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Is 13 too young to work? A Saskatchewan proposal has reignited debate around kids and labour
  • I'm still touching grass. I'm touching so much grass that it clogged up my trimmer.

    My son, whose report card I just got and found out that he made honour role, just came out to find me to show me a beautiful French rolling pin he made on the lathe. I just had to add string to my trimmer so I thought I would check in on how your rage is going. I see it's still going strong.

    I hope that one day you can find real happiness like I have.

  • Is 13 too young to work? A Saskatchewan proposal has reignited debate around kids and labour
  • I will sleep very well after I have a shower to wash off all the grass I've been touching all day.

    I really am sorry that you're so angry and miserable.

  • Is 13 too young to work? A Saskatchewan proposal has reignited debate around kids and labour
  • You're projecting. I've been checking in with you between whipper snipping around my wife's gardens. I've spent the entire day outside in the sun under a clear blue sky and now I'm watching YouTube videos and having a cold drink.

    You really are a sad, angry, pathetic person. I hope you eventually find happiness.

  • Is 13 too young to work? A Saskatchewan proposal has reignited debate around kids and labour
  • That's what it takes to make you happy? Thinking that you've hurt someone? That is a truly sad existance.

    I hope you some day find a way to be happy.

  • Is 13 too young to work? A Saskatchewan proposal has reignited debate around kids and labour
  • I'm sorry that you're so angry. I really feel sorry for you. I wish you were happy.

  • Is 13 too young to work? A Saskatchewan proposal has reignited debate around kids and labour
  • So much anger. It must really eat you up inside. I'm sorry that you're like this. It's got to be very stressful.

  • Is 13 too young to work? A Saskatchewan proposal has reignited debate around kids and labour
  • Like the mega corporations that have children cleaning equipment at night in abattoirs?

  • Is 13 too young to work? A Saskatchewan proposal has reignited debate around kids and labour
  • You seem really dedicated to being miserable. That really sucks for you.

  • Is 13 too young to work? A Saskatchewan proposal has reignited debate around kids and labour
  • It's got to be stressful to be so cynical. I'm sorry.

  • Is 13 too young to work? A Saskatchewan proposal has reignited debate around kids and labour
  • I started working full time during the summer the year I turned 13. I was working for my family's company and my safety was always the most important thing.

    In the current environment of the exploration of workers I feel that it is unacceptable for children to work for any company other than a family company or a small company that will not exploit them and that will protect them.

  • 'I'm sorry, God': Accused cried when Coutts border blockade abandoned
  • I did delete them. They were marked with the garbage can but didn't delete so I edited them to say they were deleted.

  • Ford government didn’t need to close science centre, firm that designed it says
  • This is the only way they could extract the value of the site and pass it on to wealthy donors.

  • 'I'm sorry, God': Accused cried when Coutts border blockade abandoned
  • Sorry...I was getting an error and didn't think it was posting.

    I deleted the posts and they were marked with the garbage can but they were hanging around and people were upvoting them. I decided to edit them to deleted to avoid confusion.

  • Deleted

    This guy is seriously delusional.

    > Olienick rejects the allegation he would threaten officers, but qualifies it by saying, "unless you guys are shooting at us first."

    > "But it wouldn't be you guys," he adds. "It would be UN guys or Chinese."

    The UN and/or China are going to invade Canada?


    > "I'm not going to be the first guy who's going to do it. I'm going to be the guy that's going to end it if it happens."

    These people watch way to fucking many US made one hero goes on a killing rampage and saves the day movies. Remember Ashli Babbitt? She and her angry mob were going to overthrow the US government and hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi right up until a bullet ripped through her chest and everyone else went, "Holy fuck, they're shooting white people! We're all going to fucking die!" and the insurrection ended with a single shot.

    People like this should never, ever, EVER be allowed to own guns. They aren't going to save the country from tyrants. They're going to start some shit because of a delusional collective fever dream and get themselves and likely innocent people killed.


    This guy is seriously delusional.

    > Olienick rejects the allegation he would threaten officers, but qualifies it by saying, "unless you guys are shooting at us first."

    > "But it wouldn't be you guys," he adds. "It would be UN guys or Chinese."

    The UN and/or China are going to invade Canada?


    > "I'm not going to be the first guy who's going to do it. I'm going to be the guy that's going to end it if it happens."

    These people watch way to fucking many US made one hero goes on a killing rampage and saves the day movies. Remember Ashli Babbitt? She and her angry mob were going to overthrow the US government and hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi right up until a bullet ripped through her chest and everyone else went, "Holy fuck, they're shooting white people! We're all going to fucking die!" and the insurrection ended with a single shot.

