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I'm in this meme
  • My arachnophobia is always conflicted by this... 😅

  • Doing my bit?
  • Qbittorrent let's you dynamically rename and move stuff based to tags. Status, and other stuff. You could get really in depth with the scripting too.

  • Recommendations for music combining classical and modern instruments
  • Symphonic metal is a huge and diverse genre! Nightwish, Epica, Within Temptation, Kamelot are good places to start.

  • Have you played Manor Lords and what are your opinions?
  • I've sunk over a dozen hours into it so far. It's a really enjoyable game, however it is truly in early access stage and the developer has made no illusions about that. It's playable, and largely bug free, but there's not a lot of depth available since many of the features are still in progress. Up to the release of the game, it's been developed by 1 person and he's hiring some additional staff but that all takes time to see fruition.

    The graphics are beautiful, and the game has a great atmosphere. I love watching the buildings being constructed. The mechanics in the game work well, but there's a lot of buildings, resources, and advanced stages that need tweaking/implementing.

    If you like what you see in the videos, and are OK with an actual early access game, knowing that features and improvements will be coming slowly, then id suggest getting it now. Otherwise, wait for the official release.

  • The Christian right is coming for divorce next
  • "arguing that it has harmed men and even destroyed the fabric of society."

    Ahh yes, the injustice of the millennium. Abusive, asshole men can't keep their wives against their will...

  • Anyone ever swap careers from Corporate to Non-Profit or some other Cause: If so, how?
  • I've been at my current job, which is a nonprofit in the social services industry for 10 years. I didn't intentionally choose this industry but j found I'm very comfortable here. It can be a stressful job at times, but what job isn't.

    Theres no money in most non profits. However I've never hated my job the biggest downside aside from salary, I don't have the budget, tools, or resources to do what I'd like at times. I also tend to wear every hat in our small IT dept. A distinct difference I've found in the non profits I've worked for is company culture is so much better. Ymmv depending on the industry and size, but people who stick with the company are usually in it for the mission. This tends to weed out the "bad eggs".

    I have a hard time stepping away from my job even tho j could easily make $50k more at a for profit company. I'm not sad about my choices even tho I'd certainly like to be paid more. I don't live to work though, and the job doesn't demand it of me so it makes for a decent work/life balance.

  • LibreOffice 24.2 Released For This Leading Free Software Office Suite
  • Most phoronix articles are pretty much straight to the point actually. I haven't regularly visited them in a while but they were a good source for open source news, and might still be.

  • Advice wanted for salty pizza
  • Balsamic drizzle on some pesto pizza, now that sound a like a winner,

  • How do you recall your most used commands?
  • I don't do much with bash since I primarily do windows admin, but I run into the same issue with powershell.

    I have a document in VSCode that I store frequently used commands and any kind of notation/documentation I need to take advantage of it in the future. It's a lot of one or two liners for stuff I know I'm going to forget, like the once a month hyperv cluster update command 😂.

    Similarly I've added functions to the powershell local and global profiles on my computer/group policy. (contextually similar to bashrc, bash_profile, that load when launching interactive or non interactive shells, as well as user context) That way i can easily execute repeptive commands without having to think!

    Basically, I think we all have the same problem and we've forgotten more than we know lol

  • When was a game's price worth it to you?
  • Valheim at msrp. So. Many. Hours. Such a fantastic game.

  • Ultimate Nachos, first ever attempt!
  • Nachos are life, nachos are love. Maybe taco salad aspires to be nachos?

  • Ultimate Nachos, first ever attempt!
  • I used my nacho leftovers to make tacos today after picking up some meat from a carniciera!

    I typically use parchment paper for everything. The cleanup wasn't too bad, somehow my sheetpan remains fairly stick-free even after the abuse I frequently put it through, though I admit after I saw the mess on the sheetpan after the food was eaten, I had regretted not using parchment lol.

    I did two-layers of chips with some sauce, and lots of cheese, on the first layer and second layer. I loaded the top layer with all the rest of the fixings and left a hole in the center for the guacamole and sour cream. I wanted no chip to be dry and disappointing!

  • Ultimate Nachos, first ever attempt!
  • Radish is super common in Southern California at Mexican places. They're often served raw and pickled. They work surprisingly well with all the flavors. Thanks for backing me up!

    Now go make some reverse seared steak nachos 😁

  • Ultimate Nachos, first ever attempt! Icarus shared a post

    My Ultimate Loaded Nachos, (first ever attempt).

