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Free Thinker
  • We’ve never had real communism.

    I don’t think human nature will allow for true communism at scale. Like all political organizations beyond a handful of people, corruption is de facto present and completely at odds with the theory.

    People can swear up and down that it’s doable but I truly don’t think it could ever be by humans. We are too selfish.

  • 'Omg': Critics stunned as Trump caught 'endorsing The Purge' as a real policy at his rally
  • He will say absolutely anything to get in power and avoid the catastrophe that awaits should he fail.

    With all the crimes he’s committed that are well documented and easily proven and thus far only some convicted but not sentenced, he’s walking a tightrope. If he falters the consequences are dire.

    At best his debts catch up to him and his family legacy is in tatters.

    At worst he is in prison for the rest of his life from a treason charge.

    If he wins no judge will sentence him until he’s out of office, which he may never be with all the GOP groundwork being laid to create a puppet dictatorship controlled by conservative oligarchs.

  • Artist is Suing Copyright Office For Refusing to Register His AI Image
  • It has to be fixed in a tangible medium.

    Hard disks are pretty tangible.

    But if they are not as you suggest, does this mean all digital photography is not copyright able?

    So many arguments as to why this shouldn’t be subject to copyright seem to fail simple questions of logic.

    If the output of ML isn’t copyright able, then the inputs should not be subject to copyright either. The whole system is broken and only serves to enrich the few at the expense of the many. It doesn’t protect the small time artists, only the exceptionally wealthy ones who earn more than the typical worker will make in many lifetimes.

  • Artist is Suing Copyright Office For Refusing to Register His AI Image
  • Doesn’t modern art include works that are simply paint streaks left on canvas from someone quickly swinging a brush with paint on it at a distance?

    Why is the phrase used by an AI prompt not considered more effort than that? The former requires no thought, only movement. The latter requires an understanding of language, critical thinking and the ability to envision an end result that isn’t just a paint splatter.

  • Free Thinker
  • I mean, the argument that communism is slavery to the state is a real and valid argument as of 2024.

    It's not like capitalism is any less a form of slavery, except instead of stealing from everybody to give to everybody it steals from everybody and gives it all to insurance companies and other businesses benefiting oligarchs. The whole system is slavery under another name, work for the luxury of having a place to sleep at night so that your owner can live a comfortable life. Slavery to many masters who use your body for their gains.

    There's not going to be a system that you're not a slave to though, unless we somehow find a way to trivially convert matter to energy and vice versa and build a utopia where machines do everything for us... and we all share the rewards. All hail science fiction communism? (and keep in mind science fiction keeps becoming reality! Just don't hold your breath for this in our lifetimes.)

  • South Carolina executes first man in 13 years despite new evidence of innocence
  • I don't understand how you can convict someone based on the testimony of a person getting a plea deal for turning in another person.

    The last thing the person getting the plea deal would want to do is turn over someone loyal enough to them to rob a place and shoot another person with.

    Does anyone think this would have happened if the accused was the son of a wealthy white couple? How about if it was the police chief's son? Any senator's son?

    Just saying. Testimony without hard evidence shouldn't be enough for criminal conviction, let alone a fucking execution.

  • ISPs tell Supreme Court they don’t want to disconnect users accused of piracy
  • Given this is a lawsuit from the conservative telecom industry in a conservative justice system against policies that protect a largely ultra-liberal group (hollywood) I can see this going well for the telecoms.

    What we want as individuals is for the policing to go away but that's not how the US works. Instead there will be some other kind of system devised to try and lock down media even further while keeping fines and enforcement responsibility away from the telecoms.

    Maybe the IP holders will be granted unprecedented access as middlemen to monitor traffic and police it themselves, or maybe electronics will be required to be sold with special DRM mechanisms that require an authorized source of media, like they've been trying to inject everywhere for ages unsuccessfully.

    Either way this lawsuit has no effect on me, or most people. Piracy that would lead to ISP action is avoided by proxies or VPN anyway, right? I can't imagine anyone allegedly acquiring illicit material not using one of those services.

  • Final Fantasy's sales crisis is also an identity crisis
  • Well let's see...

