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There has never been a better time to switch to PC
  • Don't know tbh, I still only have an old original PS4 I bought used. But a while back for a brief moment I looked into what it would cost to get a PS5, I read about the major problems people had with it and stick drift is a really big issue with the dualsense controller. What I've read since is that it has only gotten worse, and there are countless nightmare stories from people trying to return or replace them. Apparently there is a "pro" version of the controller that has been out since 2022 or something and it's main selling feature is that you can swap out the sticks. The sticks still have the same drift problems, mind you, they're just modular and swappable, so instead of having to buy an all new controller every year or so, you only have to pay for a new pair of sticks. But that controller alone like like $140 or something.

  • There has never been a better time to switch to PC
  • Well, you'll definitely want a second controller because the PS5 controller sticks are well known for very quickly developing problems like severe stick drift. So when your first controller inevitably goes bad, you'll want that spare, either as a replacement entirely, or as a backup while you spend weeks first arguing with Sony just to honor the agreement to fix their shit (if you're lucky enough to still be under warantee) and then shipping it to them and waiting far too long for them to return it, and then only to find they did nothing and have to go through the process all over again, to finally hopefully get back a fixed (for the time being) controller. So yes, a second controller is necessary, even if you only ever play solo.

  • All I wanted to do is take a course on the history of the golden age of Islam
  • You might also want to report this to wherever you downloaded it from. Even if found on the high seas, there's usually a mechanism for reporting a download that isn't what it's claimed to be.

  • All I wanted to do is take a course on the history of the golden age of Islam
  • I am almost certain this isn't revisionism by the author, rather OP found a hijacked text.

  • All I wanted to do is take a course on the history of the golden age of Islam
  • I can't find any evidence of a 2021 edition of "In God's Path" being published. The book was originally published in 2015, and there doesn't appear to be any subsequent editions. Which means that what you found is almost certainly a hijacked textbook. Some fascist piece of shit is passing off their own fascist rhetoric as academic text. Since it looks like your prof is in the clear for not actually teaching a course on Islamic history with disgustingly Islamophobic text, I would encourage you to tell them about this. It's fairly likely that you're not the only student who downloaded this load of chauvinist lies thinking it is the real text they're meant to study, but other students might not be so aware of how blatantly false (and fascist) it is. If your instructor is actually cool, then this could end up being a good opportunity for a teaching moment even.

  • Weird enjoyment for old yellowing offices
  • You do know about the backrooms right? And liminal spaces in general?

    It is definitely not just you that gets certain... feelings about such places. A strange familiarity. The realization that most of us do was even a bit of an internet phenomenon for a while.

    Here's another kind of interesting video essay: Liminal Spaces: A Theory Concerning Our Existence

  • Removed
    This game designed for masochists should be made easier for me, because I allowed peer pressure to make me waste my time on a game I don’t like and I want to fit in instead of playing a game I like
  • I could have sworn it was on the list of things that would quickly get your comment removed if you didn't edit it out, which I think is the right call for a community that has a firm stance about oppressive language in even common and casual phrases. But a quick perusal of search results shows (to my disappointment) that "butthurt" is still used somewhat regularly around here.

    edit: maybe I'm too sensitive to this sort of thing, but the way I've always interpreted it is that it's not just homophobic (though it is that too), it also reflects how normalized (cw) r*pe culture is.

  • After the revolution and we have FALGSC I propose hooking all the chuds up to pleasure cubes that they live in that's 24/7 babes, guns, boobies, beer and trump.
  • I think before the capitalist system beats it out of them and corrupts them into sociopathic monsters, they do. There are likely exceptions and outliers like there is for any human trait, but for the most part, as a social species, individual members of it are born with an inherent empathy for others. The major question here is whether or not a grain of that empathy still exists or can be re-instilled in a person who has been so thoroughly corrupted by the pathology of being a top beneficiary in a capitalist, greed-is-virtue system. I'd like to think so. That's perhaps the main purpose of reeducation.

  • Russian missiles strike more than half of Ukraine's regions
  • Bye! As you slink away, embarrassed to have been so schooled, I want to thank you for proving once again that all "rUzZia is the AgResSSSSoR!" libs are intellectually vacuous and willfully incapable of learning anything about the real world whenever something challenges their simplistic, infantile understanding of it. pathetic

  • People who treat your inability to pay for things as a choice deserve to be thrown out of a building
  • I'm sorry. I feel almost tainted having even written that. For reals, only compassion to you, comrade. heart-sickle

  • People who treat your inability to pay for things as a choice deserve to be thrown out of a building
  • Come on, Dirt_Owl, you have bootstraps just like everyone else. If you really wanted to, you could pull on those a little harder. The fact that you don't just means you don't care about other people, especially people who do. If you keep being so selfish and expecting everyone else to accommodate you just because you're "poor," then what's next? Are you going to start whining like all those welfare-sucking dirty homeless who have it so easy with no adult responsibilities but are always complaining about how those of us good and hard-working people who did make the right decision to pull on our bootstraps owe them a mansion or something? Ew. Don't pretend like this isn't entirely your decision to be this way.

  • Russian missiles strike more than half of Ukraine's regions
  • Do you know what an ad hominem even is? Apparently not, since nowhere in my comment did I use one. Like there was nothing I said that even came close to an ad hominem but even if there was, this isn't junior high debate club, nerd.