    Icarus shared a post

    I had been craving nachos (my favorite food group!) for several weeks. Going out with my partner to get some has been challenging because of our hectic schedules lately so I decided on my free evening after work last Friday, I would get busy making my dreams come true.

    Everything in these nachos (aside from the obvious products such as the dairy products) were all made from scratch! I took inspiration from a few recipes for components and assembly (BA's Fully Loaded Nachos, Serious Eats Ultimate Nachos), but this is ultimately just something I dreamed up and executed!

    My first ever Ultimate Nachos with:

    • roasted tomato salsa with chipotle peppers (i was getting tired and instead of making 4 salsas, I combined everything for my last two salsa into one, so it is sort of a tomatillo/tomato mix)
    • fresh Avocado-Tomatillo salsa
    • pico de gallo
    • black bean spread (
    • pickled onions and jalapenos
    • guacamole
    • Topped with Montery and Jack cheese, queso fresco, radish, fresh jalapenos, cilantro, sour cream, and grilled chicken

    It was absolutely delicious and devoured in its entirety by 4 people. Mission accomplished. Dream achieved.

    Any Le Creuset fans?
  • Lodge's enameled cast iron pots are great. The enamel is made in China, but surprisingly so are some staub and Le creusets.

  • Animals As Leaders - The Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing [2015, metal]
  • I saw them open for Devin Townsend and Dream Theater a month ago. Their set was phenomenal. I was so excited to see them live!

  • Australia’s internet providers are ditching email, to the disgust of older customers
  • For everyone's sake it might be best to refuse to support the application because of the security risks with such an outdated program.

  • Australia’s internet providers are ditching email, to the disgust of older customers
  • I'm about the same. Last switch was yahoo to Gmail and now I'm in the process of switching from Gmail to Proton Mail. The most difficult part was the mental switch - which email you start giving out when you sign up. Second was migrating services. I made it a point for a while each time I logged into something knew I would switch the primary email. Its been a long process!

  • What non-FOSS software are you using that you wish you could replace?
  • If you haven't checked out Pop!_OS I'd recommend giving it a try. While I'm using a system76 laptop so they guarantee hardware compatibility, it's been one of the smoothest and most functional DE/guis I've used. Ive never had to resort to a command line* and aaalllmost everything you'd expect to find exists in the gui.

    *caveat. Except for some really esoteric problems, which are usually a result of my own tinerking

  • 9 Creative Summer Grilling Ideas That Don't Require Meat
  • I've always been intrigued by some of these 'unusual' grilled items such as cabbage and fruits. Really need to just try it out and see if I'll be pleasantly surprised!

    I love grilled veggies in general though. Zucchini and eggplant are my goto.

  • [Recipe] [Homemade] Carnitas Tacos w/ pickled red onions and Jalapeno Crema
  • God I love that no waste carnitas recipe! It's so good! Those tacos look fabulous! Thanks for sharing the recipe to your additions.

    I love making Chilequilas for breakfast when I make that carnitas recipe because I have practically every thing for it already.

  • [Fermented] First batch of kimchi in 6 months

    EDIT: Image preview seems to be broken so here is the img url.

    Hi everybody! I just finished preparing a batch of Kimchi! I based my recipe off a mix of Maangchi and a recipe I got from Mother's Kimchi. I am going to leave it out on the counter for a day or two and then stick it in the fridge to slowly fermented for 2 weeks at least.

    This is the first time I am using my Crazy Korean/e-Jen fermenter. I am hopeful it'll work out better than the large ball jars i've used in the past. The inner lid that slides down into the container creates a significantly better, and easier seal to keep stuff submerged. (side note: the marketing states there is Onggi clay in the plastic, and even if it is, I don't believe it'll do anything)

    Basic recipe: 3lb Napa Cabbage, 2.5tbsp Japanese sea salt (comparable to Korean brining salt) 1lb Korean Radish, Carrot, green onion, garlic, onion, mother's fish sauce.

    I generally keep the salt low in Kimchi. I use less salt than typical (2-3tbsp) I rub the leaves with salt and let it wilt for 2 hours, then wash leaves. With the additional fish sauce I add, the salt content has been more than enough to safely ferment but not going overboard.

    Juneteenth Dinner

    In recognition of Juneteenth I cooked up a few things for dinner: Charleston Red Rice, (Instant Pot) Collard Greens, and Black Eyed Pea salad. Everything was so delicious!

    Charleston Red Rice

    Instant Pot Collard Greens

    Vegan Black Eyed Pea Salad

    Icarus Icarus
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