    They took a 40-60 hour PS1 game and tried to make three $70-$90 titles out of it. They weren't content to just remake the game in a modern engine, it had to be a trilogy full of a bunch of extra padded stuff. Because just like the Hobbit, they wanted MONEY, not to create something of great value to players.

    Not to mention they waited 23 years to remake FF7 despite everybody begging for it at least as far back as the xbox 360 days, if not the ps2 days. I saw the remake as a cry for more traditional JRPGs like they had been known for and wildly successful for in the 90s.

    Now they've released another main line final fantasy game in a format that is nothing like what originally made them popular. I've played it, I don't particularly enjoy it. I dropped it about half way through the story and have instead put 80 hours into Unicorn Overlord which I picked up for $40 just two months after release. A game that almost certainly has a way lower budget - and i'm not even done with it yet. I keep picking up that ps5 controller every now and then and doing a level or two before life takes over again, and each time I love it and want to keep playing. It feels more like a final fantasy game, albiet final fantasy tactics, than FFXVI feels like a final fantasy game.

    I just can't help but feel like maybe a big budget and big pricetag doesn't mean quality. That stellar graphics don't always mean fun. Maybe Square needs it's own paradigm shift where they figure out how to make really cool games that are cheap with a lot of staying power without giant budgets and huge art production teams. You know, avoid the things that necessitate $210-$270 in release prices to be financially viable.

    Or maybe the people who made final fantasy great in the 90s were cut from a different kind of cloth than the people who work at square today. Total shot in the dark, but i'm left questioning why they do what they do like I have now for about 18 years.

  • 54 percent of Americans back mass deportation of immigrants: Poll
  • This shit is the 21st century witch hunt. Covid cripples the economy from all the governments basically telling you to stay inside and businesses shuttering all over followed by ballooning the national debt by giving out tons of handouts for this. Then once they say "ok it's been enough time, go out there and get back to work" suddenly all that covid money given to people is being spent, driving up the cost of everything.

    Now just a couple years later, everyone is looking for someone to blame for why costs are so high. "They gave us money to survive before... now it costs so much to do everything! It must be the BROWN people's fault!" simply because they are the newest wave of immigrants in a country built by immigrants for centuries.

    Surely it can't be due to poor zoning laws, bad economic policies by the last administration (which set us up to fail with massive multi-trillion dollar debt thanks to all those big business tax cuts) and a news media gone wild, controlled by a handful of oligarchs who have more money and power than ever before after profiting from it all.

    As always, a masterful performance by the rich and powerful. Let's make america get fucked again! #Recession2029

  • Wikipedia defines Zionism as ‘colonialism,’ sparking outrage
  • Okay, so then i'll focus on the specific claim of right during/before the early 1900s everyone was peacefully coexisting.

    Sure, near the end of the ottoman empire there was a very brief period where there was some coexistence. Very brief.

  • Wikipedia defines Zionism as ‘colonialism,’ sparking outrage
  • The area was effectively a bloodbath until the twilight years of the ottoman empire for a very brief period.

    From the muslim conquest of the levant in the 7th century, to the christian crusades across several centuries... there has been seemingly countless wars in the name of religion in the region. The conflict goes back much, much longer than 124 years.

    Anyway, you talk about this being a question of something. I see no questions whatsoever. I just see hate after hate, bloodshed after bloodshed. It won't end until humans bring themselves to extinction or one side wipes out the other because we're incapable as a species of anything else.

    I'm glad that the UN is pushing to get Israel out of the Gaza Strip at the least, but the damage is already done. The cycle will just continue because the hate will never end.

  • 14% of Republicans would 'take action to overturn' the election if Trump loses, study finds
  • Yeah, and then you get all the people who go into the comment thread and start talking about all this shit which they ascertained by a headline.

    Nobody has the patience to figure out the details anymore. By the time you figure it out and try to talk about it nobody cares anymore, the next headline dropped.

    Yay the internet. I miss a lot of the pre-internet things.

  • 14% of Republicans would 'take action to overturn' the election if Trump loses, study finds
  • 14% of Republicans compared to 11% of Democrats said they would "take action."

    The headline is clickbait and does not accurately describe the content of the article.

    I think we all expect another jan 6th insurrection but the percentages are way to close to show anything, it's probably within the margin of error.

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