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Palworld is at least honest.
  • annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd blocked you've gotten weirder

  • Last thing a space slaver sees.
  • okay this is very based

  • You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a woke criminal.
  • Sounds good comrade, a cw doesn't seem all that troublesome, im okay with it

  • What's the non-binary equivalent of the term "manchild"
  • "absolute toddler"

    "deeply unserious"

  • You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a woke criminal.
  • dude im a tankie i don't know what the fuck either of you are talking about

  • r/tankiejerk - "I used to support Palestine, but now I don't know anymore"



  • Removed
    What is the purpose of the fakenews comm?
  • not just don't like it, like actively think its reactionary and should be like destroyed

    just because its silly doesn't mean its reactionary

  • "Raw Egg Nationalist"
  • literally why don't these people just cook the fucking egg it doesn't take that long please just cook

  • "Raw Egg Nationalist"
  • what is going on

  • You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a woke criminal.
  • CW: shrimp meat

    i don't think shrimp allergies can be transmitted through the screen

  • Palworld is at least honest.
  • pet ownership is not weird you detached idiot

  • Palworld is at least honest.
  • hexbear is both the best and dumbest place on the whole internet

  • Palworld is at least honest.
  • no, the cats will be mine

  • Palworld is at least honest.
  • if your ideology is making bait you should shut the fuck up

  • Palworld is at least honest.
  • fool the correct choice has been and always will be BEYBLADE

  • Palworld is at least honest.
  • that would be a completely ridiculous struggle session to have, no one is against banning pets, unless you're a bastard landlord or have justifiable reasons due to allergies (but even then its usually 'keep them out of this area' not 'ban people from having animal friends')

    so hexbear will stay free of such things

  • EdelethIsBae EdelethIsBae [she/her, she/her]

    I do not tolerate obstacles

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