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we have lost so much knowledge over the (checks notes) last fifty years
  • But that's something that I witnessed change since the 80's and makes the electronic crappier, it's the fact that appliances in the 70's-90's were incredibly easy to fix. It was not rare for the manufacturer to even give schematics in the user's manual. There were shops to repair stuff everywhere and it was something approachable by anyone who could hold a soldering iron.

  • git discussion bingo
  • I'm sure you'll find some old devs who still prefer CVS over SVN. Don't underestimate the force of habit. Even in a field like development where you should always update your knowledge and skills, there are tons of people who are very reluctant to changes.

  • git discussion bingo
  • I'm sure you'll find some old devs who still prefer CVS over SVN. Don't underestimate the force of habit. Even in a field like development where you should always update your knowledge and skills, there are tons of people who are very reluctant to changes.

  • Sweden has had enough of being confused with Switzerland
  • Helvetica is a font, definitely not the proper name of Switzerland.

    You're probably thinking of Helvetia, which is neither the real name of Switzerland as it is an allegorical figure which represents Switzerland.

    If you want the real official name of Switzerland, then you'll have to get it into one of the official languages:

    • Confédération suisse in French
    • Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft in German
    • Confederazione svizzera in Italian
    • Confederaziun svizra in romanche

    On English it would be the Swiss confederation, or... Switzerland in short.

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  • Definitely a big problem for copyrights, patents are still 20 years, but they are also problematic. Biggest issue is patent trolls, companies who patent anything, sometimes even things that don't really exist, just to attack companies who innovate.

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  • This! Patent, trademarks, copyrights, all those intellectual properties laws were created more than a century ago, a time very different from us, with no corporations capable of pushing hundreds if not thousands of patents per year.

    Those laws are so outdated that they are played to the inverse of what they were supposed to do. They were created to protect the inventor to make sure he can win money on his invention, today they are used to protect big corporation to make sure they can buy or kill whoever who would risk attacking their revenue.

    They were invented as a way to push creativity and protect it but they are used today to limit and block creativity. There's a good reason why creativity in technology in the last 10 years has come more from open source movements (additive manufacturing, blockchain, machine learning, etc.). It's the only way to still protect creativity, making it open, therefore non patentable.

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  • Before I had my daughter I was never sick, thought my immune system was strong. Then she started school and I got sick every freaking time she got a little bit sick. Turns out my immune system is crap, I just wasn't in contact with sicknesses that much.

  • If You Were Born Rich, How Would Your Life Be Different From What It Is?
  • The definition of being rich which I agree the most with is that you have invested your money so that it works for you sufficiently to cover your lifestyle's expenses. It does not mean that you drive a fast car or have a penthouse but you don't have to work to live.

    For me it would mean being able to do whatever, learn to draw, play an instrument, travel, probably work on some software idea (my job), maybe try to create a company, but do whatever and be free to do so without any fear.

  • Is it worth closing the lid on a toilet before flushing?
  • It's written quite clearly on the door, but last time I used one I saved a tourist who would have had an unfortunate shower. She grabbed the door when I went out and was going in, I had to warn her and tell her to first let the door close so that the wash cycle would do its job.

  • Is it worth closing the lid on a toilet before flushing?
  • In France they have public toilets that basically do number 4. The toilet gets completely cleaned automatically with hot water and detergent after you used it. It works by locking up after you unlocked the door after using it. If you hold the door for someone, they get the cleaning treatment.

  • Japan: Can anything be done to stop population decline?
  • It's a problem because our entire economic system is based on growth and it will be complicated to have economic growth with a decrease in population. Now the fact that our system is based on continuous growth is probably a problem bigger than the decline in population.

  • If you’re using midjourney for ideation or to overcome some designer’s block, here’s a cool list of prompts that includes styles and famous designers
  • It's nothing very clever honestly, the prompt is this : table lamp, ultra realistic, design by Charles and Ray Eames, --v 4 with a bunch of famous designers:

    • Charles and Ray Eames
    • Isamu Noguchi
    • Philippe Starck
    • Alexandre Touguet
    • Lotta Jansdotter
    • Gaetano Pesce
    • Milton Glaser
    • Claudia Owen
    • Zoa Martinez
    • Marc Newson
    • Sebastian Bergne
    • Marcel Wanders
    • Aleksandra Gaca
    • Marc Atlan
    • Lee Broom
    • Davide Radaelli
    • Andrew Bowen
    • Hella Jongerius
    • Britt Laspina
    • Cecilie Manz
  • Why AI detectors think the US Constitution was written by AI
  • GPT-4 is quite willing to help you create the constitution for your own country, well I guess I have to find a name now:

    Certainly! Crafting a constitution for a new country is an exciting and monumental task. The constitution is the core document that dictates the legal obligations and rights of your country's government and its citizens. Here's a very basic outline to get us started. Please remember, this is a rudimentary draft and it will need to be adjusted based on the specific needs, culture, history, and goals of your country:


    We, the people of [Your Country's Name], in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for [Your Country's Name].


    Section 1: All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a [name of your legislative body].

    Section 2: [Details on how members are elected, their terms, qualifications, powers and responsibilities]

    Section 3: [Details on how legislation is passed, veto powers, etc.]


    Section 1: The executive power shall be vested in a [title of your head of state].

    Section 2: [Details on how the head of state is elected, their term, qualifications, powers and responsibilities]

    Section 3: [Details on how the executive branch operates, and other positions within the executive branch]


    Section 1: The judicial power of [Your Country's Name] shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the [Legislative body] may from time to time ordain and establish.

    Section 2: [Details on how judges are appointed, their terms, qualifications, powers and responsibilities]


    Section 1: All persons born or naturalized in [Your Country's Name] are citizens of [Your Country's Name] and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens.

    Section 2: [Further details on the rights, freedoms, and responsibilities of the citizens, these could include things like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to a fair trial, etc.]


    Section 1: The [Legislative body] whenever two thirds of both Houses deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments...


    Section 1: [Any other items that need to be addressed, such as the official language, the national religion (or lack thereof), the national emblem, the process for international treaties, etc.]


    This Constitution shall be considered ratified when agreed upon by a majority of citizens through a free and fair vote.

    Please remember that a constitution is a living document that will grow and change over time as your country evolves. This outline is just a starting point and may not include all the specific sections you need. For example, you might want to add sections addressing human rights, environmental protection, financial regulations, and so on.

    This process should involve broad input from many different stakeholders, including legal experts, and should be reflective of the country's culture, values, history, and aspirations for the future. Also, please note that the effective implementation of a constitution requires a strong rule of law and mechanisms for holding those in power accountable.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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