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Nykyajan "pikaliimat"
  • Cyanoakrylaattiliimat toimii jotakuinkin kaikki joko yhtä hyvin tai huonosti, valmistajien välillä ei hirveästi ole eroa, tykkää jos materiaalissa on edes vähäsen kosteutta muttei saisi imeytyä pintaan kuitenkaan liikaa - paksummat liimat toimii näissä tilanteissa paremmin.

    Esimerkiksi puuta liimattaessa kannattaa vaan suosiolla käyttää oikeita puuliimoja jos on vähänkään isompaa pintaa ja vaan vähäsen pikaliimaa pitämään asiat paikoillaan liimauksen aikana, ja tietyt muovit ei vaan toimi ollenkaan.

    ABS muovin kanssa taas parasta on asetoni, se sulattaa muovit yhteen yhdeksi köntiksi. Peinoismalli"liimat" on pitkälti tätä eikä siten liimaa yhtään mitään muuta.

  • Man busted for carrying Master Sword from Zelda in the street
  • Victims of every crime that has one.
    It's a fund for paying compensation to victims of crime and £154 is just what you have to pay to it if you get jailed for 6 months or below.

    So when someone does commit a crime that has a payout to a victim, it doesn't matter if they have money or not as it comes from the fund to the victim first.
    Kinda like... If you got hit with an extra vehicle/traffic insurance bill every time you get a speeding ticket or get caught driving drunk, even if you didn't cause an accident.

  • Man busted for carrying Master Sword from Zelda in the street
  • Victim surcharge is just a fine with another name.
    It goes to a fund that pays compensation for victims of crimes and £154 is just what you have to pay for any crime that results in you getting a jail sentence of 6 months or below.

  • Steam Deck Users Account for 10% Of All Players Using Steam Input
  • Surprisingly low.
    Those 59% with Xbox controllers probably wouldn't even need to use it, and neither do most of the PS users either as most games would support them natively already.

    Though I have to wonder how much of that data is actually accurate - for example my setup would most likely show up as two Xbox controllers, but in reality it's a Dualshock 3 and Dualshock 4 masquerading as Xinput devices through Vigembus and DS4Windows.

  • Russian satellite breaks up in space, forces ISS astronauts to shelter
  • Sci-fi has made me believe something small going that fast would just punch a nice clean hole through anything it hits.
    Now, I realize it most likely isn't quite Hollywood clean, but the Resurs P is (was) basically the size of a small bus (8 by 3 metres) and 7000kg, so I'd imagine it would need to get hit by quite a big thing to cause it to actually properly explode.

  • Pyongyang Says It Will Send Support Troops to Ukraine Within a Month
  • Very few, as North Korea hand picks everyone who gets to leave by essentially keeping their entire family hostage, and any "traitor family" will find them sentenced to life in prison/labour camp - including any children born in those camps.

    And they are places you wouldn't wish for anyone to end up in, especially your loved ones.

  • Hori Announces Controller Made Specifically for Steam
  • Capacitive analog sticks usable for enabling gyro, and four (afaik) fully Steam input API rebindable extra buttons, two on the back, two in front.
    Also 1/4th the price of a DualSense Edge (which I believe is the one with the two back buttons?)

  • It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.
  • Sure. But the IPv6 implementation is a bit like if we went "you know the y2038 problem of 32 bit numbers, and how goin under 1970 is sometimes hard? Lets solve it by making it start from the big bang and store time as a 256 bit integer so we don't run out until year 3.1 x 10^69".

    IPv6 is big enough for 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 unique addresses. Are we expecting to create an universe consuming army of exponentially replicating paper clip converting robots that each need an IPv6 address or something?

  • A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels
  • Technically IoT, but usually these systems use a hub that uses some other tech to connect to the labels as wifi is really power hungry, even if you just wake up every once in a while to ask for updates, and you don't want 10000 wifi iot things polluting the bandwidth.

  • A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels
  • The standard elabels cost around $5 in quantity plus some for the hub that updates them, but you get it back eventually as nobody has to print and swap price labels any more.

  • Apple Reportedly Suspends Work on Vision Pro 2
    • Don't make it out of a solid chunk of aluminium and glass so it weighs a ton and has nothing to balance it out on the back.
  • It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.
  • IPv6 is big enough to give 10 billion unique addresses for every grain of sand on earth and still have some left over. Just in case we need to, I guess.

  • UK’s richest family on trial in Switzerland for human trafficking, confiscating staff passports, paying as little as £7/day
  • All the revenue that the Crown Estate generates is given directly to the UK government to use, so they get plenty of tax from it already. ~$400 million in 2022 for example.

  • Researchers claim GPT-4 passed the Turing test
  • Turing tests aren't done in real time exactly to counter that issue, so the only thing you could judge would be "no human would bother to write all that".

    However, the correct answer to seem human, and one which probably would have been prompted to the AI anyway, is "lol no."
    It's not about what the AI could do, it's what it thinks is the correct answer to appear like a human.

  • Nightmare Kart for Steam Deck
  • I assume this was planned from the beginning

    Not planned, but expected. Sony said nuh-uh.

    IIRC It was an april fools joke, from the people who made the Bloodborne PSX demake, hence the branding.

  • Volvo recalls all of its 72K EX30 cars due to software bug that obscures speedometer
  • I remember back when the Citroen C1/Peugeot 107 had just a speedo and the tachometer was an optional extra you could buy if you wanted to.

    Entirely removing them all and not even offering them as an option - when you clearly have them available - is just mental.

  • Gaming laptops are being left behind
  • For ghost of tsushima, all of them, as it has fsr3 and dlss 3 support.

  • What do you use the back buttons for?
  • Heh, I actually started my replay on the Deck yesterday. Bind guard (b iirc) to a back button so you can do it while shooting without accidentally dashing all the time.

  • OLED is nice and all, but the upgrade I really want is this.

    I completely understand why Valve decided that the touchpad haptics were good enough, the deck is heavy as it is already. I'd still love to have the option of adding some proper rumble on the deck for the games that deserve it.

    JohnEdwa JohnEdwa
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