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You wanted AI, didn't you
  • Wake me up when Sepuary ends

  • Rebase Supremacy
  • Shit, I unironically thought they were talking about this, and I unironically haven’t switched because Barrier is broken on Wayland

  • This was the first result on Google
  • Remember the time Jeremy Clarkson fitted his car with a fridge in Africa and no one wanted to give him a jump? Yeah that.

  • A 7,000-Pound Car Smashed Through a Guardrail. That’s Bad News for All of Us.
  • "The goliath-like GMC Hummer EV weighs a staggering 9,083 pounds, 2 tons more than a gas-guzzling H3."

    I’m confused 'Murica, do you want freedom or not?

  • Deleted
  • Ruletherford model

  • better not miss one
  • I feel like it’s not quite 50/50, more like 90/10 instead.

    90% of the people didn’t care or look close enough. The Captcha algorithm picked that up. The remaining 10% of people who actually use their brain have to either gamble on that 10% chance, or succumb to the hive mind to save that 3 seconds of their lives.

  • Hot take
  • I’m a noob using the default Ubuntu DE for a few months now and I’ve gotten used to it, at this point I’m afraid to ask what are the other DEs and whether I should swap over

  • Beef Liners
  • How do I delete someone else’s comment and their username?

  • Weekly Warframe: Nekros
  • I still struggle to find a good color scheme for the Shadows so that I won’t keep shooting at them, and I refuse to use the new UGLY ally outline thing

  • Anyone Else Have Problems with Kullervo's 1?
  • Same for me, Kullervo has been having problems with glaives since launch, I don’t think they’ve ever acknowledged it even.

  • Heavy Weapon Preferences?
  • Larkspur (Prime) ftw, basically Kuva Nukor in space. While your average public squads are shooting at the enemies one by one, I’m MOPPING the entire map off the universe.

    Honourable mentions:

    • Corvas Prime for PT, but I know some would prefer Mausolon or Imperator Vandal for the phase skip.
    • Fluctus for Orphix, not that anyone plays that mission.
    • Cortege, your beloved Ignis Wraith in space with the special Space Dad treatment.
    • Morgha, your Trumna in space.
    • The 2 kuva heavy weapons are alright as well, you can try them in the Kahl missions, so you can easily decide if you like them.

    I still haven’t built any heavy weapons that require parts from the New Loka and the Perrin Sequence, so no comments on them yet.

  • Weekly Warframe: Ember
  • Ember is actually much better than people give her credit for atm, obviously a lot of players are still in the reminiscence of the old World on Fire, but we now have Gyre for that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Her 1 is the subsume slot, use whatever you like. I use Condemn for shieldgate, but every other meta abilities work as well, choose your poison.

    Her 2 costs 0 zero energy to cast and maintain when it’s between 50% and 89%. The percentage rise steadily, or rapidly after you cast her 4. You can drop the percentage by 20 and slow it back down by casting her 3.

    Her 3 armor strips enemies and can be casted in rapid succession to quickly full strip enemies, lower the percentage on the 2, or crowd control.

    Her 4 would be your main source of damage after armor stripping the entire map. The augment provides a healthy energy regen.

    Essentially what you’ll do is cast 2, then cast 3 or 4 depending on the percentage or the amount of armor remaining on the enemies. Cast 1 whenever appropriate according to your personal preference of subsumed abilities.

    The only issue I’ve encountered is that her armor strip doesn’t work on acolytes and bosses, other than that, I think she’s sitting at a very nice place in the current meta.

    Edit: added my current build, swap out Power Drift for PSF if you prefer that. The arcanes are Energize and Molt Augmented.

  • Share your Dagath builds
  • Update: Just realized I should be using Intensify+Augur Secrets instead of Transient Fortitude

  • Share your Dagath builds
  • Here's my 0 forma build, it will likely stay that way for a couple of years as I don't like putting formas into non prime frames.

    Her survivability depends on shieldgating and her 3, Arcane Blessing and Equilibrium help a bit too, I tried Arcane Guardian as well but 666 hp is not quite enough in higher level missions.

    The playstyle is mostly cast 2 then spam 1 to spread, cast 4 if large groups or if you need armor strip, cast 3 and have it running whenever you have enough energy.

  • Just Finished Construction of Yareli...
  • She doing quite well in terms of survivability and damage output, but the handling of Merulina remains a huge issue, especially with the invisible corners everywhere. I lost count of how many times I’ve tried her, had little fun, then got irritated 2 minutes later and switched to another frame.

  • Creative use for a 30GB portable USB SSD stick?

    It's an mSATA SSD that I've been using as the boot drive in my 10-year-old laptop running Ubuntu. Recently I got my hands on a 256GB SATA SSD for upgrade and a USB enclosure for the old drive.

    I'm not sure what I can use it for since I already have two 64GB USB thumb drives that only get used sporadically. The best I could come up with is to make it into a portable Linux boot drive for my Windows PC, but given the size was already struggling with my laptop, I don't think it would work too well with a full-on desktop computer. Any thoughts?

    I love that you can add instances and view them without having to sign into an account for that instance
  • You can add different instances under Settings>Accounts and view feed from their point of view, even without logging in.

  • I love that you can add instances and view them without having to sign into an account for that instance
  • I only just tried it out yesterday and I already removed all the other Lemmy apps from my homepages. Browsing any community regardless of your instance IMO is the very essence of federation, no other app has done this. This app is stellar, and working great both on iOS and Android.

  • Encinos Encinos
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    Comments 18