Is it just me or is this a terrible idea? 5 0
College?? The babies yearn for the mines!!
Asking a simple question online 8 0
No. Clowns are an endangered species. Speed Stick dries them out.
I would read a whole comics series about this... 4 0
Or maybe Gargamel is God and the Smurfs are “fallen angels”. Papa Smurf is the Devil! Gargamel is trying to round up demons
TIL that Orcas sometimes eat moose 2 0
How the hell do they even hold the gun to hunt!?!
Tucker Carlson claims he was mauled by a demon while asleep, leaving claw marks 2 0
No man! It was a succubus!
And that's also why I was late again for work today. 10 1
I mean, what are the SCP recommendations??
Brazilian Wandering Spider 6 0
Hey! Necrophiliacs need love, too!
TIL that the tumbleweeds commonly found in the American West are Russian thistle. They are an invasive species from Asia that adapted well to the dry, open landscapes of the western U.S. 4 0
“They’re eating the dogs! They’re eating the cats! They’re eating the tumbleweeds!”
It's been 30 years and I still can't get over the fact that the French word for "potatoes" is "ground apples." Have The French never had an apple? 3 0
And french fries are Pommes Frites. Fried apples
There's a new virus making people forget 80s rock bands 7 0
There is always something there to remind me
Based and Chin-pilled 3 0
With the right plastic surgeon you could have more fingers…
It's the spherical chicken of legend! Somebody get the frictionless vacuum! 4 0
Chicken pot pi
Former KKK leader David Duke endorses Jill Stein 13 8
You do know that you need the other party’s voters to jump ship to win the election, right?
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