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A true dilemma
  • I don't even know what Google Books is. Also, I don't care.

  • I think I see the problem with our education system
  • There should be a lever in that diagram labeled "engineering instructor".

  • Arguments for not going back to reddit (for nsfw content)?
  • You can still use 3rd party apps if you patch them with Revanced. I still Use RIF, and it works just like it did before the shutdown.

  • HP TV ads claim its printers are 'made to be less hated'
  • Well, I don't think they could be any more hated.

  • Each Bitcoin transaction uses 4,200 gallons of water — enough to fill a swimming pool — and could potentially cause freshwater shortages
  • It's actually a scam pushed by Big Water to get you to use more water and line their pockets.

  • Buick Reatta dashboard with touchscreen (1988–89)
  • It was a CRT and it was bright AF at night. I remember getting a bunch of them in at the auto auction in the early 90s. They also had burned in screens by that time.

  • How long could one survive with only water and beer and no food?
  • That was my diet when I was in my 20s.

  • Really liked this article about the monopolies in the mail industry
  • Email is becoming obsolete anyway. I only use it personally to register accounts online. I have an old email address that I got 20 years ago. I haven't checked it in years. It holds several hundred thousand emails and was constantly full of junk mail. It just became totally useless to me a long time ago.

    We use email at work, but not as much as we used to because there are better ways to communicate since everyone has a phone. We don't even use the computers in our offices much anymore because it's just easier to use a phone. The execs have tablets that they carry around, then dock at their desks. They don't even have desktop computers anymore.

  • Inside the 'arms race' between YouTube and ad blockers
  • Usually the product with the most money behind it wins, unfortunately.

  • gross
  • I caught myself thinking "144 is a gross". It took about 2 more seconds before I got it. Sometimes my mind is strange.

  • Is it just me or does the new reddit logo look evil
  • I do despair when I look upon you.

  • Just chill, youre harshing my ethnic cleansing
  • I'm someone who knows that every person is both good and bad, and it's a struggle that every one has. Looking at things as black and white, and every human struggle as being a fight against good and evil is a very misplaced, and dangerous way of thinking.

  • Before viral Islamophobic rant, ex-Obama official harassed women, Russian diplomat’s dog - The Grayzone
  • I hate to correct such a poiniant comment, but I believe the term you were looking for was bastard. A bitch is a female mangy canine.

  • Just chill, youre harshing my ethnic cleansing
  • Too many people see the world in black and white. You are either good or evil. Every person is both good and evil, but the media and propagandists want you to see one side as pure evil. Obviously it works because I see these kinds of posts everywhere. I don't see it getting any better since everyone carries a handheld propaganda machine with them all the time.

  • It never works how you expect it to work.
  • Everything looks smaller when I look between my legs.

  • Luke_Fartnocker Luke_Fartnocker
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