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2 yr. ago

  • I'm kinda in the same boat. I'd love to use that kind of small creator content for this community. I think I'll pin this post as a call for people to share.

  • Yeah, works surprisingly well with controller. You'll probably wanna mess around with the bindings, though.

  • Maybe it's just me trying to make something out of nothing but I think this adds to the idea that individual "leaders" are kinda outdated for most aspects of governance.

  • And that includes children.

  • I've never had it but based on the raw beef I feel like tartare is one of those foods that's never just okay. It'd just be either terrible or great with little inbetween.

  • This is what I said but I'd want them to rework it some. Largely for far less rape.

  • Alex Jones literally believes this. He says it's our duty to pump as much carbon in to the air as possible and that oil and "clean" coal are how we are supposed to do it.

  • I'm sure there's tons of Muskrat fans who'd love one but unfortunately they don't have brains.

  • Dark Gary does have a bit of a honey badger vibe.

  • If you expect me to remember things you're gonna have a bad time. And probably so am I.

  • This looks fun! The kind of space game that doesn't really get made any more.

  • Their soul is sufficiently supple for the ritual.

  • Yeah, I feel like any kind of poll that comes out of Russia right now is kinda meaningless.

  • I'll take note of that and becassoware.

  • Yeah if one of those were around me I'd be cassoworried.

  • Phantasm Fantasy X is my favorite.

  • I have ear damage because games love to release nuclear bomb levels of sound when they boot for the first time.

  • Sci-Fi and Fantasy Gaming

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    Sucker for Love - For when 3D girls just don't have enough dimensions

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    Improbable Island - An absurd Persistent Browser Based Game

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    Cosmoctopus: A board game that tackles cosmic horror without invoking Lovecraft

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    We All Become - Transistor Original Soundtrack

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    Crown Trick, an adorably animated turn based roguelite

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