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Boys and men aged 16 to 29 more likely than over-60s to believe feminism harmful, says poll
  • If you believe men are having a hard time, then feminism is right up your alley, isn't it?

    Yes, this should be the case from what my understanding of feminism is.

    That said, I think there's an increasing confusion as to what feminism is. There isn't really one "feminism". Not all people who call themselves feminists have the same set of ideals. There are lots of different types of feminists (of which some I would say are absolutely not feminists e.g. TERFs).

    So when someone says they think feminism is harmful, such as in this survey, I don't really have a clear idea as to what exactly it is that they're opposing.

    My understanding of feminism is, to put it briefly "we need to destroy the current status quo that certain genders should fulfil certain roles or exhibit certain behaviours, which is something that negatively impacts everyone regardless of gender". I can't imagine any reasonable person would think this is a harmful goal.

  • Sonic X Shadow Generations - Announce Trailer
  • Wow Sonic and Shadow are dating now? So proud of them. Wishing them all the best.

  • The man who owes Nintendo $14m: Gary Bowser and gaming’s most infamous piracy case The man who owes Nintendo $14m: Gary Bowser and gaming’s most infamous piracy case

    The hacker whose involvement with anti-piracy software ended in a jail sentence has emerged from prison struggling to make rent as he starts paying his fine. ‘It could be worse,’ he says

    The man who owes Nintendo $14m: Gary Bowser and gaming’s most infamous piracy case

    This article was an interesting read. It goes into detail about Gary Bowser's life growing up, his role in Team Xecuter, what his life is like today, and his thoughts about his $14.5m fine to Nintendo.


    Some choice quotes:

    > “I started becoming a middleman in between the people doing the development work, and the people actually owning the mod chips, playing the games,” [Gary Bowser] says. “I would get feedback from the testers, and then I would send it to the developers … I can handle people, and that’s why I ended up getting more involved.”

    > Bowser was charged with fraud over his connection to Team Xecuter. While in custody, he was also hit with a civil suit from Nintendo. Between the civil and criminal cases, he was ordered to pay $14.5m.

    > Pirates are usually fined in court, but Bowser’s case was meant to draw attention. “The sentence was like a message to other people that [are] still out there, that if they get caught … [they’ll] serve hard time,” he says. As he tells it, Bowser didn’t make or develop the products that sent him to prison; he “just” updated the websites that told people what they could buy, and kept them informed about what was coming next.

    > Bowser maintains that he could have fought the allegations, and that other members of the hacking group remain at large. But fighting against 13 charges would have cost time and money. It was easier, he claims, to plead guilty and only deal with a couple of the charges. As a part of that agreement, Bowser now has to send Nintendo 20-30% of any money left over after he pays for necessities such as rent.

    > “I’ll pay them what I can, which won’t be very much money, that’s for sure,” he says. Despite his predicament, Bowser counts his blessings. “It could be a lot worse,” he says. Bowser has now managed to secure housing, and he thinks that after rent, he has a couple of hundred dollars leftover for food and other necessities. He assumes he’ll be turning to food support services.

    Boys and men aged 16 to 29 more likely than over-60s to believe feminism harmful, says poll Gen Z boys and men more likely than baby boomers to believe feminism harmful, says poll

    Fifth of men aged 16-29 look favourably on social media influencer Andrew Tate

    Gen Z boys and men more likely than baby boomers to believe feminism harmful, says poll

    Note that this poll only targetted around 3000 UK adults aged 16+. Nonetheless I personally think the trend this poll highlights is worrying and worthy of discussion.

    Also note I changed the original title to not use the terms "Gen Z" and "baby boomers" since I think putting in the ages is clearer.


    Some choice quotes:

    > On feminism, 16% of [16 to 29-year-old] males felt it had done more harm than good. Among over-60s the figure was 13%.

    > One in four UK males aged 16 to 29 believe it is harder to be a man than a woman.

    > 37% of men aged 16 to 29 consider “toxic masculinity” an unhelpful phrase, roughly double the number of young women who don’t like it.

    > The figures emerged from Ipsos polling for King’s College London’s Policy Institute and the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership.

