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I don't know if it's a server problem but all my mastodon feed is this over and over again

    Ah porkroll is admin. Very cool ty

  • I don't know if it's a server problem but all my mastodon feed is this over and over again
  • Link me to this shitposting masto

    Also I don't think I understand how Mastodon works

  • Lmao the Pod Damn America guy ratiod the president.
  • Symbionese Liberation Army 2.0

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • Socialist Worker – Massive resistance as Kenya revolts over tax hikes

    Demonstrators in the Kenyan capital Nairobi stormed parliament on Tuesday and set fire to one of its buildings. They also set fire to the city governor’s office. Police shot dead at least ten protesters.

    Rallies in the east African country began as MPs held a final vote on president William Ruto’s finance bill. It originally set out to tax a range of items from bread to sanitary pads, although protests have forced him to back off from some measures.

    Ruto, who stands for Kenyan ruling class interests, is under pressure from the International Monetary Fund to ram through cuts and tax rises.

    People poured on to the streets last week, holding placards with slogans such as “Kenya is not the IMF’s lab rat”.

  • Caught on Tape, Alito Exposed as ‘Crusader for Christian Nationalism’
  • “If the sheer brazenness of his comments doesn’t spur Democratic senators to do something besides jot off a sternly worded letter, it’s hard to imagine what will,” she said.



  • I just finished and turned in a major assignment so now my brain is buzzing and I can't sleep please chat with me.
  • My favorite bug is the wheelbug, aka Arilus cristatus. It's an assassin insect that preys mostly on pests and is an indicator of a healthy ecosystem. Also look at that fuggin half cog sticking out of her back. Metal.

  • Altun Shei Made a Hexbear Movie
  • I have no idea what this is but now I have to watch the previous 9 episodes so thanks for ruining my weekend

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 6th to May 12th, 2024 - The Nagorno-Karabakh Nosedive - COTW: Armenia
  • Have you turned on American cable TV in the last several days? The strategy is absolute deluge of demonization towards protestors, moreso than ever. Some moderates voters may be getting a little squeamish about Gaza but I'm not sure the needle has moved very much recently. And of course that doesn't mean anyone should let up on efforts.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 6th to May 12th, 2024 - The Nagorno-Karabakh Nosedive - COTW: Armenia
  • Today marks the two year anniversary of the Israeli assassination of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, a United States citizen. The Biden administration dropped it's position of calling for investigation and prosecution, and failed to condemn the Israeli assault on Abu Akleh’s funeral in Jerusalem, wherein armed officers beat her pallbearers with batons. To date no one has been held accountable.

  • Extremist Militias Are Coordinating in More Than 100 Facebook Groups
  • Emasculated small business owners collectively hallucinating their LARP into reality

  • Volkswagen workers vote for union in Tennessee — a major win for organized labor
  • LFG

    Third time is the charm

    Big ups to the organizers

  • Open Source Ai Interpreter/Agent (01 Light)

    Link to the project:

    Link to the GitHub:


    Liberals reinvent "history as science" and discover that the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles History's crisis detectives: Using math and data to reveal why societies collapse—and clues about the future

    American humorist and writer Mark Twain is believed to have once said, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes."

    History's crisis detectives: Using math and data to reveal why societies collapse—and clues about the future

    > I joined Turchin and a few others who were establishing a new field—a new way to investigate history. It was called cliodynamics after Clio, the ancient Greek muse of history, and dynamics, the study of how complex systems change over time. Cliodynamics marshals scientific and statistical tools to better understand the past.

    > The aim is to treat history as a "natural" science, using statistical methods, computational simulations and other tools adapted from evolutionary theory, physics and complexity science to understand why things happened the way that they did.


    > One of the most common patterns that has jumped out is how extreme inequality shows up in nearly every case of major crisis. When big gaps exist between the haves and have-nots, not just in material wealth but also access to positions of power, this breeds frustration, dissent and turmoil.

