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Ottawa expected to release promised EV sales regulations Tuesday
  • Yes a car free society should be the end goal but this will take a lot of time. We literally CANNOT wait for a better alternative, we needed to get rid of gas ten years ago.

    Daily reminder that "EVs aren't a perfect solution yet" argument is what the oil industry is pushing, so they can maximise profits for an other decade at the detriment of all of us.

  • Removed
    ByteDance is secretly using OpenAI’s tech to build a competitor
  • 90% of datasets are created with chatgpt, this is nothing new or a faux pas like is implied in the article. It is against the terms of service but it's also largely considered unenforceable. Openai can ban your account for it I guess (they never do) but they can't sue over this or anything of the sort.

  • When will Mickey Mouse enter the public domain?
  • The problem is that copyright law is never used by the small artists to protect their work, it's only used by big corporations to put down the small artists, fuck with each other and find loop holes to abuse of it.

    There's what it should be for and what it's actually used for.

  • Not such a conspiracy theory now
  • It can eventually help disabled people move, see, hear and talk.

    For everyday people, this will replace phones and computers completely. We will be able to project a private screen on any surface, even mid air. We will be thinking the words instead of saying them during phonecalls.

    Movies and games are going to be so immersive it's probably going to cause some serious societal issues. Larping is going to become big I'm guessing.

    That's just the surface stuff that's easy to think of. It gets even nuttier if you think about recording and downloading dreams and memories, some of the really sci Fi stuff. The possibilities are literally endless. Obviously though, there's a way to go, it's still in its infancy.

  • ‘Magical’ tech innovations a distraction from real solutions, climate experts warn | Overemphasis on innovation and carbon removal risks distracting from main goal of stopping use of fossil fuels, say
  • Per capita, we pollute twice as much as China does. On top of that, most of their pollution is directly linked to making products for us.

    We are the bad guys here, no contest. Especially when looking at how our government fights the transition every step of the way.

    I totally agree though, it's completely mental that the environment isn't our top priority.

  • EU regulation of AI
  • Here is the actual act if anyone is interested.

    Seems they banned the pervasive stuff (face recognition, humor recognition at work, etc) but left the rest alone. I haven't had time to read the act but the article implies deepfakes are okay as long as the website tells you it's AI which is quite surprising.

    Looks like we get to keep our fancy new image and video generation toys. Hollywood is about to get fucked.

  • Not such a conspiracy theory now
  • Don't get me wrong, I'm not volunteering but eventually it will be safe.

    Theres definitely barriers to overcome but to go with your analogy, I drive a car everyday on the highway even though a malfunction or even just an other user being stupid can easily lead to my death. That's just to get to work or see friends. I could imagine myself braving worse to get to use full dive vr.

    But you couldn't pay me to get into one of those death traps when cars were first invented though. I'm eager but I will definitely wait a while before jumping in.

  • LOL? lol
  • I would choose a character and concentrate on learning him. There are builds online you can use to not get over whelmed at first by the shop.

    I play an other MOBA but there is probably a lane that has two players for most of the match, you should concentrate on playing one of those two types of characters so you and your son can maximise play time together, most likely the tank would be the better choice (more forgiving, easier to learn, support character so your son gets to be the hero).

  • Poster for sci-fi noir 'RESTORE POINT' - 2041, it's now possible to bring victims of a violent crime back to life by backing up their brain every two days.
  • I enjoy it since there's the aspect of interviewing the victim themselves, as well as a constant sense of danger since the killer needs to obviously finish the job and fast. It becomes a bit of a race.

    Altered carbon and Hyperion by Dan Simmons come to mind as having the concept.

  • Not such a conspiracy theory now
  • This is some really cool tech and I'm happy the trials are starting. It's a shame having it attached to Elon is ruining the perception of it, I'm hoping other companies get in the game soon.

  • Calls to reform UN Security Council after US vetoes Gaza ceasefire
  • Both are unacceptable but clearly Israel is more so. In a hostage situation, you don't bomb the neighborhood. I'd also like to point out that nobody is really defending Hamas, which is more acceptable is missing the point entirely.

    Israel has serious military advantage, they can basically force a cease fire at any time. They aren't under threat and tbh, probably let the events that started all this happen for causus belli.

    The article talks about a mostly symbolic UN vote that was vetoed by the US at the request of Israel. They don't want a ceasefire, they don't want their hostages back, they don't want a solution.

    They just want to keep bombing.

  • Calls to reform UN Security Council after US vetoes Gaza ceasefire
  • You clearly can't grasp the real complicated scenario so he gave you a simplified version to make it easier to understand.

    Anyone with even an ounce of empathy understands why Israel bombing children is always unacceptable. Nobody should need to explain it to you really

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