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Various types of Ukranian Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs)
  • You can buy similar commercial chassis for about one fifth of that. Control systems depending on whether they are intended for autonomous operation or remote control would be maybe 5-20k on top of that. I have no idea what the mounted weaponry in worth.

    The real question is whether they are paying inflated military prices as is typical with US equipment, or building them in house at cost.

  • Tesla says Model 3 that burst into flames in fatal tree crash wasn’t defective
  • I am totally on board with individual vehicles as a last-mile solution, and self driving vehicles are a great option for that, but expecting them to provide the entire trip puts us right back in the situation we find ourselves now with human driven cars.

    Unless we are going to shrink these vehicles down to the size of a bicycle, mass transit for the bulk of the route will always win out in terms of efficiency.

  • US family sues Nasa for $80,000 in damages after space debris hits home
  • Indeed, the difference between the two is that a driver has no responsibility for any debris already present on the road that they inadvertently caused to damage something. They are however responsible for damage caused by any object they themselves introduced to the roadway.

    The NASA equivalent would be pretty straightforward, they are not responsible for any space rocks that they accidentally disturbed from orbit and caused to land on your house, but they are fully responsible if thier own craft or parts thereof fell from space onto your house.

  • what invisible thing could set off my smoke detector?
  • If you're going to the expense of putting a camera on it, why not take it a little further and slap together an arduino-based sensor suite with some logging? See if you can find any correlations in temp/humidity/gas conc that might help with diagnosis.

  • 2 killed, 8 wounded in mass shooting outside Arkansas grocery store
  • I haven't spent any time in the Middle East, so please forgive my armchair analysis if you are more versed in the culture, but it seems like they have a legitimate need for guns, given how unstable the region is, rather than seeking guns out because of a deification like the US.

  • Favourite patient modern game?
  • I just wish it was multithreaded so that i could maintain a colony for more than a week without slowing to potato speeds.

    My n00b theory on it, with the proviso that I am not a developer and only have a basic understanding of multithreading, is that you would break up the map into regions, and have each regions pawns and environment handled independently by separate threads/cores while one master thread handled interactions between regions and kept them all in sync.

    Regions could dynamically scale depending on how computationally intensive they are, such that when the master/watchdog thread has to wait for one thread significantly longer than any of it's adjacent region threads, it remaps the boundary iteratively until it acheives minimal wait-time and the load is evenly balanced.

    As it stands, I've got one core maxed out and the game running slower than realtime while my 15 other cores sit at idle like suckers.

  • 2 killed, 8 wounded in mass shooting outside Arkansas grocery store
  • Stupid people treating guns like toys is a product of the abundance of guns, not the cause.

    If you placed those same people in a place where guns aren't freely available I dohbt they would seek out guns for the sake of firing them off at a wedding.

  • French women voters swing sharply to far right
  • If I was capable of getting pregnant, ensuring that I couldnt be forced into a lifelong parenthood based on a single mistake that i may not even consent to would be a much scarier thought than more people speaking a different language.

  • New to Linux - Some beginner questions about Bazzite
  • For building from scratch, which you will sometimes need to do for obscure programs that cant be handled by your standard package managers, I find chatGPT is actually a really helpful tool, despite the hate for it.

    If you dump your error logs into it, it will very quickly point out simple things like missing flags or incompatible library versions which might take a long time to resolve yourself if you're not familiar with linux.

  • [NightHawkInLight] DIY Supermaterial Could Save You From Heatstroke: Salt based PCMs
  • 1.2l water

    240ml sodium sulfate

    60ml sodium chloride

    20ml xantham gum(optional for increased efficacy by keeping the solution homogenous)

    Boil water, stir until fully dissolved, a small amount of solute should remain, if not, increase sodium sulfate concentration slowly until it does, indicating no free water molecules available for dissolution.

    Solution should now be cooled to below 18c( freezing point) for an end product that will regulate temperature to 18c so long as it have sufficient(negative) thermal energy.

    Solution of pure sodium chloride will have freezing point approx -20C, while solution of pure sodium sulfate has freezing point +35C. Adjusting the ratio of NaCl to Na2SO4 will shift the freezing point towards either end of thag spectrum, depending on what phase change temperature you are targetting.

  • I fucking hate the job search
  • I often stumble across jobs in Antarctica listed in my region. It's right there in the headline, so its easy to skip over them, but i have to wonder, how else would you advertise for jobs in remote locations where most people wouldn't even think to look?

  • Locked
    non vegan pizza time
  • Why should people committing unjust acts be allowed to commit them in peace? Where is the peace for their victims if we do not speak up? The MLK quote seems entirely fitting.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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