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Be honest... Are you a bad person?
  • Why was this (original) post deleted?

  • Deleted
    Be honest... Are you a bad person?
  • I love how a lot of people here admits they are just plain bad. Thank you. Is the first time I read something like this. Bad people I crossed always think they are the heroes of their own story. "You just don't understand".

    Thank you. Please try to change, but... thank you anyway.

  • Deleted
    Be honest... Are you a bad person?
  • I'm not so sure about that. Some people deserve the bad... they made a choice.

  • Browser closes after start with "Your profile 'MullvadBrowser' could not be loaded". · Issue #46 · flathub/net.mullvad.MullvadBrowser
  • This is not an official flatpak from Mullvad team, and this "bug" was kind of a "red flag" for my trust.

  • Do you pay for some pirated contents
  • Yes, I pirate for many reasons. Money used to be the main one when I didn't have any. Today, fortunately, I'm doing very well, but I still do it because it's much more convenient than adapting to each of the streaming platforms, or because I access uncensored material (music and shows). For example, I'm a big fan of South Park, and the only way to access several episodes is by pirating them. My family pays for the family plan of all the major streaming services, so if I wanted to access them legally, I could, but God, I'll never do it. I really find it all pathetic.

    Regarding software, I try to avoid using anything that requires payment. I donate anonymously to many open-source projects: Cryptomator, GrapheneOS, Electrum, Veracrypt, Librewolf, WG Tunnel, and VLC. I pay for the premium versions of Bitwarden and ProtonMail. And that's it, that's all.

  • Meta to pause plans to use personal data to train AI models
  • Oh, ok then. I trust you now.

  • Deleted
    Why do so many people still hate GrapheneOS?
  • You are making too much sense. You need to choose a side or both communities will hate you.

  • Flatpak Firefox (and forks) very slow to start
  • I mean, it doesn't matter the distro....

  • Proton Pass for Linux
  • This is the only thing I want from Proton and they released another bitwarden alike.

  • only as in free beer
  • Not at all. Proof is in recent history. How long took to steal the multi touch from iPhone without paying a single patent? Once is out, is everyones game. If the market demand it enough.

    You can be the first one, and that should pay you enough. If you want more, or think it doesn't worth your time, let room for somebody else.

    New tech doesn't need patents. Drugs are another example. The blank brand drugs sell less than Bayern in my country and IT'S THE SAME DRUG. But people trust brands. So you are still in business even years after the patent expires. You don't need this laws to preserve new tech from coming out, companys want the markets only for themselves as long as they can. That's it.

    If you could copy a drug from day one, health would be a better business for everyone except a few, and those few will only make a little less money. They won't go bankrupt.

  • only as in free beer
  • No, I don't have to. That's too superfluous.

    In jobs where you need to do researches, you just charge your time more expensive. That's it.

  • only as in free beer
  • I love piracy.

    I think patents are stupid and if you invent something good you should be able to sell it at whatever price you feel like, and if I copy what you did and sell it cheaper, that's on you. Try to make it better and cheaper next time. Or find your premium market, or find your 'the original creator' market, or receive donations, or etc...

    But make it illegal to copy? That's just a pussy move.

  • only as in free beer
  • Nope. If the product is finished and you make a copy, nobody else is paying.

    If you go to the store (90s style) and steal a copy, that's a whole different thing.

  • New ASUS router firmware now requires a user to be 16y or older and will restrict features and even security upgrades if you opt out
  • Lucky you. In my case it is what you can get or overpay by a lot, so Asus was always the best option. I use merlin though.

  • only as in free beer
  • That doesn't make it free. Somebody else is paying.

  • Locked
    Is lemmy now what reddit used to be 10+ years ago?
  • You really need to be 'that' guy

  • Standard Notes is changing its license Clarification on project's license and open source state · standardnotes/forum · Discussion #3196

    Hello 👋, Just came across this project, and saw the app being advertised as open source, like on this page where it's advertised as "100% open source". Looking at the app repo though, the licensing...

    Clarification on project's license and open source state · standardnotes/forum · Discussion #3196

    Hello everyone,

    I've been using Standard Notes on the recommendation of Privacy Guides since the beginning of this year, I believe, and it has truly been a fantastic experience. It serves my purpose perfectly, is truly cross-platform, open source, and lightweight. It was a real find, and I couldn't be happier to have it installed. However, it seems that they are planning to change the licensing to one that restricts companies from abusing their code (which makes sense), but I wanted to know if this goes against the guidelines in terms of considering it recommendable.

    I don't really understand licenses, so correct me if I'm wrong, but with this change if the project becomes private, a fork couldn't be created for all users who want to continue having the software format but not the backend... Is that correct?


    Is there a Fritter alternative?

    Is there any app like Fritter? I mean, I need Twitter for my job, but in a passive way. What is the best option without login in the official app or website (Linux/Android).


    Tuxedo OS

    What do you guys think about Tuxedo OS from a privacy point of view? Thanks

    Extension Pack in VirtualBox, is there a privacy risk?

    Hello, I try to keep my Debian laptop as private as possible, but for work, I need to use Windows software, so I run a VirtualBox with Windows 11. My PC runs smoothly without any issues, but I need to access my specific hardware USB ports, and it doesn't recognize them. I read that I need to install the Extension Pack, so I downloaded it, but before installing it, I get a warning message that seems to suggest I'm accepting some risk to my computer. I don't really understand this stuff, so I wanted to ask the following:

    Is there any security or privacy risk associated with the VirtualBox Extension Pack?

    Is there any other way to access my USB-C devices without installing it? (I've already tried selecting USB 2.0 and 3.0, but the list shows "no device available").

    Thank you very much to whoever responds.

    PS: Also I found this on the Internet: "The user agreement VirtualBox extension pack states of sharing a user’s data to the US govt. including the hardware information and so on. Does it make sense even if I use Tails/Whonix for anonymity?" :-/

    Dsklnsadog Dsklnsadog
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