Skip Navigation offically enshrines the siteadmins' right to futher remove "misinformation" at will after an admin overthrew its vegan comm.
  • I think they're still butthurt about the fact that pets can go vegan and call pets "property".

  • US Supreme Court won’t allow LGBT student protection in certain states
  • "Guys please just vote for the blue jester instead of the red jester, if you don't the red jester will definitely make the king kill more peasants." you-are-a-serf

  • NSFW
    Reverse-transvestigators have determined that Dylan Mulvaney is secretly cisgender (CW: transphobia and extreme brainworms)
  • They also did this to Elliot Page. They think he was forcibly transed by "the elites" and then detransitioned into a man recently lol.

  • Yo Hexbear, what is this?
  • You should delete the "?=" and onward.

  • Yo Hexbear, what is this?
  • Basically, the link has a part at the end that doesn't do anything on the end of the user but lets the site keep track of which users came from the link you took. You can remove it and the only difference is that the site won't know they came because you shared something with them.

  • I seem to have a nack for finding trans folk streaming games I like.

    I wish I also had that, only trans gamers I follow are Mayro and Shayy.

  • If you could be a bug, what kind of bug would you be?
  • Rhino beetles are so cool, imagine having a huge horn.

    Big bug

  • Damn she got em all good epic style and showed em what democracy is. Fuckin uneducated tankies
  • We are people just like anybody else, we'll find another egotistical style-over-substance essayist to immediately fill the void with.

    P.s. I wish Natalie would see the light of Islam or something so this episode of discourse could end. White queer libs proudly and smugly admitting they don't care anything but themselves for the thousandth time.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Same. I tried to get my parents to consider veganism since it would even be cheaper under the current fucked up economy of our country but couldn't convince them. I might end up moving out, in which case I will go vegan.

  • Check-in thread: how are you, comrade?
  • Finally on the road to getting therapy. I did go to a psychologist, it just turns out my country does not have therapy in hospitals, just specific companies that hire psychologists to offer therapy. At least going to the psych at the hospital put me on track for a legal gender change.

    I am actually using this summer well, making sure to read at least a little every day and working out consistently. Going to buy men's clothing when money isn't so tight(next month).

  • The Progressive Case for American Power
  • Oooh is it gonna be pinkwashing? I'll edit after reading.

    Edit: There is no pinkwashing, so points for that ig. I am still not sure what I read. "American military has committed and continues to commit atrocities all around the globe but what if we were based and good instead? Checkmate."

  • "I’m the hacker that brought down North Korea’s Internet For Over A Week. AMA"
  • What single script stops all cyber attacks? Did he go and ask the feds to stop using the internet?

  • Not Likeable - Lemmy.World
  • Today I learned that voters have to vote for candidates this person likes no matter how shit they are. Only choice is Hitler? My party does not have to 'appeal' to you, go vote for him already you slave.

  • Not Likeable - Lemmy.World
  • I have had someone unironically tell me that before it was a joke on here. Average USian mind never fails to disappoint.

  • Atlanta mass shooting triggers bipolar man, who later boards a bus and has a gun pulled on him, ending with him taking the gun, shooting the guy and hijacking the bus.
  • I am sure this is a much more likely way to die than starvation, climate change related disaster or just an accident. Incredible argument.

  • Masculinity as a Trans Man? (Vent) (CW: transphobia, bullying)

    I'm not sure if this is the best place but I don't know where else I could talk about something like this. I know that my style of masculinity is toxic but I've never gotten good advice on how to overcome it as a trans man.

    The assumption that trans men don't have toxic masculinity because "they got socialized as women" is a common one in trans spaces and not only does it not apply to me, the implication that trans men are softer men pisses me off and digs me deeper.

    Lore time: I internalized masculine norms throughout my isolated childhood. I knew and insisted I was a boy from an early age and my behaviour got me isolated and bullied by my female peers. I was also mistreated a lot for being queer.

    My main problem is being insecure because of dysphoria combined with the transphobia I've received, pushing me to toxic competitive behaviour that runs the risk of alienating my friends. However, compared to the attitudes I've faced and still face in real life, affirmation from queer spaces about how men don't need to be one way feel detached from reality. How can I not be insecure when I've been bullied for my whole life and none of that would've happened if my body wasn't female? If I said that doesn't matter wouldn't it be cope?

    Tl;dr what do when toxically masculine as a trans man in very transphobic irl corcumstances? I would especially appreciate examples of masculine-presenting men who didn't engage in masculinity as a competition. If post is too big wall of text or just too many personal details tell me and I'll trim.

    EpicKebabEater EpicKebabEater [he/him, it/its]

    I no longer consume kebab

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