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People can subconsciously detect the lack of a soul
  • it was always just the stembros that did the least work. the telling difference between engineers/chemists/mathematicians etc vs computer "scientists" was that we actually went to our lectures and labs lmao

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    New Russian Propaganda Campaign
  • ah shit, you're right, i forgot the legendary putin pivot to furry porn that this grew out of. truly the libs are the wisest of all of us wholesome

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    New Russian Propaganda Campaign
  • sonic is, at least partially, russian propaganda

    aside from the obvious fact that that's insane, how is something partially propaganda? like, is russia only giving the artist partial money? is the artist 1/36th serbian or some shit? surely something IS propaganda or its not. braindead shit i stg

  • Lindsey Graham tells Zelenskyy to his fucking face how the west is using ukraine lmaooooo
  • wait fuck how do you upload videos here

    edit: i am a technological genius

  • Lindsey Graham tells Zelenskyy to his fucking face how the west is using ukraine lmaooooo

    "you're trying to stop the russians so we don't have to fight them"

    "sitting on trillions of dollars worth of minerals"

    jesus fucking christ !michael-laugh you can visibly see zelenskyy's depression

    They literally just want a porn game.
  • i'm so sorry my internet is shit right now i have no idea what just happened lmao puzzled

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    They literally just want a porn game.
  • they need to change the face. in the first version she looks like she wants to go into battle and defend herself and so on. in the second version she looks like she wants you to hit on her. one version is a person and the other is a male fantasy. you can't have women being entire whole people w/ motivations etc, she needs to exist to be palatable to men

  • Removed
    They literally just want a porn game.
  • they need to change the face. in the first version she looks like she wants to go into battle and defend herself and so on. in the second version she looks like she wants you to hit on her. one version is a person and the other is a male fantasy. you can't have women being entire whole people w/ motivations etc, she needs to exist to be palatable to men

  • Removed
    They literally just want a porn game.
  • in the first version she looks like she wants to go into battle and defend herself and so on. in the second version she looks like she wants you to hit on her. one version is a person and the other is a male fantasy. you can't have women being entire whole people w/ motivations etc, she needs to exist to be palatable to men

  • Removed
    They literally just want a porn game.
  • in the first version she looks like she wants to go into battle and defend herself and so on. in the second version she looks like she wants you to hit on her. one version is a person and the other is a male fantasy. you can't have women being entire whole people w/ motivations etc, she needs to exist to be palatable to men

  • Removed
    They literally just want a porn game.
  • in the first version she looks like she wants to go into battle and defend herself and so on. in the second version she looks like she wants you to hit on her. one version is a person and the other is a male fantasy. you can't have women being entire whole people w/ motivations etc, she needs to exist to be palatable to men

  • Removed
    They literally just want a porn game.
  • in the first version she looks like she wants to go into battle and defend herself and so on. in the second version she looks like she wants you to hit on her. one version is a person and the other is a male fantasy. you can't have women being entire whole people w/ motivations etc, she needs to exist to be palatable to men

  • Removed
    They literally just want a porn game.
  • in the first version she looks like she wants to go into battle and defend herself and so on. in the second version she looks like she wants you to hit on her. one version is a person and the other is a male fantasy. you can't have women being entire whole people w/ motivations etc, she needs to exist to be palatable to men

  • Support your local banjo players
  • same problem here ngl. my uncle was evicted and would have had to throw his instruments otherwise. i took it but i've only ever played guitar. it seems like banjo tablature is both a bit different and much harder to find than guitar tabs

  • Back at it again with another top 3 hexbear favorites: this time your favorite top 3 mmorpgs.
  • in a few months i will have put 20 years of my life into world of warcraft, starting at age 7.

    so idk what the best mmo is, but i can say with absolute certainty that its not WoW

  • Another day, another llm banger
  • just did this test with the "assistant" at my job (different AI) and it did the exact same thing lmao. anyway we NEED to use ai, its the future

    capitalism is the best possible system

  • Started walking everywhere, and honestly I don't miss driving
  • ngl i miss the bus... i used to write so much and read more and i texted people back in a semi-timely manner. now that my hour+ of commute has been replaced with time where i actually have to pay attention to where i'm going, life at large seems harder to deal with.

    i'm sure driving is WAY worse tho lmao

  • NSFW
    (CW FOOD) Chicken wings advertised as 'boneless' can have bones, Ohio Supreme Court decides
  • doesn't this set a precedent to destroy basically all false advertising rules ever? your nut-free products can now contain nuts, because fuck you. your meatless cookies can contain cats. your arsenic-free soda can give you arsenic poisoning, fuck it. i don't know anything about the usamerikkan legal system, but how can this possibly hold up?

