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How dependent on China's production is the US military complex

I've been thinking about it in view of the US doing that whole dance of threat around Taiwan, and I've asked myself, is the US capable of building tanks, subs, planes and missiles without China providing be it raw material or basic manufacturing somewhere along the chain? I'm genuinely curious about that so if someone knows about it or can point me on the right direction I'd be very thankful

List of bear villains in media, and this isn't even scratching the surface💀
  • And they'll fear them again in due time, just you wait comrades.

  • Slovak PM's shooter protested suspension of Ukraine military aid – Slovak interior minister
  • Killing an important figure on the center of capitalism does not change too too much, the fact is that the bourgeoisie will keep advancing their interest however necessary, the biggest impact is the public effect it causes.

  • Slovak PM's shooter protested suspension of Ukraine military aid – Slovak interior minister
  • Me too, even if he wasn't that good a politician, the fact that a pro Ukraine terrorist succeeding in an attack like that might be a very dangerous event

  • Slovak PM's shooter protested suspension of Ukraine military aid – Slovak interior minister
  • Anyone knows how the health of the PM is right now, from what I saw it seemed unlikely that he will survive

  • Discord is WATCHING YOU
  • I just assume that anything owned by a tech corporation is actively spying on me with anything they got. And I think it is reasonable to assume so, specially when they have weird stuff in the EULA(as I believe discord has). So yeah twitter reddit discord, android, windows what have you, are probably gathering as much data as they can and selling it for as much as they can get.

  • Cambodia Does Not Owe US Explanation Over Chinese Ties
  • For sure, it is imperialism, but what I think the comrade is getting at, is that since the end of the cold war, and maybe even a bit before, the USA acted, and was regarded in some ways as the world police, and would get involved with any countries "breaking the law", in whatever form it might take. And yeah it was just imperialism disguised as bringing democracy, but they at least had the connivance of much of the world, and the muscle to do it and not be called out. Now they are just LARPing as the role they used to have. The Ukraine war is an example of what they used to do, but not being successful at it. And now with Cambodia, where they acted as "World Police" in the past, they are just barking. They have no way to mess that much with a partner of China with the excuse of being partner with China. it would be a diplomatic shitstorm, where the US would not end up on top.

  • Joker was coward
  • Gomer was a victim of the intense mind crushing subjugation that the drill sergeant enforced. Wreaking his self esteem, crushing him with guilt and getting him hated and hostilized his fellow recruits. He just snapped, he didn't show any sign of resisting or trying to resist. Just a difficulty of performing his duties. Whether he would like to or not is uncertain, but he didn't show that he wanted to change anything, my reading is that he jsut wanted to get by, and he did not got his wish. He got broken and snapped, and it is not clear his intention while on the bathroom, he might have opened fire into his fellow recruits, or anything else, he loaded a whole lot of bullets. He just snapped, so I don't think it was meant as a heroic act, for as heroic it might seem as consequence to the drill sergeant's action, he was someone driven beyond his limit, in a desperate action.

  • Mao Freed Tibet. Period.
  • I'm not really a social media person anymore I was a Facebook user up to 2015 or something and now I'm just YouTube user and lemmy since I've found it like something like an year ago, and my journey through communism is a recent one as well, add to that that I live in Brazil, and that's how I dodged this and most every right wing meme and even communist ones for that matter

  • Mao Freed Tibet. Period.
  • Now that makes a lot more sense

  • Mao Freed Tibet. Period.
  • I have no idea of what you're talking about

  • Mao Freed Tibet. Period.
  • What is this?

  • Goes hard
  • Looks like an uncle of mine

  • Amerikkka’s thirst for war is endless
  • I don't know if I'd call it open war still there were aggressions but I don't know if they are moving towards open conflict just yet. It's quite possible but how I see it I wouldn't call it war just yet.

  • Huey P. Newton explains how to talk to people
  • Comrade you are exactly right. About connecting wirh the people that struggle more financially it's not just a matter of investigating the root of why they think that way(although this is crucial too), but also of learning, the more oppressed is the individual the more they have to teach us about the shape the source the effects of oppression.

