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What kind of bird is this? +help needed!
  • Looks a little like a female Lesser Green Leafbird, but if that’s the case- she’s WAY away from home. Otherwise, it has the body and plumage of an American Crow- but they’re not green that I’m aware of.

  • Numb.
  • But at the end of the day, our friends and family in the LGBTQ+ community won’t have to suffer under the iron fist of one of the choices-

    and this is just one of the many reasons outlined in Project 2025 that give reason to vote against Trump.

    Lives and freedom depend on voting this time.

  • Numb.
  • Consequences of whose actions exactly? Are you talking about the SJWs that sit on their asses for three years in between elections and are less politically active than their house pets and the decide to become so- only to think that they’re doing their part by telling others NOT to vote?

    Do you mean those people?

  • Numb.
  • My opinion is that the media is being sensationalists about his performance. While it wasn’t stellar, it wasn’t as bad as people like you are making it out to be.

    He’s also known to not be very good at public speaking. It’s been known his entire career. Yet you all seem to conveniently forever this when it helps push your agenda. And while he’s not someone that would even be my 10th pick for the job, I’d vote for anyone other than Trump. With maybe the exception of someone like you.

    Yet you, and the other propagandists seem to not even bother mentioning how Trump barely answered any of the questions at all.

    Just “biDeN iZ old!”

    I really wonder why that is. You people have NO idea how bad things will be if we don’t install that walking corpse in the White House. Trump will destroy democracy. This isn’t a fucking joke. A convicted rapist and a felon is going to lead this country. This isn’t the time to stand on principle over shit you didn’t even care about a fucking YEAR ago.

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • Ahh. So, if someone has a gun to one man’s head, we shouldn’t mention that there’s another guy behind him with a gun to…. Everyone’s head-

    Because whatabotism.

    While this might help MAGA shift the focus on Biden, I’m generally not in the practice of giving a shit what benefits MAGA. So whataboutsim it’ll be.

    What’s the saying again? Oh. Right. Facts don’t care about your feelings. I’m guessing that includes how you feel about whataboutism.

    Trump’s genocide will be disastrous. He has said he wants to help Israel to finish the job. You know this. Everyone knows this. That you still won’t budge seems to show whose side you might be on.

    So… If you don’t like whataboutism being applied to a situation that could result in the all-out extermination of an entire country of people… then again, I’d love to see how you’d dig yourself out of that hole should someone with more tolerance for bullshit actually challenge your stance on this.

    Oh, and lastly- what type of bot would I be if I were one? I’ve never heard of Democratic bots. Only MAGA and Russia seems to have that market cornered. And BOTH of them are here urging even to not vote against Trump because of gEnOciDe and being contrarian to anyone slightly right of far left of left.

  • Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate
  • I get what you’re trying to do here man, and I’m not falling for it. You’re not going to get me on a defensive to waste my time.

    The entire comment chain is there to see that I’m right regarding my accusations of you. And your sad attempts to victimize yourself fall VERY flat When held up against reality, soooloo, I really don’t needled to keep going in circles over this with you. Your comment history and mod logs show you’re a liar and a troll. Mine don’t.

    Though I do enjoy watching you try hard. It’s so embarrassing for you.

    I love it!

  • Is there ever going to be a way to post images from this instance?

    I always get the “file size too large” or whatever the error is when trying to post images as comments. I’ve asked and was told that it’s’s limitation on posts/comments.

    Is there any way to avoid having to see a mod removing a single user from 20 different communities in the modlog?

    I like to stay active within the mod community and stay on top of what’s going on in the back-end of lemmy, and there is a certain few mods that when they don’t like what someone posts, they remove them from every community they mod- which is MANY. Even if the person only ever posted in one of them.

    It’s sucks this is even allowed, but I get that if it wasn’t, the alternative might not be better.

    Is there ever going to be a way to collapse the modlogs down to specific moderators, or even filter out the obnoxious ones?

    Is there any way to allow for blocked mods to not appear in mod logs?

    There’s a few mods that pretty much remove/ban EVERYONE and EVERYTHING they see that goes against whatever it is they believe in. And in scrolling the mod logs, these people dominate the feed. Is there any way to make them not show up?

    Worse yet, there’s a specific mod that will ban people from every community they moderate, if someone so much as steps out of line in just one of them.

    This is incredibly annoying to have to weed through.

    I can no longer share images/gifs as images.

    It shares a link to the post now where it used to share the image.

    Any time I try and post a gif/pictute, it errors saying image size too large.

    Regardless of what I’m sharing. Is it that photos/gifs cannot be shared with Voyager?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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