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Hate how murican Redditors act when something racist happens outside USA
  • Lmao in what world is that unacceptable to say in America???

  • question for the meat eaters: pork bung yay or nay?
  • Same reason humans thought to eat anything else, out of necessity. We are very fortunate to be able to choose what we want to eat, most humans throughout history just had to eat what they had, and in some situations, what they had was pig ass

  • Being Alive is Too Expensive - Price Gouging, Greed, Inflation whatever you call it is too damn high
  • It pisses me off so much when people say "oh inflation is going down" because what that means is that things are still getting more expensive, just not as quickly. Shit is already too expensive, we do not need it getting more expensive slowly, we need shit to be less expensive.

  • The level of debate over Gaza in the US
  • PSL is a Marxist Leninist party with a candidate on the ballot in several states, but I'm sure you would just scold anyone who voted for them instead of blue fascists

  • All for cheep feed for the slaughter houses and fucked up fuel
  • Wow, really fucked up to dismiss the usefulness of corn. It's also for Doritos and Coca Cola.

  • Repost
  • Gonna start advocate beating children and if anyone says that's bad I'll call them a stupid anarkiddie who just hates bedtime

  • How many insects in your apartment is a problem?
  • Fruit flies are just an annoyance. Roaches are harmful mostly in that they can contaminate your food/kitchen stuff and make you sick, but they don't bite. If you're waking up with bites, I'd check your mattress and bed for signs of bedbugs. Little black/dark red dots in cracks and corners are the telltale signs.

  • How many insects in your apartment is a problem?
  • I'd say that's a big problem. For every bug you see there's at least a dozen more you didn't. Having pest control come in has varying levels of disruption and difficulty depending on how they're treating, but the bigger problem is that in a lot of buildings (I used to live in one such building, and I suspect you might as well) the bugs are in the walls of the entire building, so you're fighting an impossible uphill battle. If you come to the conclusion that's the case, you kind of just have to move yeah, which I know isn't easy, but it's an unfortunate reality. I'm sorry you have to deal with this comrade.

  • Repost
  • Also fucking idiotic. Do teachers who do this really think it discourages the disruptive kid, or rather encourages them by giving them the incredible power of fucking up the day of several dozen other kids?

  • Data shows average Chinese national now eats more protein than an American, UN food agency says
  • No it isn't?

    From the article:

    But the Chinese people are also showing that it is possible to increase protein consumption without eating as much meat as the Americans, which also benefits the planet.

  • Locked
    BadEmpanada is mad Hasan went to the DNC, I guess.
  • I remember him once saying something to the effect that first world socialist movements have absolutely no hope and if someone from the first world wants to make the world better they should move to Palestine/some other third world country and join Hamas/some other militant third world group. So that is probably why he is screaming at people online instead of organizing.

  • Locked
    BadEmpanada is mad Hasan went to the DNC, I guess.
  • I don't even disagree with BE on much (this is one of the things) but I just had to stop watching him because it made me so miserable. I don't think that man has ever had a positive thought, or if he ever has he certainly hasn't ever made it apparent. Just constant rage and hostility. Not to say it's unwarranted, ruthless criticism etc etc, but it does get incredibly exhausting and depressing to watch.

  • Favorite cozy Youtubers?
  • Little Chinese Everywhere makes wholesome travel videos, mostly about China and other Asian countries but also other places.

  • You joke about trots
  • Radio will never be a reliable news source like the papers! Didn't you hear that recent war of the world's broadcast? Everyone thought the world was ending cause they tuned in halfway through!

  • If you see this, brush your teeth
  • It's unfortunate indeed, but at the same time, the best floss is the floss you'll actually use reliably. I know a lot of people, myself included, wouldn't floss if it weren't for the convenience of the sticks

  • NO.
  • If the government is looking for efficiencies then you can bet the department of government efficiency is first on the chopping block

  • *deleted*
  • There's never gonna be a perfect ready made socialist party for you to join. Pick one and do your best to make it and the world better. What specific organization you're with is way way less important than the fact that you're organized somehow.

  • (CW: animal cruelty) This is a death cult, full stop. In a less broken society, this would never be allowed.
  • Going to be VERY disappointed if I do not get a little cutscene with inspirational music and Sean Bean talking about progress and then an endgame screen telling me I won upon setting foot on Mars.

  • Tim Walz made a "white people tacos" joke and Chuds are big mad about it
  • See the problem here is the unseasoned ground beef. You've gotta pour in one of those old el paso taco seasoning pouches in there.

  • Venting: I hate how unaccountable every website/app is
  • Yeah. Those working the phones are just regular working people, not "white collar freaks working from home 10-2 three days a week". Please treat them decently as you would all other workers.