    > "Ages of discord", as Turchin dubbed periods of great social unrest and violence, produce some of history's most devastating events. This includes the US civil war of the 1860s, the early 20th-century Russian Revolution, and the Taiping rebellion against the Chinese Qing dynasty, often said to be the deadliest civil war in history.

    > All of these cases saw people become frustrated at extreme wealth inequality, along with lack of inclusion in the political process. Frustration bred anger, and eventually erupted into fighting that killed millions and affected many more.


    > Perhaps one of the most surprising things is that inequality seems to be just as corrosive for the elites themselves. This is because the accumulation of so much wealth and power leads to intense infighting between them, which ripples throughout society.

    > In the case of Rome, it was the wealthy and powerful senators and military leaders like Julius Caesar who seized on the anger of a disaffected populace and led the violence.

    > This pattern also appears at other moments, such as the hatred between southern landowners and northern industrialists in the run up to the US civil war and the struggles between the Tsarist rulers and Russia's landed nobility during the late 1800s.

    > Meanwhile, the 1864 Taiping rebellion was instigated by well educated young men, frustrated at being unable to find prestigious positions in government after years of toiling away at their studies and passing the civil service exams.

    > What we see time and again is that wealthy and powerful people try to grab bigger shares of the pie to maintain their positions. Rich families become desperate to secure prestigious posts for their children, while those aspiring to join the ranks of the elite scratch and claw their way up. And typically, wealth is related to power, as elites try to secure top positions in political office.


    > These patterns probably sound familiar. Consider the college admissions scandal in the US in 2019.


    > Donald Trump is only one recent and fairly extreme version of this motif that pops up time and again during ages of discord


    > If the past teaches us anything, it is that trying to hold on to systems and policies that refuse to appropriately adapt and respond to changing circumstances—like climate change or growing unrest among a population—usually end in disaster. Those with the means and opportunity to enact change must do so, or at least to not stand in the way when reform is needed.


    Billionaire Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet's right hand man, dies at 99 Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett's longtime sidekick at Berkshire Hathaway, dies at 99

    Charlie Munger, who helped Warren Buffett build Berkshire Hathaway into an investment powerhouse, has died. He was 99. Munger’s death was confirmed in a statement from the company, which said he died Tuesday at a California hospital.

    Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett's longtime sidekick at Berkshire Hathaway, dies at 99
    Maine voters reject effort to create the first statewide public power company Maine voters reject effort to create the first statewide public power company

    A historic referendum asked voters in Maine if they wanted to replace their privately owned utilities with a publicly owned one.

    Maine voters reject effort to create the first statewide public power company

    > The measure, called Question 3, prompted heated debate in the months leading up to the election. Central Maine Power and Versant Power, the state’s dominant utilities, poured more than $40 million into a campaign opposing the referendum, outspending Pine Tree Power advocates 34 to 1. Political groups funded by the utilities and their parent companies mailed flyers and aired ads on TV, radio, and social media, urging Mainers to reject the measure, which would have effectively put the two companies out of business.

    Long presumed to have no heads at all, starfish may be nothing but Long presumed to have no heads at all, starfish may be nothing but

    For centuries, naturalists have puzzled over what might constitute the head of a sea star, commonly called a "starfish." When looking at a worm, or a fish, it's clear which end is the head and which is the tail. But with their five identical arms—any of which can take the lead in propelling sea star...

    Long presumed to have no heads at all, starfish may be nothing but

    Researchers at Stanford University and UC Berkeley, led by Chan Zuckerberg Biohub San Francisco Investigators, found that gene signatures associated with head development were found in juvenile sea stars, but expression of genes that code for an animal's torso and tail sections were largely missing. The researchers used high-tech molecular and genomic techniques to understand where different genes were expressed during the development and growth of sea stars. They also found that molecular signatures typically associated with the front-most portion of the head were localized to the middle of each of the sea star's arms, with these signatures becoming progressively more posterior moving out towards the arms' edges. The research suggests that over evolutionary time, sea stars lost their bodies to become only heads.

