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Feels like I've failed at life [CW: self-harm, suicidal thoughts]
  • Thank you for sharing. It's given me food for thought

  • Feels like I've failed at life [CW: self-harm, suicidal thoughts]
  • Thank you for sharing your story, it gives me some hope. I want to reach out for help. I don't think I can wait much longer, so tomorrow I'll make a phone call, see where that leads me. I think therapy and/or medication is what I need to pull myself out of this pit.

  • Feels like I've failed at life [CW: self-harm, suicidal thoughts]
  • Yeah, but finding the motivation to go outside is difficult

  • Feels like I've failed at life [CW: self-harm, suicidal thoughts]
  • Nope. Don't have a driver's license either

  • Feels like I've failed at life [CW: self-harm, suicidal thoughts]

    I went from being a happy kid that smiled all the time, enjoyed drawing and had several friends to a pathetic adult with no talents, passion, creativity, friends or a job. Just a worthless and unlovable failure. And recently it's gotten so bad that I've started cutting myself and contemplating suicide. I just don't believe I have what it takes to get my life together, sadly.

    Hexday 2024, Happy 4th year anniversary nerds!!! - New General Megathread for the 24th-26th of July 2024
  • Oh, I didn't know about that. Got it installed now, thanks!

  • Locked
    Hexday 2024, Happy 4th year anniversary nerds!!! - New General Megathread for the 24th-26th of July 2024
  • Steam won't let me install Noita on my linux mint laptop for some reason kel-sad

  • Okay, be honest, how many of you were transed by vibeo game (CW: Transphobia)
  • One of my earliest signs of being trans actually comes from minecraft. I thought the girl skins were all very cute, and I downloaded one for myself and used it for like 10 minutes, before quickly switching back because I was terrified that any of my friends would notice. So yeah, I'd say minecraft is responsible for turning me into a homosexual transgender marxist

  • Okay, be honest, how many of you were transed by vibeo game (CW: Transphobia)
  • Same. I always had to resist the urge to pick the female character, or come up with some elaborate reason for it in case anyone asked

  • Alcohol fuckin sucks(CW: substance abuse)
  • Yeah, I think being drunk is very overrated. I've watched a friend of mine slowly gain the exact same unhealthy relationship to alcohol as their parents, and it's made me realize just how bad it is to constantly use alcohol as a social lubricant. Also, the more you drink the more alcohol tolerance you gain. Eventually you end up needing to drink 60% vodka just to feel something. I really don't want to go down that path

  • I still feel shame today that I was ever invested in G*mergate.
  • Yeah, I used to be really into the g*mergate/anti-sjw side of youtube back when I was a teenager. Now I'm a queer neurodivergent communist meow-tankie

  • Venting: I feel like such a broken person
  • I'm 9 months into HRT, and it's definitely made me feel a lot better about my body. Though I will say that the mental changes from HRT has made me feel much worse about the other aspects of my life, whereas before I was too dissociated from my emotions for it to really bother me. It's mostly the social aspects of transitioning that are causing me a lot of distress rn. I'm still boymoding, and it's getting very tiring having to constantly to hide so much about myself from everyone else.

    ADHD makes it difficult for me to read books, but I think it would do me good to go through some of Leslie Feinberg's works. It'd be easier if I had the audiobook versions, but I'm not sure where to find those.

    Thanks, I'll try my best! :)

  • Venting: I feel like such a broken person

    I'm in desperate need of at least three different types of therapy at this point. General therapy for my abysmal self-image, gender therapy for all my trans related problems, and cognitive behavioral therapy for my ADHD. Feels like I'm so far away from living anything close to a normal, happy life !madeline-sadeline

    Are you gonna buy anything in the Steam Summer Sale?
  • You can get some great indie games for a cheap price right now. Here’s some that you might not have heard of:

    • One night, hot springs. A cute, free game about a trans girl going to a hot spring together with her friends. There’s an expanded version of this game called A Year of Springs, which is currently 30% off.
    • Tails of Iron. Cool game about anthro rats vs frogs in a medieval setting. Currently 88% off.
    • Spirit of the North and Seasons after Fall. In both of these you play as a fox, exploring the world and solving puzzles to progress. Currently 85% and 80% off.
    • Exo One. A beautiful game that takes you on a journey through many different planets. There's no puzzles, you can just relax, enjoy the wonderful scenery and try to get your ball to the highest momentum possible. Currently 70% off.
  • Pretty sure I alienated everyone in my local furry Discord by saying I'm refusing to vote for Genocide Joe lmao
  • Yeah, and western mainstream media only ever acknowledge that these groups exist in Arab countries when they can use them to pinkwash imperialist actions such as sanctions, coups and invasions

  • Pretty sure I alienated everyone in my local furry Discord by saying I'm refusing to vote for Genocide Joe lmao
  • Liberals alway seem to conveniently forget that trans Palestinians exist, and that the biggest danger to trans people living in Gaza currently is not Hamas, but the fascist, genocidal settler state that "lesser evil" Biden is doing everything possible to support

  • Internet Historian is a Nazi.
  • 2019, so only like 2 years after the n-word incident, the fiverr video, etc.

  • Internet Historian is a Nazi.
  • Really hope not, but didn't she attend Pewdiepie's wedding? Idk what to make of that