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If You Were Unemployed, But Had A Hefty Savings Of 10K, In What Ways Would You Approach Your Job Search Differently?
  • That would stress me the fuck out to only have $10k to live off of until I got another job. If I already had a job I’d just keep it until I found a new one. And it looks better if you have a job when you’re looking for a new one. What kind of employer wants to hire someone who doesn’t have good enough sense to stay out of that kind of situation? They’d have to wonder what could have happened to make you leave one job without having another one lined up. From their perspective how would they know if the problem was the other people or if it was you? And when there are other candidates to choose from, why would they choose the one that might bring a lot of drama?

  • Apple’s Decision to Kill Its CSAM Photo-Scanning Tool Sparks Fresh Controversy
  • Can we please start ignoring these groups? “The Children” are their only concern no matter how it might negatively affect anyone else. Kids who are abused or trafficked should be helped, but that’s not the only issue we have right now and it’s definitely not more important than the effects eroding privacy would have for people and groups around the world. But these “wHaT aBoUt ThE cHiLdReN?!” groups really don’t care - as long as their concerns are addressed everyone else can go fuck themselves. Plus, lots of these groups are primarily staffed and run by former or current LEO who would like to see less privacy anyways.

  • Google kills two-year “Pixel Pass” subscription after just 22 months
  • I went back and forth between android and iphone for a while. Privacy is also a big deal for me along with having my stuff work. Until recently I had a Linux laptop, which should theoretically be the most private but it was a lot of work - which is better than 15 years ago but still more than I’m willing to deal with at this point in my life. And obviously Linux smartphones aren’t something to seriously consider.

    And while Apple doesn’t offer as much privacy as Linux, effectively it’s probably better because I don’t don’t have to do anything to set it up. And Google is essentially anti-privacy. And I get OS updates immediately, which I never got with Android (I wasn’t using a Pixel phone so maybe it’s different with those). And I haven’t experienced any real bugs with my Apple devices. I experienced some with my last android phone plus a general feeling that everything is kinda all over the place in terms of settings and functionality. And a feeling that Google was watching everything I was doing.

    But this is just my feelings on it and I’m not interested in trying to change people’s minds. Other people are certainly entitled to their own views. Although I wish my dad (almost 80) would use an iPhone because he gets really confused with his Android phone, but he’s still mad at them for driving Commodore out of business.

  • After nearly 30 years, Pennsylvania will end state funding for anti-abortion counseling centers
  • Yep. We can’t have state run vehicle inspections, but we have state run liquor stores.

    I’m originally from FL. Once upon a time it was a liberal state, but it’s constantly flooded with new immigrants from the north that don’t want to pay taxes (aka Freeloaders) who are mostly right wingers. I’m hopeful that this trend will continue and that enough right wingers from PA will move there and result in PA becoming a little less conservative.

  • Google kills two-year “Pixel Pass” subscription after just 22 months
  • Google is just so shitty. I pretty much don’t use any of their stuff any more. And I started out as an early Android user.

  • Proton VPN. How good is it?
  • I use their stuff. I can’t complain about their vpn. I generally have it on in the background by default and I’ve rarely had issues with speed. And if a server is slow there are tons of others to select from.

    They claim they don’t keep logs and so far I haven’t had any reason to doubt that. This is their whole reason for being since the Snowden leaks.

    I also use their email, but it’s not my primary email. That’s mostly because of my setup. I really hate web based email so I always use an email client and they offer ProtonMail Bridge that makes it possible to use it inside an email client, but until recently I was running Linux. I think I got fed up with fucking around with Thunderbird and the bridge tool, but I gave up. Now I have a Mac and their tool works flawlessly, so I’m using the ProtonMail a little more.

  • Can someone please explain the cow thing?
  • I think it’s because she’s being treated like livestock - just an animal that’s here to serve us.

  • NSFW
    Think the neighbors can see? [OC]
  • Dunno. But I want to make sure they hear!

  • fuck netflix and their fucking clickbait sex thumbnails
  • Wait a second. Is there decent sex on Netflix? Where is it?!

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • More OC porn

  • Giant space umbrella tethered to asteroid could protect Earth from climate crisis, study says
  • None of the geoengineering solutions address the other major issue with our fossil fuel usage, which is ocean acidification. Even if we could just lower the temperature, lots of the CO2 pumped into the air gets absorbed into the oceans, like in a bottle of soda, making it more acidic. When this happens, it makes it harder for all the life at the bottom of the food chain to form, causing a mass die off at the base. If things get bad enough It could lead to the collapse of the food chain and we would just starve to death.

  • [HN] “Web Environment Integrity” is an all-out attack on the free Internet
  • Well our US government won’t do a damn thing. Even if they wanted to, everyone there is so old, they’re still trying to understand what this interwebs thing is anyways. Most users can’t be bothered to care until it’s too late. I guess we’ll have to punt to the EU to do something about it.

  • Are there any well maintained hotel in North America?
  • I used to travel for work full time and always stayed in Marriotts. Never had any complaints.

  • So, how many communities have you blocked?
  • Lemmynsfw is the biggest reason I’m on here.

    Social media for anything else is just toxic, so other than niche things, I get most of my news from news sites now (that way I don’t have to see all the awful comments that just infuriate me).

  • KrombopulosMikl KrombopulosMikl

    Horny oversexed middle aged guy. Back off ladies, I have a girlfriend.

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