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Quarter was rejected at the laundrymat. Someone slipped me a token for a lazer tag franchise that went bankrupt in 1997
  • It didn't go out of business in '97, I was 1000% there for a birthday party in 2000 or 2001. It seems the company went bankrupt in 1997, and the assets were sold multiple times over the years. Locations stayed open, and, according to Google at least, there seems to be at least a couple left in Ohio, and California?

    Either way, this took me down a nice nostalgia hole, very nice.

  • Bernie Sanders calls on Congress to block funding to Israel
  • Debbie Wasserman Schultz

  • What is your unpopular flim opinion
  • otherwise you don't realise his movies are often in large part a collage of other movies.

    Isn't that the definition of filmmaking? All movies are just collages of influences, style, and form. All art is a remix on previous forms.

    It's okay to not like Tarantino, I don't care much about that, but your argument doesn't really hold up for me.

  • Gen Z, please talk to me: what management works and what does not?
  • I work on a helpdesk, my phone rings around 8-12 times per day, and most calls are less than 10 minutes. I work a 7.5 hour shift, and at most am on the phone for an hour or so total on an average day. I'm also in an office cubicle farm, not working from home, or behind a series of closed doors.

    Lately, between taking calls, I've been reading books, looking at my phone, practicing French, and watching episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation on my iPad. The upper management knows I, and my coworkers, kill time this way between calls.

    We're efficient problem solvers who get our jobs done with no issue, so the downtime is spent how we see fit.

  • Steph Curry hole-in-one at American Century Championship 2023
  • Doing the bull dance, feeling the flow, workin' it

    workin' it

  • In a Dream - Nikon F3 | 50mm f/1.8 | Ilford FP4 Plus

    I went out to try and catch some evening light around my house. When I took my camera out of the bag it immediately fogged up due to the quick change in heat and humidity. I snapped this one while I waited for it to acclimate.

    2023 British GP [QUALIFYING] discussion thread
  • McLaren wtf Zack is so fucking pumped, proud of that guy. What a performance from Norris and Piastri.

  • I prefer dinosaurs in space personally
  • Personally, mine was ninjas.

    Power Rangers, 3 Ninjas (original one only), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

    But also, the early 90s Dick Tracy movie? I never actually saw the movie, still haven't, but the imagery and products really captivated me at 4.

  • Sorcerer - My favorite film, directed by William Friedkin
  • I thought my chest was going to cave in multiple times while watching this one.

  • Preparing for Future Corporate Influence
  • This is a lot of what I was concerned about, for sure. Well said.

  • Preparing for Future Corporate Influence
  • I do agree, but it's also had ads for a very long time.

  • Preparing for Future Corporate Influence

    The Fediverse as it stands now is super ambitious, prospering, and honestly really exciting to see and be a part of.

    I worry about the sustainability, though. The current model of donations, volunteer mods, and so on is working as intended, and the experience is flourishing. I see this model standing up for at least a couple of years as-is, barring any major changes of any kind.

    My question becomes: How do we plan for the future entry of corporate influence into all of this? Because it will happen. I've watched most social media platforms and systems come into being in my lifetime, and also watched most of their demises. Money, marketing, and ads always come for them in some form.

    What's being done now to help prevent toxic corporate influence in the future? Can anything be done? The best part about defederated instances is a corporate influence could get ahold of one instance, but not all of them. Great in concept, but how do we plan for a future when corporate interest reaches these platforms and they throw enough money around to shake things up for the worse, as it always seems to?

    Google tightens the screws on YouTube ad blockers: three attempts and the video player will be blocked
  • I think the basic idea is that data collection is a form of uncompensated labor. The matter of what it's worth isn't the issue, but the fact of it being worth anything to anyone at all, and it being taken from you with little to no choice in the matter. Not to mention bought, sold, traded, etc.

    Yes, a lot of it is tied to agreeing to a EULA, but we all know that just about anything we click on or do on our phones and computers is tracked, stored, sold, and used to make money in dozens/hundreds of ways, EULA or not.

    I don’t think I’ve ever bought something because of an advertisement.

    Side note, this is incredibly difficult to believe, tbh.

  • Canadian GP [RACE] 2023 Discussion Thread
  • Ferrari not pitting under the safety car.

    Count that as the first strategy blunder of the day!

  • Canadian GP [RACE] 2023 Discussion Thread
  • Jenson in the safety car, cheesing like a kid haha

  • JonCecil BeckonJM
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