    As for you wanting me to explain to you the fact that Russia is not the aggressor in this conflict, it's hard to know where to even start, in part because I don't know how deep your ignorance of history and geopolitics is or what specific pieces of propaganda you believe, but also because there is a hell of a lot of history and context there to cover when answering such a broad question as "why is Russia not the aggressor?" It's a huge thing to ask someone, not unlike saying to some stranger on the net "Hey, I believe that aliens actually built the pyramids. No? Well if you want to explain that they didn't, I'm all ears." It's saying "My mind is made up on some bullshit, but you challenged it, so feel free to explain ancient Egyptian history, their socioeconomics, their technological capabilities, and other entire disciplines as the necessary context that together would make it clear that my belief is based in ignorance." Just like in that scenario, there is quite a lot I could talk about to try to get you to recognize the reality of the situation, even though it's not my job to educate you. So without going into detail, off the top of my head, here are some of the things I could talk about.

    I could talk about NATO and how even since the fall of the Soviet Union (which was the ostensible reason for the existence of NATO in the first place) it continued to threaten and antagonize Russia, encircling it with military bases and encroaching upon it with missile systems despite Russia's requests for economic alliances and even to join the bloc, but how the response of NATO was to ramp up using military threats. I could elaborate about how this was to force Russia to bend the knee even more than it already had, the ultimate goal being complete subjugation to western economic interests agsinst the interests or will of the people of Russia. But I don't expect that would impress most western liberals who already have their mind made up that Russia is, was, and always will be made up of bad guys, so instead I could talk about the openly US-backed coup in Ukraine that removed the democratically elected party from power and replaced it with literal neo-nazi fascists specifically for the reason that those nazis were anti-Russia. I could talk about how that fascist regime is who is in power now (as they were when Russia entered the conflict) and how they banned all opposition parties, making any that are even remotely pro-Russia illegal and also indefinitely suspended elections. I could talk about how even before the coup, for years NATO had been arming and training neo-nazi terrorist militias as proxy fighting forces (a very common tactic btw) in Ukraine for the purpose of provoking a military conflict with Russia. I could talk about how that fascist regime immediately started an ethnic cleansing campaign in eastern Ukraine of the Russian-speaking populace there. I could talk about how this was escalated into civil war long before February of 2022 and how those regions attempted to become breakaway republics, with Ukraine (rather, the fascist regime ruling Ukraine, but who we all mean now when we talk of "Ukraine" as a political entity) continuously shelling these regions and murdering the civilians that lived there. I could talk about how Russia repeatedly tried to get all this to stop through diplomatic means, including the signing of famous agreements - agreements that not only Ukraine and their NATO backers ended up completely ignoring, but that even western leaders openly admitted they had no intent of honoring and were only made so that they could delay Russia from taking any action to stop the ethnic cleansing, allowing the fascists more time to militarize and slaughter Russian-speakers unopposed. I could talk about how Russia was finally forced to intervene in an ongoing civil war, but how all the dumbass western libs call this an "unprovoked invasion" and instead of seeing the complex economic and political history, let alone the fact that the US had been trying to force something like this to happen, like to pretend it was some ravanchist scheme of that dastardly Putin. And there's still a ton that that I forgot to mention even as a topic I could talk about. But an actual understanding of these things should make it clear to anyone who is both honest and paying attention that Russia is indeed not the aggressor.

  • Russian missiles strike more than half of Ukraine's regions
  • The facts of the matter are that Russians are the aggressors here

    I'm glad you let us know in your 3rd sentence that you have no idea what a fact even is and that the rest of your gibberish comment can be immediately discarded. What a cringe, foolish thing to say. picard

  • Russian missiles strike more than half of Ukraine's regions
  • but it also removes human bias element from the equation

    That is not possible, and to pretend that it is is itself a significant bias.

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: What Are You Playing Weekly Thread
  • I just completed Hades for the first time an hour ago. What a truly well made game.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from August 19th to August 25th, 2024 - Our Mountains, Our Treasures - Child of the Week: Hassan LargePenis
  • From older comments: 6 big Ferguson organizers died or "committed suicide" pretty quickly after their protests started to die down. This includes two people shot and burned in their cars, one shot infront of the Ohio Statehouse, one who was hanged in a park, and one who had a heart attack on a bus. The police investigated a few of these and never came up with anything.

    basically almost all of the original organizers were killed by police, or in other suspicious circumstances like being found dead in burned cars with gunshot wounds.

  • Doomist or realist? Meet the scientist who says the climate collapse has already begun
  • Tbf, this guy (Jem Bendell) was saying 5 years ago that civilization could be gone by 2025 due to a climate apocalypse that is now too late to avoid. There's a lot to criticize about what he has said, but no one can claim that he doesn't know how bad climate change is, has been, or how bad it might get. For the most part he's considered the epitome of climate alarmism.

  • Hasan gets kicked out of the DNC
  • Yes, just like Beaver said, it shows you that the enemies of the Democrats are not the Republicans, their supporters, or right-wing ideologues in general. The enemies of Democrats are anyone who is sincerely progressive and anyone who cares about the victims of genocide.

    reignites lingering doubts held in the minds of people sympathetic to the Palestinian cause.

    Reignite lingering doubts?? Anyone sympathetic to the Palestinian cause should be screaming from the rooftops that these people are committing heinous atrocities, literal genocide. They shouldn't be doubted, they should be [redacted].

  • Hasan gets kicked out of the DNC
  • Here's the transcript. (Edit for clarity: link is an archive of NYT's transcript of the speech, not Hasan talking about it.)

    As vice president, I have confronted threats to our security, negotiated with foreign leaders, strengthened our alliances and engaged with our brave troops overseas. As commander in chief, I will ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world.