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[T480] [Linux] Battery installed not supported by this system and will not charge - LGC 11 01AV424
  • @promitheas Never heard about battery whitelists on T480. What BIOS version do you have?

    Also there is a reset button in the bottom of the laptop near ThinkEngine controller: Power off the laptop, disconnect both batteries and CMOS and hold reset button for a minute.

  • Is it worth getting a refurbished Thinkpad T480 in 2024?
  • @velox_vulnus no, there are no battery mods for 80 series.
    It also has no CD/DVD that you can swap for 2nd drive or so.

    I recommend you to watch a T480 review with disassembly first.

  • Is it worth getting a refurbished Thinkpad T480 in 2024?
  • @velox_vulnus T480 owner here.

    Don't expect T480 with i7 to actually run 4 GHz all times when needed. Get an i5 model instead.

    I have i5-8350U. The best frequencies I could get on heavy load are 3.5-3.6 GHz (dGPU heatsink + PTM7950). Still throttles but not so much.

    T480 has excellent battery life with both 24 + 72Wh batteries. What was the main reason why I got it.

    My laptop wasn't refurbished. I got it used without some parts - SSD and both batteries. Then I bought all parts by myself.
    It could be cheaper to refurb it by yourself rather than by someone else.

  • Backlit not working on L440
  • @awesome_guy does keyboard has any logo on the left side of Space key? If no then keyboard is not backlit.

    Does keyboard backlit works in UEFI? It should.

    Also remove your keyboard using Hardware Maintenance Manual for L440 and look for backlit cable, it could be damaged or poorly connected.

  • Power X270 with USB c charger?
  • @schizoidman I saw X270 and X230 mods on Reddit that replaces Lenovo's power connector to USB-C.

  • T430 doesn't turn on - Help with troubleshooting?
  • @Jumuta Skulls just uses SeaBIOS as a payload, so it mush simpler.

    However you can still try Libreboot, but you need to dump your firmware and extract binary files from it (like IME for example, and vgablob if you have Nvidia GPU)

  • T430 doesn't turn on - Help with troubleshooting?
  • @Jumuta try Coreboot from Skulls project

  • T430 doesn't turn on - Help with troubleshooting?
  • @Jumuta if your laptop doesn't turn on, external flashing is the only way.


  • Evv1L Evv1L (Эвил)

    Тот самый феди челик который не затыкается о ThinkPad'ах.

    Верну описание как более менее вернусь в феди движуху. Чисто об увлечениях - без политоты, ибо нафиг надо.

    (Стучите только на почту. Пока нет желания пользоваться жабой и матриксом)

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