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Assurons la défaite de l’extrême droite le 7 juillet ! - LDH
  • Il faut lire l'appel complet. Il appelle a voter pour le ou la candidate en meilleur position de battre l'extrême droite. Concrètement, selon la circonscription, ça se traduirait pour un vote pour un candidat à NFP, ou Renaissance/Horizon, ou autre.

    C'est un appel non-partisan contre l'extrême droite. C'est tout à fait normal de la part de syndicats et d'associations. C'est aussi cohérent avec la stratégie du NFP, qui a retiré ses propres candidats là ou un autre candidat d'un autre parti est mieux placé pour battre l’extrême droite.

  • Well, AI made our search unusable dogshit. But AI *also* made us miss our climate goals, so
  • Tech companies make the case that AI, including tools such as ChatGPT, is not only partially causing climate change, it’s also helping to address it.

    In the case of Google, that could mean using data to predict future flooding, or making traffic flow more efficiently, to save gasoline.

    Sounds like a fallacy. It's a significant 13% year-to-year increase in pollution, with the hope of a future, potential, slim reduction in gasoline usage.

  • Assurons la défaite de l’extrême droite le 7 juillet ! - LDH Assurons la défaite de l’extrême droite le 7 juillet ! - LDH

    Appel des syndicats et associations rassemblées “Ensemble, contre l’extrême droite” : Assurons la défaite de l’extrême droite le 7 juillet !

    Appel de syndicats et associations dont la LDH

    Marine Tondelier fait un mic drop face à la Aurore Bergé la collabo
  • La presse indique qu'elle qu'elle souhaite le retrait "au cas par cas", donc c'est le discours du "ni-ni" là où certains candidats LFI font face au RN.

    C'est assez honteux avec le RN à deux doigts d'arriver au pouvoir. Mais ça n'est pas être "collabo". Contrairement à monsieur Ciotti elle n'a pas fait d'alliance avec le RN, autant que je sache.

  • Grandma is republican.
  • For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.

    From some book I rarely quote

  • Mediapart en accès libre ce week-end
  • Divers bibliothèques donnent accès à la presse en ligne, ça permet d'avoir accés à de nombreux journaux et magazines pour le prix d'une carte de bibliothèque.

    Renseignez vous auprès de 'a bibliothèque de votre ville. Ou à défaut auprès de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, qui propose cela à tous les personnes résidant en France.

  • USA presidential candidates
  • Tradition and inertia.

    The USA is proud to have the oldest and longest-standing written constitution. The fact it hasn't been rewriteen in a long time help explain why there's still an electoral college, slavery for prisoners (13th amendements), and weak regulation of campaign finance.

  • China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say
  • That sounds a bit contradictory but there's an important details. Part of the accusation seems to be about picking winners, ie giving subsidies to specific companies rather than the sector as a whole.

    The anti-subsidy investigation has been intended to confirm the Commission’s allegations that manufacturers of battery electric vehicles (BEV) in China benefit from countervailable – i.e. specific and advantageous to the receiving companies – subsidies

    If that's true then a tweak to subsidies might technically solve the issue without changing the EU-China competition balance.

    IMHO the EU should focus on carbon border tax, and on doing it quickly and efficiently. The idea is taxing import from countries that don't tax pollution, or at least less than the EU does, to make competing companies subject to similar emissions tax/regulation.

  • SSH as a sudo replacement
  • Neat. I wish OpenSSH better support this use case. The instruction involve multiple moving parts on top of OpenSSH (s6-ipcserver, socat or custom scripts) and a number of extra options for the client. That probably adds overhead. It would probably be easier and more efficient if OpenSSH would directly support Unix sockets.

  • Matrix - A Pit of Abuse with Government Ties
  • I'm interested into the technical details, not actual URLs. How come servers cited in the video keep hosting/seeding chatrooms despite closing corresponding accounts? Is this impossible due to Matrix's design, or is it poor moderation from server admins?

    About URLs: the author is absolutely right to blur these. The only people he should be sharing this is police, or maybe admins if they're not aware of the abuse on their server.

  • Matrix - A Pit of Abuse with Government Ties
  • That's the first time I hear of Matrix having this issue.

    I'm curious to know more, but the video only cite an anonymous source. Are there evidence or more technical details available regarding this?

  • Thailand’s Senate overwhelmingly approves a landmark bill to legalize same-sex marriages Thailand’s Senate overwhelmingly approves a landmark bill to legalize same-sex marriages

    Thailand’s Senate has voted overwhelmingly to approve a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage, clearing the last legislative hurdle for the country to become the first in Southeast Asia to enact such a law.

    Thailand’s Senate overwhelmingly approves a landmark bill to legalize same-sex marriages
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