    People like this should never, ever, EVER be allowed to own guns. They aren't going to save the country from tyrants. They're going to start some shit because of a delusional collective fever dream and get themselves and likely innocent people killed.


    This guy is seriously delusional.

    > Olienick rejects the allegation he would threaten officers, but qualifies it by saying, "unless you guys are shooting at us first."

    > "But it wouldn't be you guys," he adds. "It would be UN guys or Chinese."

    The UN and/or China are going to invade Canada?


    > "I'm not going to be the first guy who's going to do it. I'm going to be the guy that's going to end it if it happens."

    These people watch way to fucking many US made one hero goes on a killing rampage and saves the day movies. Remember Ashli Babbitt? She and her angry mob were going to overthrow the US government and hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi right up until a bullet ripped through her chest and everyone else went, "Holy fuck, they're shooting white people! We're all going to fucking die!" and the insurrection ended with a single shot.

    People like this should never, ever, EVER be allowed to own guns. They aren't going to save the country from tyrants. They're going to start some shit because of a delusional collective fever dream and get themselves and likely innocent people killed.


    This guy is seriously delusional.

    > Olienick rejects the allegation he would threaten officers, but qualifies it by saying, "unless you guys are shooting at us first."

    > "But it wouldn't be you guys," he adds. "It would be UN guys or Chinese."

    The UN and/or China are going to invade Canada?


    > "I'm not going to be the first guy who's going to do it. I'm going to be the guy that's going to end it if it happens."

    These people watch way to fucking many US made one hero goes on a killing rampage and saves the day movies. Remember Ashli Babbitt? She and her angry mob were going to overthrow the US government and hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi right up until a bullet ripped through her chest and everyone else went, "Holy fuck, they're shooting white people! We're all going to fucking die!" and the insurrection ended with a single shot.

    People like this should never, ever, EVER be allowed to own guns. They aren't going to save the country from tyrants. They're going to start some shit because of a delusional collective fever dream and get themselves and likely innocent people killed.

    'I'm sorry, God': Accused cried when Coutts border blockade abandoned

    This guy is seriously delusional.

    > Olienick rejects the allegation he would threaten officers, but qualifies it by saying, "unless you guys are shooting at us first."

    > "But it wouldn't be you guys," he adds. "It would be UN guys or Chinese."

    The UN and/or China are going to invade Canada?


    > "I'm not going to be the first guy who's going to do it. I'm going to be the guy that's going to end it if it happens."

    These people watch way to fucking many US made one hero goes on a killing rampage and saves the day movies. Remember Ashli Babbitt? She and her angry mob were going to overthrow the US government and hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi right up until a bullet ripped through her chest and everyone else went, "Holy fuck, they're shooting white people! We're all going to fucking die!" and the insurrection ended with a single shot.

    People like this should never, ever, EVER be allowed to own guns. They aren't going to save the country from tyrants. They're going to start some shit because of a delusional collective fever dream and get themselves and likely innocent people killed.

    ‘Save the Children Convoy’ Finally Ends, Leaving Farmer With Piles of Garbage, Rancid Food and Unpaid Bills
  • If you're going to be colourful you might as well be fuck you colourful.

  • How PEI Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Roundabout | The Walrus
  • I love roundabouts. There are a lot of them near where I live. I really hate people who live near them and mover bother to learn to use them properly. It should be part of the driving test along with merging onto major highways and 4-way stop rules. Traffic works really well if everyone follows the rules.

  • Trudeau's security adviser plays down concealing documents from foreign interference inquiry
  • I have held a security clearance for decades, am multiply indoctrinated, and sworn to secrecy for life under threat of prison. The only people crowing about this are ignoramuses and the bad faith politicians using grievance politics to manipulate them.

  • Right-Wing Trolls Are Freaking Out After Learning They Can Get Sued For Calling People 'Groomers' On The Internet Right-Wing Trolls Are Freaking Out After Learning They Can Get Sued for Calling People ‘Groomers’ on the Internet

    New court decision reinforces that there is no public interest in speech that exposes vulnerable groups to hate

    Right-Wing Trolls Are Freaking Out After Learning They Can Get Sued for Calling People ‘Groomers’ on the Internet

    > Other right-wing accounts variously reacted by describing the move as Orwellian, lamenting the death of free speech and even contemplating leaving Canada for good.

    Oh no. Not that. Please no.