    As for the people better off the core of the question is the same connecting with them is also crucial, but the argumentation is different, for the poor you don't have to tell them that they have to worry about a problem, cause the problem makes itself quite loud in their life, but the ones with a bit more money they often feel, since they are not suffering quite as much, that they're on the same team of a billionaire, and that's no more than an illusion. But, and here is where things get real tricky, it's a very very comfortable illusion that they'll fight to retain, so it makes dispelling such illusion a delicate process of making the truth evident, without sacrificing the connecting we cultivated with them.

    So yeah I think you understood me comrade, really happy with our talk, and I really hope that what I'm saying is close to being correct, I feel strongly that it is, and yeah this thoughts do not offer all the answers, but maybe just maybe it asks the right questions.

  • Amerikkka’s thirst for war is endless
  • They do have war with Russia and Korea actually, Ukraine is as sure as day a proxy war of the US and Russia, and Korea there is us troops by the boatload in South Korea, and since they are in armistice they're aiding in the war. Iran true they are not in any conflict right now, at least not open and same for China though the US has all that noise with Taiwan that who knows where it's gonna land.

  • Huey P. Newton explains how to talk to people
  • I like the way you've put it but I have something to complement, because often when we talk like people are walking to the swamp and we need to convince them to move away it can sound like we are the ones with the answers and are there to show people (don't know if that's what you think though) and unfortunately it's a very common way of thinking among our comrades, I myself am guilty of that many times. So back to the point the way to ofer our side as an option to someone who doesn't know is, going back to the swamp metaphor, waking a bit by their side and asking hey how are you, how did you get here, what's going on with your life. Things like that connect with the people talk to them see them who they are what they struggle wirh, so when you wanna explain our position we show how we understand the reasons and causes of their real issues, and why the answers people give to it are often fake. Our job is much more a job of offer then of convincing we just need to take out the barriers that make our side inviable to them, cause our product sells itself, they just need to be in contact with it.

  • Huey P. Newton explains how to talk to people
  • My way of thinking to help me be grounded, is to understand that we are not fighting the people, even the people with fascist views, we are fighting fascism, we are fighting neoliberalism and so on, the people who are seduced by that, are consequence of a very well articulated machine of our enemies, but the people ARE NOT our enemies, they might make the will of our enemy but they ARE NOT the enemy, cause we need the people.

    And secondly the other thing that is important to always keep in mind, is that people are much much much more often swayed by someone that they respect and that treats them with respect, and respecting somebody even though you disagree viscerally with their ideas can be helpful. Albeit this advice is geared more towards the liberal than the fascist, for the fascist is much more dangerous to get close so we need better strategies, but the point is, if someone likes you they might listen to you more. It's a hard thing, but to be close to the people, however the people are at the moment, it's our duty, there is no dancing around it, if we do not work with the people we are not progressing, we are just keeping a circle jerk instead of moving Marxism forward.

  • Ukrainian troops and NATO admit that Moscow has taken a qualitative leap to have armed forces superior to the beginning of the invasion
  • I like the implications of that statement, they are saying, that in the middle of a war, being sanctioned by Europe and the US, they went from crappy military, to menace to the world, with time to spare to be the fastest growing economy in Europe, while the US, while NATO that arguably began this whole conflict couldn't advance the(according to this article) already superior military technology to keep up with the Russian miracle.

    In my opinion that makes NATO just as pathetic as the truth does, I just like how the news twists and hides stuff, it is just funny actually, like the departure from reality is so blatant and so constant that I just find it funny, and also inspiring, cause it shows despair, and if the mouthpieces of capitalism is showing despair, it is good news for the enemies of the system, rejoice comrades, rejoice!

  • "I’m a pessimist because of intelligence, but an optimist because of will." Antonio Gramsci in a Letter from Prison (December 1929)
  • I think that there is an optimism to be found even through the reasoning, cause there are enough evidences that the capitalist system cannot stand forever, and that change is possible, we are not in a particularly favorable position, but as I see it, we are improving our position, and lately on somewhat of expedited rhythm. I think the victory is on the horizon, it's just a matter of building the bridge from here to there, together we're strong we can make a new world, and so we shall.

  • Games comrade-bear
    Just created the Path of Exile guild for comrades

    Just created the ☭Juche Gang☭, guild for comrades for the fans of PoE. Any interested just hit me up.

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