. Is it an internet issue, or is it something about the ideology itself? Are women in some way being restricted from solarpunk thought? This is phenomena of note in leftism, as well. I find it very perplexing, especially considering the shared goal of equality in these ideologies. I cannot believe women wouldn't be incredibly attracted to solarpunk, it can quite seriously be summed up with one word: care. If women aren't at least equal in their interest in the ideology, it seems to me something is very wrong. Thanks for doing the survey though. Nice to see what's going on in the community, statistically.

  • The surge in hydroelectric dams is driving massive biodiversity loss
  • I don't really think it is especially in comparison to petrochemicals, but hydroelectric dams also isn't my favorite green energy. They displace too much matter while also reducing the wildlife of the project area for me to feel comfortable with it. I think perhaps there's further ways water could be used to make electricity that are underestimated or even unknown. I like "old-school" hydroelectrics, watermills. In my opinion this is an example really of individualistic green energy being a better environmental decision on the whole. Such will reduce the damage of our energy needs. Power to the people.

  • Sympathy for the Machine | Curious Archive
  • I think it actually may be a human failing, because human rights have been iffy as hell for all of recorded civilization. This is why it is argued by some that robots could be superior and consider us as too errant to allow continued existence. Perhaps, having an exactly defined and unwavering moral code, actually will make them superior and also save our asses. It seems like the reason human rights keep being disrespected is that people kinda just do whatever they want, and it seems like half the time what they want is cruel or harmful. I think until we find a way to increase mass empathy, our species is definitely gonna keep harming itself until it (and probably everything else) goes extinct. I feel robots (actually existing) are kind of antithetical to empathy, especially under capitalism, especially while made of hazardous materials that require ripping up the earth. I do however think discussion and content of this subject really opens up the dialogue on rights of all intelligent beings and the definitions of intelligence itself and I find that very important. I think we should perhaps be at this time more focused towards expanding the rights of humans and animals before robots, though. Like, this subject is so "getting ahead of ourselves", as Solarpunks, that it's almost kinda funny. Strikes me more as Cyberpunk territory, really.

  • Billionaire bets big on largest solar project ever proposed to deliver power across oceans: 'At the forefront of the clean energy transition'
  • Idiot troll. This platform is rife with y'all. It's become an issue, frankly. Honestly worse about it than Reddit, which is super unexpected. Fact is that solar is one of the best green energy industries that exist. A person using their big money to help it, especially in an INTERNATIONAL manner like this, isn't a negative. We don't have a method of free perpetual energy if you didn't notice, because somebody fucking murdered Nikola Tesla and destroyed his research to this effect. Probably there's even further people that have tried and been murdered and erased. You can thank capitalism for that, which if you ever bothered to read, you would know I am fully opposed to.

  • Voidpunk Discussion

    I'm wondering about making a voidpunk community here on I've got a bit on my plate to handle moderating it right now but it's a serious consideration for me later in the year. Is it a good idea? Do any of you here identify as such as well? I consider myself part of both communities.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Hello! My name is Rykah, call me Mercury if you prefer. I'm into punk (the cultures and the genre) and I'm a multi-media artist. Check out some of my work and my link tree over on Tumblr:

    Listening to: GanjaWhiteNight x Subtronics - Womp Portal

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