    <Tee hee!>

    Replacement controller for Atlas Vista 613 Wheelchair Lift

    This is the replacement controller I built for the wheelchair lift. The controller itself is in the middle. The four board on the left and right are a testing harness. The red and black wires are 24VDC and the green and white ones TX and GND for monitoring with a terminal program on my notebook (puTTY).

    Without the test harness it looks like this.


    I was trying to squeeze a LOT into the BID box that I'm using for this project. I had to stack boards to get everything in.


    The bottom most board is a standard bottom board for the BUD case. It has holes along each side for 2.54 screw terminals and pluggable screw terminals. I'm only using that board to mechanically connect the project to the BID case and for the screw terminals. I almost always use pluggable screw terminals because they're awesome. I can unplug four plugs instead of unscrewing 36 screw terminals and trying to keep the wires straight.

    There are two top boards. The one on the left carries four relays which turn the negative logic of the Darlingtons into positive logic for the lift. They send 24VDC out to the contactors that run the motors and the door lock. The other small board at the rear has two safety relays which switch power coming in through a bunch of safety switches out to the battery relay and the main contactor.

    This is what it looks like assembled into its BUD case.


    This is all built around an Arduino Nano with a program that I wrote in Great Cow BASIC.


    I'm working on replacing the Schneider SmartRelay on an Atlas Vista 613 wheelchair lift that I bought for my dad. The Atlas technician agrees that the SmartRelay is probably shot and the replacement is $1,000 wholesale. I built a replacement using an Arduino Nano, a UNL2803A Darlington array, a switching 7805, a bunch of Zener diodes, and a handfull of Schneider industrial relays.

    Unfortunately, I let the smoke out of my very last Nano and needed to keep the project moving. So...I took a small piece of protoboard, an Arduino ProMini 168, and some jumper wire and created this Frankenduino. It's the same pinout as the Nano with none of the nice supporting stuff like an ICP port, USB, voltage regulators, etc. It will keep the development moving while I'm waiting for the 10 Nanos I have on order to arrive.

    When you let the smoke out of your very last Arduino Nano.

    I give you Frankenduino. It's an Arduino ProMini soldered onto a piece of protoboard and wired up to the Nano pinout.

    I have 10 Nanos on order but I really needed to keep the project moving.

    This ProMini has an ATMEGAS168 chip on it but that's good enough for what I'm doing.

    Republican presidential candidate proposes border wall with Canada

    I think that the vast majorly of us are all for this. I can't wait to hear how they're going to build the 3,500 km of wall that are under water. I assume they will just build the wall on the waterfront on their side of the Great Lakes?

    This would solve the pornlemmy of what to do when the christofascist dictatorship finally takes hold, down there. I'm very concerned that 30 million refugees are going to head north across the border. They really should head south since there is no way that we can house them here over winter and millions of them will starve and freeze to death.

    Potato salad with duck eggs.

    We were invited friends house for dinner last night. My wife brought potato salad. I like lots of eggs in my potato salad. We had a couple of dozen duck what in the fridge so my wife boiled up a dozen and added them. It's about half by volume hard boiled duck eggs and it's delicious.

    CBC president defends broadcaster's Israel-Hamas coverage in a testy meeting with MPs

    What are these MAGA clowns doing in Canada's Parliament. The Conservatives are embarrassing to us as a country. The fascist virtue signaling is sickening.

    Girl Guides told not to participate in Ottawa-area Santa Claus Parade due to secularism policy Girl Guides told not to participate in Ottawa-area Santa Claus Parade due to secularism policy

    A Santa Claus Parade in the west end of Ottawa is making its comeback this year, but Girl Guides will not be participating because of Girl Guides of Canada's secularism policy.

    Girl Guides told not to participate in Ottawa-area Santa Claus Parade due to secularism policy

    This is just stupid.

    I'm an atheist. A devout atheist.

    This is not "secularism", it's stupidity.

    As atheists, my family celebrates the traditional secular commercial Christmas. We will also happily attend Chanukah celebrations, Kwanzaa celebrations, winter solstice celebrations, Nicholas Day celebrations, Yule celebrations, Festivus celebrations, or whatever else we are invited to attend. Our beliefs are not so delicate that they could collapse just from being exposed to others joyous celebrations. We love participating in other people's joy.

    This sort if fanatical secularism sucks all of the joy out of the season.

