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How socially conservative are China and Vietnam, and how can they realistically become more progressive?
  • I have no real input in this discussion other than reading it and being fascinated. I just wanted to say that I love the phrase: the sun at eight or nine in the morning.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 13
  • There is more and more proof that one of our extreme right politicians worked in service of the CCP. I'm extremely disappointed in this.

  • "The great purge of 2023"
  • This is a good answer. Thanks. I am doubtfull of your position that capital is subordinate to the prolitariat in China, as I do not see much examples of that. The prolitariat in China, while getting marginally less poor (yes, I've read the UN report), is still mostly the world's construction basket. So while I believe that capital is regulated, I don't believe it's subordinate to the proletariat. That said, currently it's better to not start implementing huge changes in economic law, i.e. take all billionaires money as it would create unrest and also ammunition for thr US to use against China. However, I would have liked to see this as an initial block back before there where billionaires in China. I still have yet to see a good point for them actually existing.

  • What are you currently reading?
  • I'm about halfway through and when I kind of lost interest. I should get back into it.

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What's the commie bookstore in your city? Name??

  • "The great purge of 2023"
  • This is a justification but still not an explanation for why China allows (or should allow) billionaires. If you take all the money above 1B Yen and transfer it to the state you also have a build up of capital to be used by the state to help the people.

  • "The great purge of 2023"
  • Yes I understand the development of state capitalistism to build up production forces on the road to socialism. It's still not an answer qs to why billionaires should exist.

  • books
  • Thanks. I'm not one for techno-optimism but maybe it has some good ideas.

  • "The great purge of 2023"
  • It's an arbitrary number because it's a number people can latch on to. A billion dollars... or yen.... or euro.

    Yeah theory, everyone just always assumes someone needs more theory. Assumes the person hasn't read theory. And it's a divergence strategy: uh oh, don't know, more theory!

    What are we going to do with billionaires after the revolution comrade?

  • books

    Hi all,

    I don't know where to post this because it's not a question about theory but more about if anyone has read (one of) these books and what they think about it.

    I'm reading Jean Ellenstein's History of the Stalinist Phenomenon. It's a historical analysis of how the conditions under which Stalin led the USSR came to be.

    Then I got recommended Fully Automated Luxury Communism by Aaron Bastani. I lookednup Aaron Bastani as I didn't know him and my fidst feeling is dubious. Anyone that has read this book and can comment on it?

    Finally, if there is a better space on Lemmygrad for this, let me know! Something like a books or book discussion space or something.

    "The great purge of 2023"
  • Just because they seem willing to do more than us, ans I don't argue that thet do because they do, I can still criticize them for not taking that decision. Billionaires have no need of existing.

  • NSFW
    [CW Epstein] Oh,
  • Wtf do you mean with "redpilled Epstein movie"? Like I have no idea what you are trying to say with that sentence.

  • "The great purge of 2023"
  • What I don't like about the PRC is that it didn't make into law that there can't be billionaires. Whatever you think of China, whether it's socialist, or state-capitalist, or capitalist in economy with socialist social relations run by a communist party, the fact that there are billionaires, even when they are kept in check by the government and do not control the state apparatus, I think it would have been an amazing precedent to say that billionaires should not exist. Every penny above 1 999.999.999 yen or dollar or euro (already a ridiculous amount but ok) should flow back to the people. It undermines the socialist project that I want to believe China is still building.

    I know this has nothing to do with the article. I just wanted to say this.

  • Europe aims to ramp up weapons to help Ukraine defeat Russia
  • Really wish we wouldn't because that money could be used in our country. People duying on the street from cold, malnutrition, homelessness. But we're sending money to a country that's doomed to fail its war effort and last year vetod a very generous peace deal that Russia proposed. Screw that.

  • 🇨🇺 General Discussion Thread - Juche 113 Week 01 DĂ­a de la LiberaciĂłn Edition 🇨🇺
  • Okay that's a good reason to get rid of the ram for sure, if it is a danger to the child. How about keeping one sheep for good luck, cuddles and floofyness? (I'm being stupid. I realize life on the commune is guided by more realistic principles than floof and cuddles)

  • Why You Should Be A Socialist In 2024
  • I agree with your first two paragraphs. I disagree with the third. I do think it is more difficult, especially in European countries and definitely in the US, and definitely to go towards a socialist revolution (which is the one, I think, we fight for). I also think you are underestimating the effects of the red scare.

    I do agree that Second thought should not start spouting reformist nonsense like voting will suddenly work or something, but I haven't heard that from him.

  • Why You Should Be A Socialist In 2024
  • I agree that the theory is not obsolete nor has the danger passed. I am not dismissing it because it was written 100 years ago. But I'm specifically commenting on your saying that we shouldn't align with those groups and that is true, but we should also recognise the material conditions as they are today and not in 1918: vehemently anti-communist, with social media as an important stepping stone (both fascist and socialist), and an interconnectrd world that seems more complex than ever before (I' not saying it is, the world has always been comex, but it seems that way because we get i formation from all over). So the theory should also adapt.

  • In 2024, please switch to Firefox
  • Ok don't shoot me in advance because this is an honest question. I use Safari as a daily browser. Where do theh rank on the pile?

    On my android I actually use Opera and like it quite a bit.

  • Why You Should Be A Socialist In 2024
  • I just bought a book called: socialisme, seks en seksualiteit. I think you would like it. It's essays from 1999 by dutch and Belgian marxists on the topic.

  • Michael Parenti podcast?

    Hi comrades,

    I love listening to Michael Parenti. I love listening to podcasts while I ride my bike or cook or whatever. So I was wondering if I'm the only one that would listen to Parenti's lectures in podcast form? If not, I will start a podcast where I host all of his long term lectures I can find.

    I will of course credit Dr. Parenti, as you should. And would never monetize the podcast.

    I would also like to ask Dr. Parenti for his OK but I know he has dementia so I don't know if this will be possible.

    Maybe in time, I could add other lectures by other famous thinkers or revolutionaries on there. If I could understand Spanish, I would listen to Castro all day long.

    Frida Kahlo - "I'm more and more convinced it's only through communism we can become human"

    Hi all,

    I have a movie podcast, in which I talk with my favorite people about one of their favorite films. And for januari, the film I'm reviewing is Frida, a movie about Frida Kahlo.

    This made me do a deep dive into Frida Kahlo and, what do you know: Frida Kahlo, die-hard communist. She had an affair with Trotsky, her last painting had as subject Stalin, and when she went to the US, she was reported saying: “I’ve learnt so much here and I’m more and more convinced it’s only through communism that we can become human.” Badass quote.

    So, yeah. Frida is a decent movie. They even openly show people discussing communism, they show a flag with hammer and sickle, they show Trotsky. That sounds like nothing but this is an American movie by an American filmmaker (albeit a woman but still).

    Picture by Florence Arquin, 1951

    LoomingMountain Looming mountain

    Luxury gay space communist

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