    > “This is a new and unusual generational pattern,” said Prof Bobby Duffy, director of the Policy Institute. “Normally, it tends to be the case that younger generations are consistently more comfortable with emerging social norms, as they grew up with these as a natural part of their lives.”

    > But Duffy said: “There is a consistent minority of between one-fifth and one-third who hold the opposite view. This points to a real risk of fractious division among this coming generation.”

    > Prof Rosie Campbell, director of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s, said: “The fact that this group is the first to derive most of their information from social media is likely to be at least part of the explanation.

    > In the meantime, social media algorithms are filling the vacuum, she said. “This could be something that changes when young men enter the workforce but we can’t take that for granted given how important social media is in the way we understand ourselves.”

    Microsoft is adding a new key to PC keyboards for the first time since 1994
  • Microsoft often imposes some additional hardware requirements on major PC makers that sell Windows on their devices, beyond what is strictly necessary to run Windows itself.

    Is this another of many examples of Microsoft asserting an unfair market monopoly?

    I recently switched to Linux and it only just occurred to me within the last few weeks or so that's it's very strange that every keyboard I've used has a "Windows" key (often branded with the Windows logo).

  • Domestic cats “amongst the most problematic invasive species in the world”
  • Yeah fair. i'll update it to domestic cats make things clearer.

  • Domestic cats “amongst the most problematic invasive species in the world” Killer kitties: cats are eating 2,000 species, including hundreds that are at risk

    The first study to quantify what our felines eat on a global scale finds they have a significant impact on wildlife

    Killer kitties: cats are eating 2,000 species, including hundreds that are at risk

    > [A study] show[s] [that domestic cats] eat more than 2,000 species globally – including hundreds that are of conservation concern.

    > “Our study sheds light on the predatory habits of one of the world’s most successful and widely distributed invasive predators,” the researchers, led by Christopher Lepczyk from Auburn University in the US, wrote in the paper.

    How many stinkers did you play this year?
  • Not really a "stinker" but I was disappointed with Tears of the Kingdom and have dropped it after 100 hours.

    I don't think it helps that I've been playing this whilst sat next to my fiancee playing the Witcher 3 on our Steam Deck. The difference between the two games is like night and day, despite the Witcher 3 being almost a decade older.

    Tears of the Kingdom is just okay, in my opinion. I enjoyed it enough to get 100 hours out of it. I dropped Breath of the Wild after a similar amount of time too. They're just not for me I guess, they don't immerse me like other RPGs do.

  • Trust in nature – and stop raking up your garden leaves Trust in nature – and stop raking up your garden leaves | Alys Fowler

    Yes, the fallen foliage can be messy. But the trees know just what they’re doing – and they won’t thank you for interfering, writes Alys Fowler

    Trust in nature – and stop raking up your garden leaves | Alys Fowler

    Some choice quotes from the article:

    > [S]pent leaves that flutter to the ground aren’t a waste product. They are rich in carbon and play an essential role for the tree and the ecology it supports.

    > The leaves act as a physical barrier for soil, keeping it and its many microbes insulated, and also for the tree roots, as the wet mats of autumn leaves shelter the fragile top layer from the drying winds.

    > Many, many things live in these dead leaf layers: caterpillars of moths and butterflies, their chrysalises, beetles, centipedes, springtails, woodlice and spiders … and doesn’t the blackbird know it, rustling through the leaves?

    > No one loves wet autumn leaves more than earthworms, though. Sensing one of their favourite things, they start to work on incorporating them into the soil. Earthworms line their homes with autumn leaves, using them for bedding and then, because they are good housekeepers, they eat them as they break down.

    > Leave the leaves be: they are not a mess, a waste or a hindrance – they are life and vital with it.

    Risking arrest and assault, Israelis begin protesting Gaza war
  • That’s the difference between the two sides.

    When generalizing millions of people like you are, the amount of differences between one group of millions of people and another group of millions of people will be negligable compared to the amount of similarities they have. One similarity will be that any group of millions of people will in itself have varied opinions. The responses to this war are varied no matter what group of people we select. Your statement is wrong, unfair, and racist.

