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The boojees don't give up easily, they'll do everything in their power to stave off revolution. Gaslighting progressives, supporting fascist movements, violating their own laws. When the revolution comes, the proletariat must be prepared for years of hell. Without a people's army as guardians, we fall to the hordes of reaction; without organizing, we get nothing; without a war, there will be no socialism. This is Anarchism's fatal flaw.

Why Millennial Grey exists What "Millennial Gray" Is, and Why It Has TikTok in a Tizzy

If you’re a millennial with a penchant for gray, you’re not alone. In fact, the hue has become such a staple in the generation’s homes that it’s become something of a joke online.

What "Millennial Gray" Is, and Why It Has TikTok in a Tizzy

As much as it's fun shitting on millennials for their terrible color taste, this article explains why

the most oppressed minority ᜐ᜔ᜉᜍ᜔ᜆᜈ᜔ ᜇ᜔ᜌᜓ︀-193
Yes, teamwork is cheating
the most oppressed minority ᜐ᜔ᜉᜍ᜔ᜆᜈ᜔ ᜇ᜔ᜌᜓ︀-193
Awaken, gamers!
the most oppressed minority ᜐ᜔ᜉᜍ᜔ᜆᜈ᜔ ᜇ᜔ᜌᜓ︀-193
ASUS Already On Government's Radar for Warranty Issues
Is capitalism fueling narcissism?

I believe capitalism is basically promoting narcissism at every level of society (especially among the rich). I can see this personally, western millenials are some of the most narcissistic people I have ever seen alongside ancaps, they can't take L's even though it's absolutely warranted. It's especially bad with parenting, when you rightfully tear someone to shreds for parenting mistakes they go fucking full Tumblr warrior and go ballistic on the critics even when most of them are shitting on them with good faith in mind.

Another example of this me, me, me, shit is entrep bullshit. It's pretty clear entrepreneurship is just narcissism disguised as a way out of poverty.

Alternative methods of disciplining children.
  • Same. I know some places in my area that are worth visiting every once in a while and some I am considering going to. I also saw some pretty good childrens toys made of wood that look like they can last a lifetime and spark some memories of mine so why not.

    And personally even if they turn 14 I am not letting them have the abomination known as TikTok (just Tiktok) until they are at least 17 and even then I don't want to hear ear-destroying Tiktok audio at the dinner table.

  • Alternative methods of disciplining children.
  • Mine:

    "Alex, your room is so dirty!" "But it wasn't my fault." "Yes it is, you didn't clean when you were supposed to." "But cleaning is hard." "No it isn't, I'll teach you how to clean so you so you can do the rest."

  • Alternative methods of disciplining children.
  • Speaking of "why spend time irl" my reasoning would be "Because one day, you will have to focus on the real world and you will have less time on the iPad so it's better to prepare for thst day while you're still little."

  • Alternative methods of disciplining children.
  • "No, you spilled the flour so you have to clean it. It's not hard to clean what you spilled."

  • Alternative methods of disciplining children.
  • encourage them to spend time doing physical things

    Which is the point of me not giving them gadgets until they're 14 and regular trips around the neighborhood (on foot) to begin with.

  • Alternative methods of disciplining children.
  • What reasons? Look up iPad kids. My brother is one albeit with a Samsung phone instead.

    The best response to "Why can't I have iPad?" is "Because parents back in my day just give their kids iPads to keep them but didn't teach the children to behave properly, and I want you to behave without the iPad first which is why you can't have one until you're 14."

  • Alternative methods of disciplining children.
  • reward good behavior without spoiling the child

    Trips outside the home are great rewards imo. Especially given I am bored of being terminally online. As for punishments maybe something across the lines of "clean the stove" or "no TV* for one week" would suffice, my response to lashouts would be "You need to learn how to behave without TV first before you can have it back".

    *I refuse to give my child an iPad for obvious reasons since they need to learn basic shit like cleaning and reach the age of 14 first.

  • How long do you think it will take for Western imperialism to collapse?
  • I don't see it collapsing anytime within the next 20 years sadly. By 2100, maybe.

  • 10 Countries Most in Debt to the IMF
  • For an ancap Milei does love welfare from the IMF.

  • How socially conservative are China and Vietnam, and how can they realistically become more progressive?
  • China is relatively conservative in shit like LGBTQ rights. I think China can be a bit more progressive in that regard. Another one is a long overdue series of crackdowns on their private sector.

  • What commodities have been ruined by of worsened overtime by capitalism.
  • The absolute worst example is gaming. Went from a promising form of media to what is basically a glorified virtual casino hub. So many franchises went to shit (even CoD), games like Forspoken has some of the worst writing, visuals, and plots known to man. This shit is one of the key reasons I still study historical materialism because I am still exploring how crapitalism ruined gaming.

  • Do you think the obesity epidemic is caused by capitalism.
  • 100%. That's what happens when you normalize overconsumption and unhealthy eating habits.

  • Adobe Tells Users They Can Get Sued for Using Old Versions of Photoshop
  • Adobe is brain dead. Glad I switched to GIMP and DaVinci Resolve.

  • Job application advice
  • Nope, I refuse to commit fraud

  • JoeDaRedTrooperYT ᜐ᜔ᜉᜍ᜔ᜆᜈ᜔ ᜇ᜔ᜌᜓ︀-193

    Filipino Marxist-Leninist edgelord, gun rights advocate, gaymer, and shitposter.

    > The degeneracy of liberalism knows no bounds > - Cmrd. MacKenzie Spenarth, Millenial Chaos

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