LagFlex @ LagFlex Posts 1Comments 23Joined 10 mo. ago
My dream motorcycle to rebuild is a honda cb550!! Been in love with that bike for about 4 years 🤩
"You meet the nicest people on a Honda"
I currently drive a 2006 rav4, 2002 sequoia, and a 2023 hyundai kona.
Ohh mb for getting it wrong 😅 I always mix up the names!
8200 rpm redline 👀
RIP oldsmobile 🙏
The right answer! Cars are filled so much computer bull shit it's unbelievable. It is to feel "luxurious" but all people need is mechanical tuned cars that will just work. Not a disposable, which ironically isn't good for the environment, which the entire point of electrifying is saving the environment. 🫠
I, too, prefer the hard top. The soft top just doesn't do it for me.
Sorry to hear that homie! These gas prices are 🫠🫠
Have you tried the Corolla XRS?! It has the same 2ZZGE engine from the lotus! Specifically look for the 05 or 06 models.
Holy that's a lot! 1 day man, 1 day 🥺
Yoooo 🫡🫡🫡 brz gang les goo!!
Kudos to Mazda, Toyota, and Subaru for making fun, cheap, rwd sport cars. Don't forget to check your oil! ;)
The AE86, every teenager's dream car to drift on the mountain pass 😂😂
Real shit tho, nice stuff! I haven't even hit my 20s yet, i drive a 2006 rav4. So not too much fun but it starts up every day.
Ford fiesta st!!! 😍
Amazing car. I hope you get your hands on an FD! Maybe Mazda's new rx7 concept will pull through 🙏
Bro i wish Toyota was allowed to produce the Hilux here. Such a reliable truck, so many Americans would benefit from it. It pisses me more and more that us Americans won't get the toyota hilux champ.
Never heard of this car! Looks awesome!!
80s, 90s, and early 2000s cars peaked in styling! 😎
The 300zx is one of Nissan's coolest sport cars, besides the silvia ofc ;) . It's a shame that the latest Z is almost corvette territory prices because of those damn dealer markups!
Sheeesh 😮💨
Those corvettes are fast! The porshes look so nice!!