    For just one example of how you are wrong check out this article about a gathering of Muslim and Jewish women in the UK, united by their similarity of both their holy texts teaching "love thy neighbour" and a desire for peace.

    Many people on all sides want peace. We are similar, not different.

  • Revealed: the industry figures behind ‘declaration of scientists’ backing meat eating Revealed: the industry figures behind ‘declaration of scientists’ backing meat eating

    Document used to target top EU officials over environmental and health policies but climate experts view it as propaganda

    Revealed: the industry figures behind ‘declaration of scientists’ backing meat eating

    > A public statement signed by more than 1,000 scientists in support of meat production and consumption has numerous links to the livestock industry[.]

    > The declaration and associated studies are viewed as “propaganda” by leading environmental scientists. Prof Matthew Hayek of New York University in the US said: “The scientific consensus is that we need rapid meat reduction in the regions that can afford that choice.”

    > Studies in the highest-ranking scientific journals have concluded that cutting meat and dairy consumption in rich countries is the single best way to reduce a person’s impact on the environment and that the climate crisis cannot be beaten without such cuts. People already eat more meat than health guidelines recommend in most developed nations.

    >The statement has been used to target top EU officials against environmental and health policies and has been endorsed by the EU agriculture commissioner [...] The EU was pursuing policies to reduce meat consumption on environmental and health grounds, but some of these have recently been dropped.

    Do any of you pay for carbon offsets?
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  • Men Overran a Job Fair for Women in Tech
  • Thank you for linking an additional article. I'm going to be focusing in on some particular parts of this article which relate to my original concerns, though certainly reading this article and getting more detail about what exactly transpired at the event was distressing. The behaviour demonstrated is completely unacceptable, and would have definitely made me feel unsafe, especially the physical shoving.

    I am going to be arguing again that I'm worried that some trans and nonbinary folks are getting misgendered as cis men. However, even if some of these folks were trans or nonbinary, if they were partaking in the behaviour that was detailed in this article, then what they were doing was still completely unfair.

    many reported seeing male-presenting attendees with he/him on their nametags

    This doesn't mean for a certainty that these individuals are cis men. Nonbinary folks don't exclusively use gender-neutral pronouns or neopronouns, many nonbinary folks are comfortable presenting as their AGAB and using those respective pronouns. These people could also be closeted trans women or nonbinary folks.

    “There were just a lot of men in the comments on anonymous profiles being like, ‘Well Don't hate the player, hate the game,’” Barman said. “Basically proving that they are men, they're not actually non-binary, and that they very much came [to the conference] in an aggressive nature to take space.”

    These people were commenting on anonymous profiles. How do we know that these people were lying about their gender identity? They could have very well just be the attendees who self-identified as male.

  • Men Overran a Job Fair for Women in Tech
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  • Men Overran a Job Fair for Women in Tech
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  • Beehaw on Lemmy: The long-term conundrum of staying here
  • Thank you too, for listening and for all the work you put in. And, of course, just to say explicitly I will respect whatever decision you come to even if it's not one that caters to me and my weird social media habits. I wish you the best of luck with whatever you decide to do with Beehaw, I hope this community thrives wherever it goes.

  • Beehaw on Lemmy: The long-term conundrum of staying here
  • What if we started out not federated with anyone, but clearly actively working towards it? Would you still follow?

    Yes, definitely. I think it would make sense to start out this way on a new platform. With my preference for whitelist federation over blacklist federation, it feels right to me to start from zero and slowly add other instances to federate with after determining that another instance holds community values which align enough with ones own.

    By federated, do you mean decentralized and interoperability with other platforms (TBD), or specifically federated with Lemmy, Kbin, etc?

    I mean decentralized and allows interoperability with other platforms. It wouldn't have to be Lemmy/Kbin/etc.

    Do you desire ActivityPub (aka mastadon) federation or others acceptable, as long as it’s not just Beehaw here?

    I'm most familiar with platforms on ActivityPub so it would be my personal preference but honestly it could be any distributed social networking protocol.

  • I'm so tired of the current state of the internet
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  • I'm so tired of the current state of the internet
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  • Jho Silvally

    Nonbinary (he/him) ∞

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