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Kennedy Clan to Endorse Biden, in a Show of Force Against R.F.K. Jr.
  • Sounds like she's in denial. Does she also change the subject when losing an argument?

    Anyways, I think you have better chances addressing her denialism than to argue any other political point. As long as someone won't argue in good faith, all other arguements and debates become pointless diversions.

  • Kennedy Clan to Endorse Biden, in a Show of Force Against R.F.K. Jr.
  • At this point I’ve told her that if the worst should happen with Republicans getting their way and she loses her benefits I don’t plan to help her at all. She’ll be at the mercy of her own decisions. (Something her and my dad have said to my siblings and I a lot growing up.)

    I'm curious, what did she say to that?

  • Fairphone wants to expand to 23 new markets and reach the €400 price point
  • EOS does indeed have google services removed, and replaced with microG, which is an open source replacement that allows dependent apps to still work. You can check it out here:

    I really like the balance they go for between practicality and privacy. Never tried their own online services so I can't comment on that part.

    As for VPN with hotspot, no idea. :D For what it's worth, regular hotspotting worked fine in my experience.

    If you're concerned about the lifespan of the device, maybe the FP4 or FP5 would better. Lacking headphone jack aside, they seem like good upgrades and should last waaay longer.

  • Fairphone wants to expand to 23 new markets and reach the €400 price point
  • Sorry for the late reply. I think they promised "5+ years" of support for the FP3, so that could theoretically already end in August this year.
    However, like with the FP2, they have a great track record for long support and only ever seem to want to push that support even farther. Also I'm using the EOS ROM on this phone which is based on LineageOS. The combination of a very open phone and an open source OS leads me to expect I'll still be using this phone for another 5 years easily.

  • Fairphone wants to expand to 23 new markets and reach the €400 price point
  • I just updated my FP3 to Android 13 yesterday. I love it. It's still running like new. Software aside, I'd say it's physically as durable as most phones, but I can easily replace any part that might break, since it's made in such a modular design. Heck it even came with a screwdriver to make it easier.

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    Star Trek Resurgence Giveaway
  • I fondly remember playing Elite Force when I was young. I still remember the opening Borg level which simultaneously impressed and scared me, haha. Also those aliens that looked like manta rays were a funny and cheesy concept.
    Come to think of it, I should play Elite Force 2.

  • What OS to run on fp4
  • I've been using Fairphone 3 with /e/os manually installed for about two years. Here's my experience:

    Stability wise there's been two issues. Once after a big version upgrade, the GPS stopped working. It turned out the mozilla location service was somehow disabled. Switching it back on fixed that.
    The other issue is that I've noticed lately it's opted to not play my ringtone for sms and calls. I'm not sure if that's a bug or some odd default behavior in Android 12.
    Also I should mention how the Google Play apps in the App Lounge can be a bit random in when they are available to be installed. I'm not sure if that's a stability/bug issue or just Google Play being uncooperative. Overall, I'd say stability has been pretty good. I don't remember last time I had a crash. There's been maybe 1 or 2 crashes in total.

    As for the cloud based apps and IOS styled launcher. I'm not a fan either, but just using alternative apps and switching to Neo Launcher has been great.

    Overall I've been really happy with the phone. It's offered almost exactly the balance I want between out-of-the-box android compatibility/ease-of-use vs degoogled privacy & customizibility.

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    What can I build/put in my backyard that isn't just lame plants
  • Why not a fruit tree? There's so many to choose from. They come in all shapes and sizes, and it's much nicer to have a practical tree that gives you free food rather than a purely decorative plant.

    Edit: Forgot to say that they're great for the bees and local ecology, too!

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I think Jim isn't a good rolemodel for what OP is suggesting. Jim's pranks often walked a line where they were funny for the audience, but still a bit too mean for real life. After all, Dwight never seemed to enjoy the pranks, and that's really the crucial element of a practical joke.

    On a related note. One of my favourite pranks happened in a game of Minecraft. Me and a friend were chatting and playing. He was fishing while I was mining, except I wasn't mining. I was waiting for the perfect moment to use an invisibility potion and snatch his fish in mid-air. He was so confused at first, until he heard my laughter, understood what was happening and had a good laugh as well.

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