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  • my boobs are starting to show a lil :3 mixed feelings, though, what with the, uh, climate being as it is. guess i'll keep wearing baggy stuff until i can get out of here. not much has changed, face-wise, but i guess my visage has always been somewhat androgynous. oh well, i haven't been on E that long, anyway.

    my partner is coming to stay with me for a month ❤ they'll be arriving tomorrow evening. when they leave, i'll be going with them, to stay at their house in Spain for a month. exciting! scary, also. i'm all kinds of disabled, so having to fly back on my own worries me terribly.

    i've come to the conclusion i wouldn't mind the body hair i have, as long as i get a body that's feminine enough. guess i'm like... a nonbiney woman? i think that's prolly the best i can do. fuken h8 my facial hair, though, but i'm working on it.

    i wish you all the best on your journey, friend ❤

  • Sovcit isn't succeeding, other sovcit gives assvice.
  • 10e here. but it evens out because everything else is stupidly expensive! i can only barely afford food the second half of the month (:

  • Just ordered DIYHRT for the first time
  • i live in a place where trans healthcare's aim is not to explore how gender-affirming care could help you, but to prove you don't need gender-affirming care. started DIY a while back & it's the best decision i've ever made. like, i'm not a kid anymore, i don't wanna be old & regret not allowing myself a chance to feel content in my body.

    i do fuken h8 needles, though.

    anyway. i wish you all the best on your journey, friend ❤

  • Tethered Bottle Caps
  • my dad is disabled. had a stroke, shaky hands & stuff forever. he fuken h8's these new caps. i personally don't care much, unless i'm drinking yoghurt out of a bottle.

  • Unexpected Gender Affirmation at McDonald's
  • i really wanted to like, type out a long comment about how this is giving me hope, but it's getting all scrambled in my head. i appreciate you & am happy for you, friend.

  • what yall think is the most wildest subreddit you even been to
  • right. it's not all fake, but the size of the sub is wildly disproportionate to the statistics we have on detransitioners (some of whom will ultimately choose to transition again, which is not reflected by the stats).

  • Games that stuck with you
  • don't care if it sounds silly, Dark Souls literally saved my life. was going through Some Shit™ & it was easy for me to take the game as a metaphor for depression; it's not over unless you give up.

    i don't play it as often as i maybe should, but it's definitely the game that's stuck with me the most.

  • what yall think is the most wildest subreddit you even been to
  • the userbase of r/detrans prolly consists of actual detransitioners to the same extent that the userbase of r/teenagers consists of actual teenagers.

  • Wyoming’s ban on gender-affirming care for minors goes into effect
  • gotta love how they're never too young to be traumatised by the experience of growing up in a rapidly changing body that will never feel like their own (:

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • you are a sad person. no substance, no spine.

    go ahead, call me "kiddo." tell me how you're totally super active in local politics. say "propagandist" again. say all the shit you're busy repeating here, day in, day out.

  • NSFW
    If I don't care what pronouns are used, can I still be an ally?
  • my ex-wife said, after a lot of introspection, that she's definitely a cis woman, but wants to go by them as well :3 it's often used by folks who feel there's a void where their gender should be, but there's absolutely no reason why you couldn't use it, too!

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • you're the one unironically calling people SJW's. i think the matter at hand is extremely simple lmao

  • Avrule
  • Avril is a clone, actually, but they liked her version better than mine. "too experimental & loud & abrasive," they said.

  • Gender-affirming surgeries are mostly performed on cisgender people: 'Bitter irony'
  • no, like, their comment was chock-full of good stuff & that's what you decide to focus on? apologies for the "no u," but like, come on.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • Ability to hear music but inability to process the words.

    yes officer take me downtown

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • as someone who seems to simultaneously be sensitive to sound & hard of hearing + sharp-eyed & near-sighted, i'd like to thank you for this response.

    e : visual snow is a binch, also.