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What if Musk ran for president?
  • @Gradually_Adjusting Let's be honest, if non-natural born US citizens could be president, there's a non-szero chance we would have seen President Schwarzenegger more than decade ago.
    I love Arrnie, fon't get me wrong, but electing popular figures rarely goes well (lloking at you, Reagan)


  • What if Musk ran for president?
  • @Gradually_Adjusting Hi! Welcome to Planet Earth. Please tell the alien overlords to hurry up and invade, we are suffering under tyranny

    @anarchoplayworker @shackleford

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  • @Pips first [the AI] came for the writers...

  • Loki Loki

    He/Him Interests: Cybersecurity, Woodworking, Books, Vaping Lifelong disciple of Sir Pterry.

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