    Starfish are basically heads crawling around using their lips. Uhhhhhh

    What the fuck did you just say to me?

    Why don't you come over here and shit in my pants?

    That's what I thought.

    Robert Heinlein worship in 2023: How STARSHIP TROOPERS' Politics Could SAVE AMERICA How STARSHIP TROOPERS' Politics Could SAVE AMERICA

    🔴Grab Atlas VPN with 82% OFF using my link:⭐ Get BPS Stuff in Worldwide (Both North America, E...


    Who is this dumb fckn pigeon

    Sample comment > It is fascism though, plain and simple, and there's literally nothing at all wrong with that.


    Take the money now or later? Financial scarcity doesn't lead to poor decision making, says study Take the money now or later? Financial scarcity doesn't lead to poor decision making, says study

    When people feel that their resources are scarce—that they don't have enough money or time to meet their needs—they often make decisions that favor short-term gains over long-term benefits. Because of that, researchers have argued that scarcity pushes people to make myopic, impulsive decisions.

    Take the money now or later? Financial scarcity doesn't lead to poor decision making, says study

    > In the current study, the researchers conducted five experiments in which they measured or induced a sense of scarcity in participants, and examined how the choices people made changed depending on whether that scarcity was related to a shorter- or longer-term need.

    > Overall, they found that when people feel that they don't have enough resources to meet an immediate need, such as food or shelter, they are more likely to make decisions that offer an immediate payout, even if it comes at the expense of receiving a larger payout later. But when scarcity threatens a longer-term need, such as replacing a run-down car, people experiencing scarcity are no less willing to wait for larger, later rewards—and in some cases are more willing to wait—compared with people not experiencing scarcity.

    Wait poors are human beings????? !limmy-what

    Reflections on 2023 DSA and YDSA Convention Reflections on 2023 DSA and YDSA Convention

    Working Mass presents 10 statements reflecting on this year’s DSA and YDSA conventions collected from a selection of attendees across most chapters in Massachusetts and the range of tendencies repr…

    Reflections on 2023 DSA and YDSA Convention
    agitprop Kestrel [comrade/them]
    You have 500 blank CD-Rs and cases, an optical drive, and a free weekend to blanket the windshields of cars in strip mall parking lots.

    What do people hear when they cautiously pop that CD in? What's written on it?

    I'm thinking something either seemingly benign like a season of Blowback, or an increasingly provocative mixtape interspersed with Parenti clips

    Half-Earth Socialism and the Path Beyond Capital | Monthly Review Monthly Review | Half-Earth Socialism and the Path Beyond Capital

    The Half-Earth movement calls for rewilidng half the earth as a means of combating the planetary crisis. Brian Napoletano explores the implications of the Half-Earth approach as outlined Vettese and…

    Monthly Review | Half-Earth Socialism and the Path Beyond Capital

    why don't we have a climate change comm

    agitprop Kestrel [comrade/them]
    Socialism 2022 Schedule • Socialism 2024

    Socialism 2023 is a four-day conference featuring dozens of panels, lectures, and workshops organized by groups from all over the country.

    Schedule • Socialism 2024

    I'll be in town but wasn't planning on going. Don't dox yourself but someone should pepper the convention with Hexbear stickers to promote the site lol

    What's a hypothetical technology that would enable world socialism to come about quickly?

    Try to think of something advanced but theoretically possible that would rapidly proliferate. No weapons.

    My first thought was some kind of farm tech leading to a second agricultural revolution, allowing AES countries to thrive despite sanctions. Some leap forward in permaculture or vertical farms or whatever.

    Another idea was a breakthrough in cryptography makings comms be completely anonymous, giving insurgent movements a more even playing field.

    Bad white people baby names GO

    Just learned that one of my partner's coworkers has a kid named Atlas