  • "You can't break up with me, we BELONG together!"
  • if no one answers, they can come back

    however they cannot break in or demand entrance in any real way. no, they don't have a warrant. yes, you can absolutely lie to their faces. even if you have a tv you can just say you use it for video games or something unless they actively see you watching doctor who lmao. but obviously no one would ever do anything so devious and evil blob-no-thoughts

  • NSFW
    Br*tish Olympic equestrian found whipping a horse, resigns from Paris Olympics [cw: animal abuse]
  • Yeah, this is really not normal. I grew up on a farm and when I heard about this on the news I kind of rolled my eyes - people can be freaked out by how you interact with horses because it can look a little rough, but they're massive fucking animals with stone/metal fists and will kill you if you actually hurt them. Almost always, a horse is fine. And then I saw the footage.

    This is really not the way to do things. What she's doing is both excessive and incredibly unprofessional. Straight up amateur shit. In my village the tradition was that you don't give a kid a whip until a) they're 13 and b) they have proven that they can ride without it. You never need them if you know what you're doing. Whips/crops are supposed to be used to surprise the animal and get their attention, not to hurt them. The type of whip she's using in this video (a lunge whip) shouldn't really even make contact with the horse, you use them to either make noise behind them or to shock them a little from the corner of their vision.

    The insane part is that at one point, she's hitting the horse from the front. That is something you never fucking do (partly because you're increasing your chance of getting fucking killed lol)

    Like, this is something that you might expect of someone who has never handled a horse before and is particularly mean. This would never be called for under literally any circumstances. To see this from someone who's been riding their whole life and absolutely knows better? She was pissed off and actively taking her frustration out on that poor horse. I doubt she could really do much damage with a lunge whip, but she meant to hurt the horse.

    Firing squad for this freak immediately wall how-compelling-flipped

    EDIT: i've just watched it all the way through and she's using two fucking hands??? also at one point i think she's literally impacting the poor thing with the handle of the whip at some point??? she's doing so many things that are unnessecarily and unprofessionally cruel and also could get you fucking killed. like, surprisingly enough, forcing a massive animal up agaisnt a wall is a very very bad idea. it almost kicks her and she still doesn't back off. evil shit.

  • who's even worth voting for in the UK anymore

    they all seem so fucking useless. only the sinn féin/SNP seem even vaguely based and i can't vote for them.

    on the "left" in my area we have a candidate for labour, green, lib dem, social democratic party, and the worker's party. ngl i didn't know those last two even existed.

    i was going to vote workers party, because they're ostensibly socialists and they're the only party that's loud about supporting Palestine, but apparently they have some sus views on lgbt people and climate change :doomjak:

    so then what? the soc dems and greens seem pretty limp, the lib dems are liberals (and fucked their entire voter base last time they were in lmao), and labour are fucking open blairites now. honestly at this point i'm back around to feeling like, since they'll never get any power anyway, the most impactful thing i can do is to vote for the worker's party anyway just to send a message on palestine !ukkk !isntrael

    UK comrades, who are you voting for? (or are you not voting?)

    Does anyone have any good SQL resources?

    I've never touched SQL but some friends said that its a language you can basically learn in an afternoon, so I put it on my CV and applied to some jobs that say they want SQL lol. But now I've actually gotten an interview and I'd like to not get caught out as bullshitting - is it as easy as my friends say and do any of yall have some good resources about learning/using it? In the past I've had pdfs that take you from nothing to profiecency in a language and I'd love something similar, but now that I've graduated I don't have access to stuff like that anymore. I have a shittonne of experience in python if that helps (although at a glance nothing i'm seeing online looks much like python, but i'm told that you can implement it through python or something?)

    Most stuff I can find quickly either try to make you pay for it or they're videos instead of text and that doesn't really play well with the adhd. Do you guys have anything? Thanks for the help scamming a corporation comrades !meow-hug

    fucking christ i hate the middle class

    like i know these people are technically meant to be our allies because they don't own the means of production, but how the fuck do you spend more than my family's annual income on fast food? how are we meant to find common ground with people who are able and happy to do this? !visible-disgust

    edit: turns out this is a repost. sorry. but still, i standby my disgust

    Lerios Lerios [hy/hym]
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