    How a sliver of land connected to a Ford-friendly union was removed from the Greenbelt How a sliver of land connected to a Ford-friendly union was removed from the Greenbelt |

    One of the parcels of land removed from Ontario's Greenbelt belongs to an employee at a large private sector union that backed the PCs during the election, Global News can reveal.

    How a sliver of land connected to a Ford-friendly union was removed from the Greenbelt  |

    At this point, it might be more efficient to start reporting on anything that the Ford government does that isn't a cynical, abjectly corrupt effort to enrich his friends.

    What a disgrace.

    Holubtsi (Ukrainian Cabbage Rolls)

    Pork, rice, onions and herbs rolled in Savoy cabbage leaves and poached in tomato juice.


    I vacuum sealed them individually for the freezer.

    SMD Dispenser Cartridge

    I do a lot of soldering and for the last few years have been using SMD components. Up until recently I was buying short pieces of tape with a few dozens or a hundred components. The amount that I do has really increased and running our of components began to irritate me so I started buying them on commercial rolls of 4,000 or 5,000 components.

    The full rolls are unwieldy so what I really wanted was a cartridge that was small enough to have a bunch of them in a drawer or plastic storage box but big enough to hold a fair number of components.

    So...I designed this.

    It's 60mm x 60mm x 11mm and is designed to dispense standard 8mm x 1mm component tape. I've got other versions for wider and thicker tape. It will hold a good 2m or tape which is around 1,300 components. The paper tape with the components comes out the straight slot while the clear plastic cover tape turns back out of the curved slot. The little tab holds the cover tape back so it doesn't get in your way. The splitter between the straight slot and the curved slot keeps the components from falling out until the tape emerges from the straight slot.

    I think that the coolest feature of this design is the holes around the corners of the cartridge. They allow you to gang cartridges together into stacks using standard LEGO Technics connector pins. The cover also uses connector pin like projections to attach to the cartridge. With the cartridge being only 11mm thick you can't put two pins end to end so I needed two holes so that the pins in adjacent connections can alternate which hole they use. On 16mm and wider cartridges I could have used a single hole but will keep the two holes for compatibility with the narrower cartridges.


    This is a rough prototype to test the fit of the tape. It seems to work quite well.

    SMD Cartridge

    With maple syrup season fast approaching (4 months ish) my thoughts have turned to working on the Sapmaster once again. I'm going to design and build a new top and bottom board this year to fit in the BUD DMB-4774 DIN case that I use for the SapMaster controller. That's going to involve a bunch of SMD soldering which reminded me of the irritation that soldering with loose pieces of SMD tape causes me.

    To that end, I went looking for an SMD dispenser cartridge that would meet my needs. I couldn't find one so I decided to design my own.

    This is version 4.1 of the design. It holds around 5 feet of standard 8mm paper tape which is around 1,000 components. The tape comes out the straight slot at the upper right. The clear cover tape goes out the curved slot and can be hooked under the little pin upper left. The point of the splitter between the straight and curved slots holds the components in place so they don't fall out before you pull the tape out of the slot.


    I will generally use single cartridges with a cover but the friends I work with say that they want them to connect together. I considered a number of options but they all involved pins and holes or tabs and slots and I wanted the individual covered cartridges to be nice and clean. What I settled on are the holes you see around the corners of this cartridge. The accept a standard LEGO Technics connecting pin and allow you to gang together any number of cartridges.

    I'm all setup to make versions for different widths and thicknesses of tape as well. The cover has four LEGO Technics like pins to plug into the holes in the cartridge.

    I expect to start printing some to actually use in a few days when the magnetic base plate for my 3D printer arrives.

    Turning tomatoes into eggs.

    My wife had to run off to the other end of the country very suddenly yesterday. She had planned to process two boxes of late season tomatoes. It fell to me to get it done. I diced them up and put them in the freezer so that she can make sauce when she gets back.


    The big guy thinks that any time I'm at the butcher block in the morning I must be slicing ham. He loves ham. I told him I was working on tomatoes but he was quite persistent about making sure that I wasn't slicing ham. I even showed him a chunk of tomato and he went away but he came back 5 minutes later to see if I was still not slicing ham.


    Chicken treats = happy chickens and more eggs.

    The chickens love the trimmings and rejects. They were very excited when I let them out this morning and they found a bunch of tomatoes in their yard.

    MapleEngineer MapleEngineer

    25 years in the federal government in guns and badges, 22 of those in Corrections, then 10 years in hacker hunting and breach detection, now an information security sales engineer. Homestead farmer, amateur welder, equipment operator, electronic designer, 40 years soldering, husband and father.

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